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C345 Zeros of Bessel Functions J and Y

Routine ID: C345
Author(s): K.S. KölbigLibrary: MATHLIB
Submitter: Submitted: 01.08.1989
Language: FortranRevised: 01.12.1994

Subroutine subprograms RBZEJY and DBZEJY calculate, for real order a ≥0 , the first N > 0 zeros

ja,n, ya,n, j'a,n, y'a,n(n=1,2,...,N)

of the Bessel functions Ja(x), Ya(x), J'a(x), Y'a(x) , respectively. The prime denotes the derivative of the function with respect to x.

On CDC and Cray computers, the double-precision version DBZEJY is not available.


SUBROUTINE subprograms
User Entry Names: RBZEJY, DBZEJY
Obsolete User Entry Names: BZEJY RBZEJY
Files Referenced: Unit 6
External References: MTLMTR (N002), ABEND (Z035)


For t=R (type REAL), t=D (type DOUBLE PRECISION),

(type according to t) Order a.
( INTEGER) Number N of zeros wanted.
( INTEGER) defines the function for which the zeros are to be calculated:
zeros of Ja(x) ,
zeros of Ya(x) ,
zeros of J'a(x) ,
zeros of Y'a(x) .
(type according to t) The requested relative accuracy.
(type according to t) One-dimensional array of length N at least. On exit, X(n), (n=1,2,...,N ) contains the first N positive (in the case A=0 and MODE=3 , non-negative) zeros of the function defined by MODE.


Initial approximations to the zeros are computed from asymptotic expansions. These values are improved by higher-order Newton iteration making use of the differential equation for the Bessel functions. (For details see Ref. 1).

Error handling:

Error C345.1: A<0.

A message is written on Unit 6, unless subroutine MTLSET (N002) has been called. The contents of X is left unchanged. N ≤0 acts as do nothing.

The subroutine is based on Algol procedures published in the References.


  1. N.M. Temme, An algorithm with Algol60 program for the computation of the zeros of ordinary Bessel functions and those of their derivatives, J. Comput. Phys. 32 (1979) 270--279.
  2. N.M. Temme, On the numerical evaluation of the ordinary Bessel function of the second kind, J. Comput. Phys. 21 (1976) 343--350.


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Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:06:23 METDST 1995