Routine ID: V401 | |
Author(s): A. Regl | Library: MATHLIB |
Submitter: H. Grote | Submitted: 01.02.1974 |
Language: Fortran | Revised: 15.09.1978 |
GRAPH finds all compatible sets of events (nodes) in an incompatibility graph (in which incompatible events or nodes are connected). It is useful, for example, in track-matching programs for eliminating spurious tracks.
On each call, one compatible node-set is returned. The user may decide in the first call whether the solutions should be evaluated over the whole graph or subgraph by subgraph. Indications on "end-of-graph" and, if applicable, "end-of-subgraph" are given.
SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: GRAPH
Internal Entry Names: PGRAPH, GETBIT, SETBIT,
External References: JBIT, SBIT, JBYT,
SBYT (M421), UFILL, UZERO (V300)
COMMON Block Names and Lengths : /BITSXB/ 2
See Long Write-up.
K.S. Kölbig, F. Lamarche, C. Leroy