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Titles JZAN - processor constants

See routine TZINIT for input of titles into the dynamic store. For each processor whose constants are to be initialized via the titles, thus over-ruling the default in the processor itself, one title should be given:

   word 1  processor ID in A4 format
        2  constant 1
        3  constant 2
      ...  ...
      n+1  constant n

The number of constants given should agree with the number given as NAN to JZIN. A discrepancy causes a diagnostic message. If some constants are derived by the processor from other constants, as in the example in section gif, their places have to be kept open by giving dummy zeros.

If several titles are given for the same processor, the first title coming in the title input stream is taken, later ones are dropped. For example:

      *DO  JZAN  -E11 -C21/72    #. Constants for central detector decoding
       MAIN               :CDRC
       GLOBAL T0             0.
       DE/DX SCALE           4.
       MAX BASE              15.
       S-SAMPL LENGTH        8.
       A-COEFF               0.89
       MIN P-LENGTH          2.
       T-SLEW CONSTANT       1000.
       AV INV RAW E1         0.00585
       DEDXOFFSET             68.0
       T-COR FOR S/W         -35.0

      *DO  JZAN  -C11/72
       DPPMAX        30.0    #.  maximum DELTA P / P
       Y2TMAX         6.0
       ETAMAX        99.0
       AMBFLG         1.0    #.  do not remove ambiguities
       DISVMN         0.0
       DISZMX         0.3
       STDIMP         1.0
       PENALT         0.1

      *DO  JZAN  -E11 -C21/72
       DUMMY (RUN NO.)         0.
       TBIN TRAK+BGR           2.
       CDIN TRAK+DIGIT+BGR     3.
       FDIN NOT CALLED         0.
       DUMMY                   6* 0.

Janne Saarela
Mon May 15 08:34:47 METDST 1995