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C208 Roots of a Quartic Equation

Routine ID: C208
Author(s): K.S. KölbigLibrary: MATHLIB
Submitter: Submitted: 15.01.1988
Language: FortranRevised: 01.12.1994

Subroutine subprograms RRTEQ4 and DRTEQ4 compute the four roots of

x4+ ax3+ bx2+ cx + d = 0 (*)

for real coefficients a,b,c,d.

On computers other than CDC or Cray, only the double-precision version DRTEQ4 is available. On CDC and Cray computers, only the single-precision version RRTEQ4 is available.


SUBROUTINE subprograms
User Entry Names: RRTEQ4, DRTEQ4
Obsolete User Entry Names: RTEQ4 RRTEQ4
External References: RRTEQ3, DRTEQ3 (C207)


For t=R (type REAL), t=D (type DOUBLE PRECISION),

(type according to t) Coefficients a,b,c,d in (*) .
( COMPLEX for t=R , COMPLEX*16 for t=D ) One-dimensional array of length ≥4 . On exit, Z contains the roots of (*) .
(type according to t) On exit, DC is set to the value of the discriminant of the cubic resolvent of (*) .
( INTEGER) On exit, MT specifies the type of the roots:
= 1: Four real roots in Z(1),...,Z(4) ;
= 2: Two pairs of complex conjugate roots, one pair in Z(1), Z(2), the other in Z(3), Z(4);
= 3: Two real roots in Z(1), Z(2), and one pair of complex conjugate roots in Z(3), Z(4).


The equation is solved by the classical procedure, i.e., by solving its cubic resolvent and by combining the square roots of these solutions appropriately.


Depends on the coefficients a,b,c,d. The values of Z(1),...,Z(4) and of DC may be inaccurate if |DC| is very small. MT may be uncertain in such cases.


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Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:06:23 METDST 1995