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Example of using ZEBRA and the debug routines


In the example below, after initializing ZEBRA with a call to MZEBRA, a store is declared with MZSTOR and a link area with MZLINK.

Then the data structure shown in figure gif is built. To simplify matters only default settings for the ZEBRA routine parameters are used. Since the store is the first one declared its store index is 0 and its default divisions will have indices 1 and 2. Not specifying the division index to MZLIFT will create all banks in the present example in division 2.

After creation of the ``mother'' bank at LEV, a double DO loop creates first 3 VX (vertex) banks as down banks, and then attaches respectively 3, 2 and 2 TK (track) banks to the VX banks as downs. All VX banks and the TK banks connected to a given vertex are grouped together in a linear structure. The data part of each bank is filled with information of a type specified in the calls to MZFORM.

At the end of creating the data structure the complete tree of the EV data structure is printed, followed by a map of division 2 and a detailed verification step of the same division.

Then a VX branch of the data structure id dropped with MZDROP and the droppped banks can now be clearly seen from the map. Then we change a data word in the top bank, which can be detected by calls to DZCHST.

Finally we ``overwrite'' a link in the first VX bank, and since the V option is set with DZVERI, we get a fatal error and exit to ZFATAL, with its associated traceback (obtained on the Apollo in this case) and a dump of the relevant memory areas.

Example of building a data structure



      DIMENSION LQ(999),IQ(999)
      DIMENSION  Q(999)
      EQUIVALENCE (IQ(1),Q(1),LQ(9)),(LQ(1),LEV)
*       Bank lift parameters for three kind of banks 
      DATA MMEV/4HEV  ,7,7,10,0/
      DATA MMTK/4HTK  ,0,0,15,3/
      DATA MMVX/4HVX  ,1,1,12,0/
*       Number of VX and EV banks to be created 
      DATA NTK/3,2,2/ , NVX/3/
C--     Initialize ZEBRA store
      CALL MZEBRA(0)
C--     Initialize store in blank common //
     X            BLVECT(2000),BLVECT(10000)                )
C--     Initialize link area with reference pointers to all banks
      CALL MZLINK(0,'/MYLINK/',LLVX(1),LLVX(1),LLTK(10,10))

C****** Create tree structure in default division (2) *********
C--       Bank format descriptions for EV and VX banks
      CALL MZFORM('EV  ','3H 3I -F',MMEV(5))
      CALL MZFORM('VX  ','3I -F',MMVX(5))
C--       Lift top event bank (EV) of structure and fill with data
      IQ(LEV+1) = MMEV(1)
      IQ(LEV+2) = MMTK(1)
      IQ(LEV+3) = MMVX(1)
      DO 1 I=4,6
    1 IQ(LEV+I) = I
      DO 2 I=7,MMEV(4)
    2 Q(LEV+I) = FLOAT(I)
C--       Create linear chain of vertex (VX) banks hanging from EV
      DO 20 IVX=1,NVX
          CALL MZLIFT(0,LVX,LEV,-1,MMVX,0)
          LLVX(IVX) = LVX
          DO 7 I=1,3
    7     IQ(LVX+I) = 10*IVX+I
          DO 8 I=4,MMVX(4)
    8     Q(LVX+I) = FLOAT(10*IVX+I)
C--       Create linear chain of track (TK) banks hanging from
C--              each VX bank
          DO 10 ITK=1,NTK(IVX)
              CALL MZLIFT(0,LTK,LVX,-1,MMTK,0)
              LLTK(IVX,ITK) = LTK
              DO 9 I=1,MMTK(4)
    9         Q(LTK+I) = FLOAT(100*ITK+10*IVX+I)
   10     CONTINUE
C--     Print the complete structure and the store, then verify complete
      CALL DZSHOW('Dump EV structure',0,LEV,'BDLV',0,0,0,0)
      CALL DZSHOW('Dump EV structure',0,LEV,'BSLV',0,0,0,0)
      CALL DZSTOR('Dump of store //',0)
      CALL DZSURV('Survey of the EV data structure',0,LEV)
      CALL DZSNAP('Snap of //',2,'M')
      CALL DZVERI('Verify default division in //',2,'CFLSU')

C--     Drop the second VX bank and its descendants

      CALL MZDROP(0,LLVX(2),'V')

      CALL DZSURV('Survey of the EV data structure after drop',0,LEV)
      CALL DZSNAP('Snap of // after drop',2,'M')

C--     Check the contents of the data structure

      CALL DZCHST('Check before',0,LEV,'L',ISUM)

*         Change the data part and check again
      IQ(LEV+4) = IQ(LEV+4) + 1  

      CALL DZCHST('Check after 1',0,LEV,'LV',ISUM)
      PRINT '(''Value of \IQUEST(11)'',I5)', IQUEST(11)
*         Overwrite a link 

      LQ(LLVX(1)-1) = -1

C--     DZVERI will detect the error and send us to ZFATAL ('F' option)

      CALL DZVERI('Verify default division in //',2,'CFLSU')


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Janne Saarela
Mon May 15 08:34:47 METDST 1995