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Display routines

Display of a bank or a data structure


Action: DZSHOW displays the contents of a bank or a data structure in a store. The output format of the data part is controlled by the internal or external I/O characteristic.

Character variable specifying the text to be printed together with the display (truncated to 50 characters).
Index of the store containing the bank or data structure.
Address of bank or entry address to the data structure which is to be displayed.
Character variable specifying option desired.
Print the single bank at LBANK (default).
Print the bank contents from top to bottom Downwards with five elements per line.
Print the bank contents from left to right Sideways with up to ten elements per line (default).
Print the linear structure supported by LBANK.
Print the vertical (down) structure supported by LBANK.
Print the data part of each bank in hexadecimal format (i.e. ignoring the I/O characteristic).

Index of the first link in a bank which will be printed.
Index of the last link in a bank which will be printed.
Index of the first data word in a bank which will be printed.
Index of the last data word in a bank which will be printed.

Example of the use of DZSHOW

      CALL DZSHOW ('Display banks',IXSTOR,LQMAIN,'BLV',3,7,0,0)
The complete

structure supported by the bank at address LQMAIN in store IXSTOR is to be displayed, i.e. both down and next links are to be followed.

Links 3 to 7 and all data words of each bank are to be printed.


  1. When ILNK2<ILNK1 (IDAT2<IDAT1) no links (data) are output.
  2. When ILNK2=ILNK1=0 (IDAT2=IDAT1=0) all links (data) are output.
  3. When ILNKi or IDATi are outside bounds for a given bank, the actual values for the bank in question are taken.
  4. The explanation of the first output line printed for each bank is given in section ``Bank information'' under the heading ``First line (General information)'' in the description of routine DZSNAP.

Print the format of a bank


Action: DZFORM prints the format of the data part of a bank. It uses the I/O characteristic stored in the bank, decodes the information and prints it in a format which is compatible with the input of MZFORM.

Index of the store where the bank resides.
Print the I/O characteristic for the bank at address LBANK.
If LBANK = 0 all I/O characteristics declared with MZFORM are printed

Display of a ZEBRA store


Action: DZSTOR displays the structure of the ZEBRA store identified by IXSTOR. The routine outputs the parameters characterizing the store, followed by a list of all divisions and all link areas associated with the store in question.

Character variable specifying the text to be printed together with the dump (truncated to 50 characters).
Index of store to be displayed.

The store parameters give the store sequence number (identifier), name and absolute address, followed by the useful length, the number of fence, structural, permanent and working space link words, the minimal and actual number of words in the reserve area between divisions 1 and 2, the minimal offset of the upper end of default division 2 and the number of short term and long term user divisions.

Display of a link area


Action: DZAREA displays the contents of a ZEBRA link area.

Character variable with text to be printed with the dump (truncated to 50 characters).
Index of store to which link area is associated.
Character variable specifying the name of the link area to be mapped.
If CHLA=' ' all link areas associated with the store are printed ('N' option only)
One of the links of the link area to be printed ('A' option only)
Character variable specifying option desired
Use the link parameter LLA to identify the link area (default)
Use the name parameter CHLA to identify the link area

Example of use of DZAREA

      CALL DZAREA ('Display of link area TRACK',IXCOMM,'TRACK',0,'N')
A list of the addresses in the link area TRACK associated with store IXCOMM will be given.

Survey of a ZEBRA data structure


Action: DZSURV displays the survey of a ZEBRA data structure. All horizontal (NEXT) as well as all vertical (DOWN) structural

links of a ZEBRA (sub)structure are followed. Illegal structural links cause transfer to ZFATAL.

Character variable specifying the text to be printed together with the dump (truncated to 50 characters).
Index of store where the data structure resides.
Address of the bank supporting the data (sub)structure for which the survey is desired.
If the structure is legal, printed output is produced. Each line contains the following information:

Example of the use of DZSURV

      CALL DZSURV ('Summary of the EV data structure',IXSTOR,LEV)

Output generated by DZSURV

DZSURV --- Survey of the EV data structure  ST= MainStor  LSTART=     9069
  NWCUM     NW   WBK  NBK    IDENTIFIER(S)                                                                                       
     27     27    27    1     EV                                                                                                 
     96     69    23    3       -1 VX                                                                                            
    250    154    22    7            -1 TK                                                                                       

DZSURV --- Structure supported by bank EV at 9069 in store MainStor occupies 250 words in 11 banks

In the output above the headings have the following meaning:

Cumulated NW to allow easy calculation of the memory occupancy of the sub-structures
Total number of words occupied by these NBK banks, including system words.
Words per bank (if the NBK banks are not all of the same length, the longest is given).
Number of banks on this level
Name(s) of the banks at this level
Several names are given if all names in a linear structure are not identical

In this example the supporting bank LEV is in common // at address 9580 pointed to by the link LEV. It supports a linear structure of 3 VX banks via link -7. The VX banks all have a length of 23 words, and thus occupy 69 words of storage. Each VX bank supports a linear chain of TK banks via link -1. There are 7 TK banks in memory, all of 25 words (i.e. they occupy 25x7=175 words). The total structure contains 11 banks and occupies 271 words.

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Janne Saarela
Mon May 15 08:34:47 METDST 1995