Routine ID: N203 | |
Author(s): C. Letertre, J. Zoll | Library: KERNLIB |
Submitter: C. Letertre | Submitted: 31.01.1972 |
Language: Fortran | Revised: 15.09.1978 |
TCDUMP may be used for dumping sections of memory in octal (CDC) or hexadecimal (IBM), optionally combined with any or all of the other modes ( INTEGER, REAL, or Hollerith).
The dump shows 5 words per line. The address of the first word of each line is given 3 times. The absolute address in memory (using LOCF), the relative address within the vector in decimal, and in octal (CDC) or hexadecimal (IBM).
Continous strings of identical content or strings of preset indefinites produce a single line.
SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: TCDUMP
Files Referenced: Printer
External References: UBLOW (M409), IUCOMP (V304),
IUSAME (M501), LOCF (N100)
COMMON /TOC /A,B(12),D CALL TCDUMP(5H/TOC/,A,14,1HF)dumps the common block TOC in octal and floating.
Service or Housekeeping Programming Aids