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MZFORM data structure

  IQ(LID+1)  n = number of ID's stored
         2   ji  of the last characteristic retrieved
         3   IDH of the last characteristic retrieved
         4   IDH  #1
       n+3   IDH  #n

  IQ(LIX+1)  ji in QIOD for IDH #1
         2   ji         for IDH #2

 IQ(LIOD+1)  n = number of words occupied;          j1 = 1
      j1+1   start of 1st characteristic, n1 words, j2 = j1 + n1
      j2+1            2nd                 n2 words, j3 = j2 + n2

    characteristic i is stored at ji in QIOD as NW+1 words:

         word 1:   16 bits: control-byte |
                    | 5 bits: NW | 5 bits: NW+1 | 6 bits: 1
         word 2:   first extra I/O word (if any)
      word NW+1:   last  extra I/O word


                                 / \
                ______________         ______________
               |              |       |              |
LQFORM ---->   |     QID      |       |     QID      |  list of
               | for +ve ID's |       | for -ve ID's |  identifiers
            -- |______________|       |______________|
           |      |                      |
           | -2   | -1                   | -1
           |    ______________         ______________
           |   |              |       |              |
           |   |     QIOX     |       |     QIOX     |  adr in QIOD
           |   |     +ve      |       |     -ve      |  corresponding
           |   |______________|       |______________|
           |                     \ /
           |                      |
           |                     LIX
         |          |
LIOD ->  |   QIOD   |   I/O characteristics
         |__________|   stored

Janne Saarela
Mon May 15 08:34:47 METDST 1995