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Q120 High Level Interface to Graphics and Zebra

Routine ID: Q120
Author(s): O. CouetLibrary: GRAFLIB
Submitter: Submitted: 10.02.1988
Language: Fortran and CRevised: 01.11.1994

The HIGZ package is part of PAW (Q121) (Physics Analysis Workstation), but can be used independently. HIGZ contains entries which look and act like many of the entries of GKS (Graphics Kernel System) and, in addition, has entries providing a higher level of functionality such as plotting whole histograms. HIGZ also contains an option to create a device independent metafile stored in ZEBRA (Q100) format which can hence be ported, and re-interpreted, on other machines and operating systems.

The complete HIGZ facilities are available in the PAW (Q121) system.


SUBROUTINE subprograms


See Long Write-up.


Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:06:23 METDST 1995