Routine ID: Z264 | |
Author(s): F. Carminati, M. Marquina | Library: KERNLIB or Fortran Run-Time Library |
Submitter: | Submitted: 13.07.1988 |
Language: Fortran + C | Revised: 15.03.1993 |
IARGC is used to return arguments that the user has given to an executable module on the command line.
FUNCTION subprograms
User Entry Names: GETARG, IARGC
NPAR = IARGC()sets NPAR to the number of blank delimited arguments present after the program name on the command line. NPAR and IARGC are of type INTEGER.
"a variable here"is equivalent to one argument.
CHARACTER*100 STRING C C-- Retrieve the number of arguments given to this program C NPAR=IARGC() C-- and then get one by one, storing it in STRING DO 10 N = 1,NPAR CALL GETARG(N,STRING) PRINT *, STRING(1:LENOCC(STRING)) 10 CONTINUE END