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D101 Integration by Simpson's Rule

Routine ID: D101
Author(s): K.S. KölbigLibrary: MATHLIB
Submitter: Submitted: 15.01.1988
Language: FortranRevised: 15.03.1993

Function subprograms SIMPS and DSIMPS use Simpson's rule to compute an approximate value of the integral

I = ∫ABf(x)dx.

On CDC or Cray computers, the double-precision version DSIMPS is not available.


FUNCTION subprograms
User Entry Names: SIMPS, DSIMPS
Files Referenced: Unit 6
External References: MTLMTR (N002), ABEND (Z035)


In any arithmetic expression, SIMPS(F,A,B,N) or DSIMPS(F,A,B,N)

has the approximate value of the integral I, where SIMPS is of type REAL and DSIMPS is of type DOUBLE PRECISION, and F, A, B have the same type as the function name. N is of type INTEGER.

One-dimensional array with dimension (0:d), where d ≥N , containing the value of f(x) at N+1

equally-spaced points xi, (i=0,1,...,N) , with x0= A and xN= B .

End-points of integration interval.
As defined above. N must be positive and even.

Error handling:

Error D101.1: N ≤0 or N odd. The function value is set equal to zero, and a message is written on Unit 6, unless subroutine MTLSET (N002) has been called.


Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:06:23 METDST 1995