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Title header lines


A title-header line signals the start of data for a new title bank; it specifies the ID of the title bank, the way the data are to be read, and further options. Its format is:

   *DO  <idh> [idn]  [-<opt><option text>]   [#. comment ]

in cols 1/4 marks the header line;
is the 4 character Hollerith bank ID;
is the numeric bank ID, integer, if any;
is a single option letter,
is the option text, if needed.

The following options are available:

read the data with a single formatted Fortran READ statement, using the FORMAT given, which must not contain blanks, the brackets must be present.
set the I/O characteristic for the bank, with text:
B, I, F or D if the bank is all bits, integer, floating, or double precision;
(string) where string is the I/O characteristic, (see routine MZFORM);
the default is: type undefined
expect n data words, for -F this must be exact; for free-field format this may be omitted if less than 2000 words are to be read and if the size is not to be changed by TZUSER. A bank will initially be lifted to accomodate <n> data words to be read and will be shortened when input processing is complete.
call TZUSER for this bank, passing n as NPARA, zero if absent.

For free-field format only:

use columns a/e only on each line, defaults: 1 for a, 80 for e
Ex.: -C11/72 use only the text on columns 11 to 72 on each line, except: '*' in col. 1 is forbidden
expect exactly <n> words (as given by -Nn). If less or more data words are found, TZINIT will print a message and go to ZFATAL on end of input.
true size of the bank is <n> words (as given by -Nn). The bank is not reduced to the number of data words actually read.
initialize Hollerith handling as though the control-item #A[n][C][W] had been read; see next paragraph.

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Janne Saarela
Mon May 15 08:34:47 METDST 1995