Routine ID: Z267 | |
Author(s): J. Zoll | Library: KERNLIB, VAX only |
Submitter: | Submitted: 01.09.1990 |
Language: Fortran | Revised: 01.11.1994 |
These routines convert a file name from UNIX form to VAX VMS form, and vice versa. The correspondance is as follows:
VAX: node::disk:[a.b.c]file.ext;cy UNIX: //node/disk/a/b/c/file.ext;cy VAX: [a.b.c]file.ext;cy and [.a.b.c]file.ext;cy UNIX: /(a/b/c/file.ext;cy a/b/c/file.ext;cyForms like ../file.ext;cy and /dir/file.ext;cy are also handled.
SUBROUTINE subprograms
User Entry Names: FTOVAX, FFRVAX
Convert to VAX form
CALL FTOVAX(CHNAME,NCH) *CHNAME* file-name to be converted in situ *NCH* significant length of the name
No conversion is done if the file-name does not contain
a character "/" on input.
Convert to UNIX form
CALL FFRVAX(CHNAME,NCH) *CHNAME* file-name to be converted in situ *NCH* significant length of the nameNo conversion is done if the file-name does already contain a character "/" on input.
This routine does some tidying up if necessary, thus for example the troublesome disk:[a][b.c]fn.ext becomes the correct /disk/a/b/c/fn.ext
Both routines return ISTAT=0 if no conversion was needed,
ISTAT=1 for successful conversion,
and ISTAT=-1 if a syntax error was detected.
Note that both routines update both the file-name and its useful length NCH in situ.
tex/z267.tex [.tex]z267.tex ../wyl/ [-.wyl] /(julia/kern/wyl/ [julia.kern.wyl] /cern_root/pam/ cern_root:[pam]