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Z041 Restart of Next Event

Routine ID: Z041
Author(s): W. Jank, D. Lellouch, R. Matthews, E. Pagiola, J. ZollLibrary: KERNLIB
Submitter: Submitted: 28.08.1984
Language: Assembler or CRevised:

This interface routine allows the user to restart his program at the entry point QNEXTE, provided he has initiated it at this same entry point.

For first entry, QNEXTE remembers all necessary internal Fortran parameters, such as registers, trace-back, stack pointers, signal mask, whatever is needed on a given machine, and then calls a user-supplied routine QNEXT.

On any subsequent entry, QNEXTE resets all internal parameters so as to cancel all open CALLs below its own level, and then transfers again control to QNEXT. If in QNEXT a RETURN statement is reached this will lead back to the routine which did the first call to QNEXTE, usually the MAIN program.


(Pseudo) SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: QNEXTE
Internal Entry Names: QNEXTD (on Vax)
External References: User-supplied SUBROUTINE subprogram QNEXT


will transfer control to the routine QNEXT supplied by the user, via a CALL QNEXT (no parameter list).


QNEXT is a user routine which cannot be loaded implicitly from a library. If to be used at all, it has to be loaded explicitly, either from a load file (such as produced by the compiler) or by some form of INCLUDE from a user library.

Because QNEXTE is referenced by some general packages, whose user may not want to supply a QNEXT, the reference from QNEXTE to QNEXT has been made 'weak' (to avoid the 'missing external' message from the loader) on the Vax (and probably also on some other machines in the future). In this case QNEXTE has a call to a Fortran dummy routine QNEXTD to print a message if it is reached without the user having supplied a routine QNEXT.

On most UNIX machines the loader is not able to start a module with missing externals; in this case, the user is obliged to provide a routine QNEXT, to stop the run, for example.


Schema of Fortran CALL levels :

    MAIN     CALL QNEXTE       ...       EVLOOP   CALL MATCH
    QNEXTE   CALL QNEXT        .         MATCH    CALL TEST
    QNEXT    CALL EVLOOP     ...         TEST     CALL QNEXTE
The last CALL QNEXTE abandons the current event.


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Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:06:23 METDST 1995