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Format of the bank descriptor cards


General information about the bank


*B..BKID  Short description of bank with hollerith Id BKID
*B.AU     Author1, Author2
*B.VE     5.12         { version number} 
*B.ST     ISTOR        { mnemonic of the store} 
*B.DV     IRODIV       { mnemonic of the division} 
*B.NI     NUMID        { numerical identifier} 
*B.ND     NDATA        { number of data words} 
*B.IO     IOCHAR       { IO characteristics} 
*B.NZ     NZERO        { number of data words preset to zero} 
*B.NL     NLINKS       { total number of links} 
*B.NS     NSLINKS      { number of structural links} 
*B.NX     NXID         { NXID: Id of a possible next bank} 
*B.UP     UPID  -JB    { UPID: Id of Up-bank,
                        JB is the link offset of bank BKID} 
*B.OR     ORID         { ORID: Id of Origin-bank}

Link part of the bank

*B.LINK            { indicate start of link description} 
*B.1      D1ID     Short description of D1ID  { D1ID: Id of first down bank} 
*B.2      D2ID     ....
*B/LINK            { indicate end of link description}

If a link is not (yet) defined the mnemonic NOTU should be used to avoid that DZDOC produces a diagnostic message.

Reference links of the bank

*B.RLINK            { indicate start of Rlink description} 
*B.1      D1ID     Short description of D1ID  { D1ID: Id of referenced bank} 
*B.2      D2ID     ....
*B/RLINK            { indicate end of Rlink description}

Status word of bank

*B.BI                { indicates start of status word bits description} 
*B.1      NOAUTH     no authorisation to modify directory
*B.2      MODIFIED   directory has been modified
*B.3      LOCKED     file locked by 'RZFILE'
*B.5      CACCESS    C file access routine used
*B.11-17  LOGLEVEL   11-17 LOG level (default taken from MZ)
*B/BI                { indicates end of status word bits description}

Data words of the bank

*B.DATA              { indicates start of data word description} 
*B.1      DATAWOR1   Description of data word 1
*B.REP    5
*B.1      DATAWOR2   Description of data words 2 - 6
*B/DATA              { indicates end of data word description}

DATAWOR1 .. DATAWOR7 are (upto) 8 characters mnemonics which can be selected by the user.

The data type and range may optionally be given in the description. The format is as given in the following examples:

*B.1    EVENTTYP    IO:I [1,200] Event type, Integer, range: 1-200
*B.2    ENERGY      IO:F [0.,100.] Energy
Allowed IO specifiers are B, I, F, D, H, R ,U corresponding to the ZEBRA IO characteristics, R is the same as F, U the same as B.

Special mnemonics

The following special mnemonics are used to specify the content of a data word in more detail. They are interesting not only for documentation purposes but even more when using the documentation within the interactive bank display: They allow to selectively print lines of the documentation depending on values of data words or byte portions of them. They must appear on cards following one with a general description whereby the dataword number has to be be repeated (i.e. the 3 in *B.3). This is to clearly distinuish them from normal continuation cards, for which the sequence number and the mnemonic field is left blank. The different types may be mixed for one data word.

A choice with wildcard characters

The mnemonic WILDCHAR or MASK allows to describe a choice depending on the printed value of the dataword allowing wildcard characters. The mask is taken from the first characters of the comment field separated by a blank from the description. An asterix is used to represent one wild character. In the following example it assumed that ATTRIBUT describes the attributes of a graphic object. They may be decimal coded in the following manner: ATTRIBUT = 10000*TYPE + 100*SIZE + COLOR

Example of a choice with wildcard characters

*B.3   ATTRIBUT  Graphics attributes: 
*B.3   MASK        1****  line,
*B.3   MASK        2****  box,
*B.3   MASK       11****  circle,
*B.3   MASK       ****01  black
*B.3   MASK       ****02  red
*B.3   MASK       ****03  green
If the value of ATTRIBUT happens to be 20503 the documented printout is:

3 ATTRIBUT 20503 Graphics attributes: box, green

If hexadecimal coding is appropriate one can force hexadecimal formatting of the printout by preceeding the mnemonic be B: like in this example (Note: Only 6 characters are left for the name):

Example with hexadecimal formatting

*B.4   B:TRTYPE   Trigger type: 
*B.4   MASK       *******1 energy,
*B.4   MASK       *******F multiplicity,
*B.4   MASK       ******1* tracks,
*B.4   MASK       ******2* clusters,

An integer choice value

The mnemonic C1234567, where 1234567 can be any 7-digits integer number, describes a variable with a choice value. If a data word is described like this, then in an interactive session, where values of datawords together with their documentation can be shown, only the line for which the choice applies will be displayed. Leading zeros may be left out or replaced by underscores. Negative values are possible.

Example of an integer choice value

*B.8      MYCHOICE   The following applies
*B.8      C0000010   Meaning of 8. word, if it has value the 10
*B.8      C____111   Meaning of 8. word, if it has value the 111
*B.8      C-10       Meaning of 8. word, if it has value the -10
*B.8      C12        Meaning of 8. word, if it has value the 12

A bit mask

The memonic BITVAL12, where 12 stands for any 2-digits integer between 0 and 31, describes a data word where single bits are significant. In an interactive session only those lines are shown for which the corresponding bit is set in the dataword.

Example of a bit mask

*B.9      YOURBITS  Single bits are significant
*B.9      BITVAL01  Significance of bit 1
*B.9      BITVAL15  Significance of bit 15

Description of any bit portion

The memonic BITS0309, where 03 and 09 stand for any 2-digits integers between 0 and 31, describes the bit portion of a data word. When datawords are dumped with documentation the value of the bit portion will be printed.

Example of a bit description

*B.9      IZCODE     Coded hit value
*B.9      BITS0007   Wire number
*B.9      BITS0815   Charge
*B.9      BITS1623   Theta value

ZEBRA exchange formatted Holleriths, dates, binaries

ZEBRA provides and uses a Hollerith format, which is transportable. These words should be documented with a mnemonic starting with Z:. In this case DZDOC will call ZITOH and UHTOC to print it as a character. A mnemonic starting with B: forces DZDOC to print the value in hexadecimal. D: assumes that the upper bits of the word contain a packed date and time which is decoded by the RZ routine RZDATE.

Pointers, labels and repetition counts



The mnemonic P:ABCDEF, where ABCDEF can be any name, describes a variable used as a pointer within the current bank. If during the display of the contents of a bank the word number to which the variable points, is reached, the documentation for this section of data is expected at L:ABCDEF and is tagged in the output with the string --Label:. The string N:ABCDEF may be used to flag a variable when used later as a repetition count (see below). The description of the RZ top bank in Section gif contains extended applications of pointers, labels etc.

Example of the use of a pointer

*B.4      P:LDIR     Pointer to subdirectories
*B.5      N:NSDIR    Number of subdirectories
*B.1      L:LSDIR    Subdirectory structure
*B.REP    N:NSDIR    Loop through subdirectories
*B.1      Z:NAME     Name
*B.2      IRECSD     Record number
*B.3      D:DATE     creation date and time
Pointers and repetition counts can also be bitportions of a variable. Assume that the lower 16 bits of a word contain a pointer, the upper 16 are the repetition count. In this case the syntax is as given in the following example: Note that the name of the pointer is taken from the first 6 characters of the comment field or until a blank is encountered.

Pointer, count which is a bitportion

*B.4      SUBDIR     pointer to, and number of subdirs
*B.4      P:BI0015   LDIR     Pointer to subdirectories
*B.4      N:BI1631   NSDIR    Number of subdirectories

Note: When generating FORTRAN code the prefixes N: etc. will be removed.


If the same kind of data words or links are repeated several times they may be described within a *B.REP .. *B/REP clause. Repetitions may include groups of data words or links. The repetition count may be fixed, variable (indefinite) or calculated from a data word or taken from a previous data word as shown above.

Fixed number of repetitions

*B.REP    25
*B.1      DXID     Short description of DXID
*B.26     DYID     ....
*B.27     DZID     ....

Variable number of repetitions

*B.REP    NREPS    Comment
*B.1      DXID     Short description of DXID

Repetition counts in a data word

Repetition counts given as a simple expression of the current data word are decoded by routine DZDDWD.

Example of repetition counts for documenting data words

*B.1    IHEAD      Header word for a hit
*B.1    BITS0007   IWNUM   wire number
*B.1    BITS0819   IT0     start of scanner pulse
*B.1    BITS2031   LENH    number of samples for this scanner pulse
*B.REP  BITS2031+1 / 2     ! =(LENH+1)/2
*B.1    IHIT       Coded FADCs Samples
*B.1    BITS2429   1st sample HV side
*B.1    BITS1621   1st sample signal side
*B.1    BITS0813   2nd sample HV side
*B.1    BITS0005   2nd sample signal side
*B/REP  (LENH+1)/2

In this case the outer loop runs over a indefinite number NUMH of hits each of which is preceeded by a header word IHEAD. The 12 most significant bits of IHEAD are used to calculate the repetition count of the inner loop describing the individual samples of one hit. Note that in the present example 2 samples fit into one 32-bit word).

For specifying a repetition count the allowed operators are: BITSnnmm indicating the bit portion, +, -, / and * with constant parameters. The evaluation is strictly left to right, no brackets are allowed. Blanks are not significant, comments are separated by `!'. The decoding is triggered by the keyword BITSnnmm. In the simplest case the current word could be directly the repetition count:

Example of how to specify a repetition count

*B.REP   BITS0031      ! current word = repetition count
*B.1     IPULSE1        Pulseheight of Channel 1
*B.2     IPULSE2        Pulseheight of Channel 2

Banks with identical descriptions

It may happen (especially for detectors which are split into two sides) that the description of data words and links of two banks are identical only differing in the linkage (I.e. only the Up-bank is different). In this case the tag *B.IDEM may be used to avoid duplication of the documentation.

Example of the use of the IDEM keyword

  *B..DEHR   Header bank of right side
  *B.1    DEDA   Bank containing actual data
  *B..DEHL   Header bank of left side
  *B.1    DEDA   Bank containing actual data
  *B..DEDA  Bank containing actual data
  *B.UP    DEHR
  full description of bank DEDA (possibly including links)
  *B.UP      DEHL

The bank which is fully described (in this example DEDA with Up-bank DEHR) must preceed the description containing the IDEM tag.

Terminating the bank description

The documentation for a bank must be terminated by:


An example of a bank description

Card image File describing the bank EV

*B..EV  Event header bank.
*B.AU    S.Holmes
*B.VE    402
*B.ND    10
*B.NL    2
*B.NS    2
*B.NX    None
*B.UP    None
*B.OR    None
*B.IO    '3H 3I -F'
*B.1   VX       Vertex bank
*B.1   LABNA     Name of laboratory
*B.2   EXPTNA    Name of experiment
*B.3   DAQNA     Initials of shift crew 
*B.4   IHDAT     Data type
*B.4   C1        Experiment data
*B.4   C3        Test beam data
*B.4   C4        Cosmic ray data
*B.4   C5        Monte-carlo data
*B.5   IIEVT     Trigger number
*B.6   IIFITY    Filter type (Bit string)
*B.6   BITVAL00  Sum E(clus) > 2 GeV
*B.6   BITVAL01  E(EB cls/blk) > 200MeV
*B.6   BITVAL04  Lumi Event
*B.7   IITHRU    Thrust * 10000
*B.8   IICTHR    Cosine of the thrust axis * 10000
*B.9   IIECAL    Total Electromagnetic Energy
*B.              (in units of MeV)
*B.10  IIHCAL    Total Hadronic Energy

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Janne Saarela
Mon May 15 08:34:47 METDST 1995