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N103 Detect Indefinite and Infinite in an Array

Routine ID: N103
Author(s): C. LetertreLibrary: KERNLIB
Submitter: J. ZollSubmitted: 01.09.1969
Language: Fortran or AssemblerRevised: 15.09.1991

IUWEED scans a vector and returns the address of the first quantity which is either 'indefinite' or 'infinite'.


FUNCTION subprogram
User Entry Names: IUWEED


sets IW to the relative address, in the N element vector IVEC, of the first element containing either an 'indefinite' or 'infinite'. IW = 0 if there are no such elements. IVEC is not changed.


Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:06:23 METDST 1995