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Z008 Job Time in IBM Accounting Units

Routine ID: Z008
Author(s): A. Berglund, R. MatthewsLibrary: KERNLIB, CERN IBM only
Submitter: Submitted: 01.12.1981
Language: AssemblerRevised: 20.06.1985


Please note that this routine has been obsoleted in CNL 219. Users are advised not to use it any longer and to replace it in older programs. No maintenance for it will take place and it will eventually disappear.
Suggested replacement: None

TIMAL interfaces with the system of any CERN IBM-like machine to obtain the central processor time used by and remaining to the job and then converts these times to CERN IBM accounting seconds.

Currently this unit is one second of IBM 370/168-3 CPU time.


SUBROUTINE subprograms
External References: Machine dependent


returns execution time in CERN IBM accounting seconds used by the job so far; T is the normalised central processor time in seconds, a REAL number with fractional part.
returns execution time remaining in CERN IBM accounting seconds until time-limit (user time-limits are always specified in accounting seconds); T in seconds as for TIMAX.
returns execution time interval in CERN IBM accounting seconds since last call to TIMAD; T in seconds as for TIMAX.
This routine is necessary to initialise the timing operations in the interactive mode of VM-CMS. In other systems (including VM-CMS batch) it is a dummy do-nothing routine.

It must be called once (subsequent calls are ignored) before any calls to TIMAX and TIMAL. Before this routine is called TIMAX will return zero and TIMAL will return 999.0 x a multiplicative constant. TLIM is an input floating point value which will be used inside TIMAL as if it were the job time-limit in CERN IBM accounting seconds. The first call to TIMAST also establishes the time origin for subsequent calls to TIMAX and TIMAL.


See the remarks in DATIME (Z007). A consequence of the 1 second resolution of TIMEL is that TIMAL has a resolution of about 8 secs on the IBM 3090.


  1. The information returned by these routines is obtained by a system request. On some machines this is expensive in real time, so one should avoid too many calls, to TIMAL in particular.
  2. These routines are identical to those in DATIME (Z007) except for a multiplicative constant. These constants are averages over a range of CERN work and may not be valid for an individual job. The current values of these constants are:
    Machine Constant
    IBM 168-3 1.0
    Siemens 7-890 5.0
    IBM 3090 8.0

  3. These routines will not work outside the CERN version of the IBM operating system and VM-CMS.


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Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:06:23 METDST 1995