@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+"""Script to combine compton measurements with runs and process these data
+import argparse
+from configparser import ConfigParser
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import sqlite3
+from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional
+from compton_filter import CalibrdbHandler
+from iminuit import Minuit
+import matplotlib.dates as mdates
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from mysql.connector import connect, Error
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from tqdm import tqdm
+ 'name': ['HIGH2017', 'RHO2018', 'HIGH2019', 'LOW2020', 'HIGH2020', 'HIGH2021', 'NNBAR2021'],
+ 'start_run': [36872, 48938, 70014, 85224, 89973, 98116, 107342, None],
+class RunsDBHandler():
+ def __init__(self, host: str = 'cmddb', database: str = 'online', user: str = None, password: str = None):
+ self.conn = connect(host = host, database = database, user = user, password = password)
+ self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
+ self.cur.execute("SET time_zone = 'UTC';")
+ @property
+ def fields(self) -> list:
+ """Returns a list of available columns in the RunsDB
+ """
+ self.cur.execute("""DESCRIBE Runlog""")
+ return self.cur.fetchall()
+ def load_tables(self, range: Union[Tuple[int, Optional[int]], Tuple[datetime, datetime]]):
+ cond = ""
+ if isinstance(range[0], int):
+ cond = f" AND run >= {range[0]} "
+ if range[1] is not None:
+ cond += f" AND run <= {range[1]} "
+ elif isinstance(range[0], datetime):
+ cond = f" AND stoptime BETWEEN %s AND %s"
+ sql_query = f"""
+ run,
+ starttime,
+ stoptime,
+ energy,
+ luminosity
+ FROM Runlog
+ quality = "Y"
+ {cond}
+ AND luminosity > 0
+ AND stoptime > starttime
+ AND nevent > 0
+ ORDER BY run DESC"""
+ if isinstance(range[0], datetime):
+ self.cur.execute(sql_query, range)
+ else:
+ self.cur.execute(sql_query)
+ field_names = [i[0] for i in self.cur.description]
+ res = self.cur.fetchall()
+ return res, field_names
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.conn.close()
+class Combiner():
+ """Combines a dataframe with runs and a dataframe with compton measurements together
+ """
+ def __init__(self, runsdb: Tuple[list, list], clbrdb: Tuple[list, list]):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ runsdb : Tuple[list, list]
+ table of runs (rows and field names)
+ clbrdb : Tuple[list, list]
+ table of compton measurements (rows and field names)
+ """
+ rdb_rows, r_fld = runsdb
+ cdb_rows, c_fld = clbrdb
+ self.conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:", detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES|sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES)
+ self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
+ self.cur.execute(f"CREATE table runs (run, elabel, starttime timestamp, stoptime timestamp, luminosity)")
+ self.cur.execute(f"CREATE table compton (begintime timestamp, endtime timestamp, e_mean, e_std, spread_mean, spread_std)")
+ run_row_generator = map(lambda x: (x[r_fld.index("run")], x[r_fld.index("energy")],
+ x[r_fld.index("starttime")], x[r_fld.index("stoptime")],
+ x[r_fld.index("luminosity")]), rdb_rows)
+ c_data_idx = c_fld.index("data")
+ compton_row_generator = map(lambda x: (x[c_fld.index("begintime")], x[c_fld.index("endtime")],
+ float(x[c_data_idx][0]), float(x[c_data_idx][1]),
+ float(x[c_data_idx][2]), float(x[c_data_idx][3])), cdb_rows)
+ self.cur.executemany(f"""INSERT into runs VALUES ({','.join(['?']*5)})""", run_row_generator)
+ self.cur.executemany(f"""INSERT into compton VALUES ({','.join(['?']*6)})""", compton_row_generator)
+ self.__create_combined_table()
+ def __create_combined_table(self):
+ create_combined_query = """
+ CREATE TABLE combined_table AS
+ runs.run AS run,
+ runs.elabel AS elabel,
+ runs.starttime as "run_start [timestamp]",
+ runs.stoptime AS "run_stop [timestamp]",
+ compton.begintime AS "compton_start [timestamp]",
+ compton.endtime AS "compton_stop [timestamp]",
+ runs.luminosity, compton.e_mean, compton.e_std, compton.spread_mean, compton.spread_std
+ FROM runs, compton
+ (runs.starttime BETWEEN compton.begintime AND compton.endtime)
+ OR (runs.stoptime BETWEEN compton.begintime AND compton.endtime)
+ OR (compton.begintime BETWEEN runs.starttime AND runs.stoptime)
+ OR (compton.endtime BETWEEN runs.starttime AND runs.stoptime);
+ """
+ self.cur.execute(create_combined_query)
+ return
+ def combined_table(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """Returns combined dataframe
+ """
+ sql_query = """
+ SELECT * FROM combined_table;
+ """
+ df = pd.read_sql(sql_query, self.conn)
+ df['common_duration'] = df[['run_stop', 'compton_stop']].min(axis=1) - df[['run_start', 'compton_start']].max(axis=1)
+ df['run_duration'] = df['run_stop'] - df['run_start']
+ df['run_in_measurement'] = df['common_duration']/df['run_duration']
+ df = df.sort_values(by='run_in_measurement', ascending=False).drop_duplicates(subset='run').sort_values(by='run')
+ df = df.drop(['run_duration', 'common_duration', 'run_start', 'run_stop'], axis=1)
+ return df
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.conn.close()
+class Likelihood():
+ """
+ Likelihood function
+ """
+ def __init__(self, means: np.array, sigmas: np.array, weights: np.array):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ means : np.array
+ array of means, [MeV]
+ sigmas : np.array
+ array of standard deviations, [MeV]
+ weights : np.array
+ array of luminosities
+ """
+ self.means = means
+ self.sigmas = sigmas
+ self.weights = weights/weights.mean()
+ def __call__(self, mean: float, sigma: float):
+ """
+ Calls likelihood calculation
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mean : float
+ expected mean
+ sigma : float
+ expected standard deviation
+ """
+ sigma_total = np.sqrt(sigma**2 + self.sigmas**2)
+ ln_L = -np.sum( self.weights*( ((mean - self.means)**2)/(2*(sigma_total**2)) + np.log(sigma_total) ) )
+ return -ln_L
+def calculate_point(comb_df: pd.DataFrame, runs_df: pd.DataFrame, compton_df: pd.DataFrame) -> dict:
+ """Calculates parameters of the energy (mean, std, spread) in this dataFrame
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ comb_df : pd.DataFrame
+ table of the measurements linked with runs
+ runs_df : pd.DataFrame
+ table of the runs
+ compton_df : pd.DataFrame
+ table of the comptons
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict
+ average parameters on this DataFrame
+ """
+ if (len(comb_df) == 1) and pd.isnull(comb_df.iloc[0].at['compton_start']):
+ # no direct measurements of the compton during data runs
+ # estimate energy by the nearest points
+ # print('Hello')
+ min_run_time = runs_df[runs_df.run == comb_df.iloc[0].at['run_first']].iloc[0].at['starttime']
+ max_run_time = runs_df[runs_df.run == comb_df.iloc[0].at['run_last']].iloc[0].at['stoptime']
+ nearest_row_before = compton_df.iloc[pd.Index(compton_df.endtime).get_loc(min_run_time, 'nearest')]
+ nearest_row_after = compton_df.iloc[pd.Index(compton_df.begintime).get_loc(max_run_time, 'nearest')]
+ # regulatization
+ nearest_row_before['data'][1] = max(nearest_row_before['data'][3], 1e-3)
+ nearest_row_after['data'][3] = max(nearest_row_after['data'][3], 1e-3)
+ nearest_row_before['data'][1] = max(nearest_row_before['data'][1], 1e-3)
+ nearest_row_after['data'][3] = max(nearest_row_after['data'][3], 1e-3)
+ mean_energy = (nearest_row_before['data'][0] + nearest_row_after['data'][0])/2
+ mean_spread = (nearest_row_before['data'][2] + nearest_row_after['data'][2])/2
+ std_energy = np.sqrt(1/(1/(nearest_row_before['data'][1])**2 + 1/(nearest_row_after['data'][1])**2))
+ std_spread = np.sqrt(1/(1/(nearest_row_before['data'][3])**2 + 1/(nearest_row_after['data'][3])**2))
+ sys_energy = np.std([nearest_row_before['data'][0], nearest_row_after['data'][0]])
+ return {
+ 'energy_point': comb_df.elabel.min(),
+ 'first_run': comb_df.run_first.min(),
+ 'last_run': comb_df.run_last.max(),
+ 'mean_energy': mean_energy,
+ 'mean_energy_stat_err': std_energy,
+ 'mean_energy_sys_err': sys_energy,
+ 'mean_spread': mean_spread,
+ 'mean_spread_stat_err': std_spread,
+ 'used_lum': 0,
+ 'comment': 'indirect measurement',
+ }, pd.DataFrame()
+ df = comb_df.copy()
+ df.spread_std = np.where(df.spread_std < 1e-4, 1e-4, df.spread_std)
+ df = df[df.e_std > 0]
+ mean_energy = np.sum(df.e_mean*df.luminosity/(df.e_std**2))/np.sum(df.luminosity/(df.e_std**2))
+ # std_energy = np.sqrt(1/np.sum((df.luminosity/df.luminosity.mean())/df.e_std**2))
+ good_criterion = np.abs((df.e_mean - mean_energy)/np.sqrt(df.e_mean.std()**2 + df.e_std**2)) < 5
+ good_criterion = good_criterion
+ df = df[good_criterion]
+ m = Minuit(Likelihood(df.e_mean, df.e_std, df.luminosity), mean=df.e_mean.mean(), sigma=df.e_mean.std())
+ m.errordef = 0.5
+ m.limits['sigma'] = (0, None)
+ m.migrad();
+ sys_err = m.values['sigma']
+ mean_en = m.values['mean']
+ mean_spread = np.sum(df.spread_mean*df.luminosity/(df.spread_std**2))/np.sum(df.luminosity/(df.spread_std**2))
+ std_spread = np.sqrt(1/np.sum((df.luminosity/df.luminosity.mean())/df.spread_std**2))
+ res_dict = {
+ 'energy_point': comb_df.elabel.min(),
+ 'first_run': comb_df.run_first.min(),
+ 'last_run': comb_df.run_last.max(),
+ 'mean_energy': mean_en,
+ 'mean_energy_stat_err': m.errors['mean'],
+ 'mean_energy_sys_err': sys_err,
+ 'mean_spread': mean_spread,
+ 'mean_spread_stat_err': std_spread,
+ 'used_lum': df.luminosity.sum()/comb_df.luminosity_total.sum(),
+ 'comment': '',
+ }
+ return res_dict, df
+def process_combined(combined_df: pd.DataFrame, runs_df: pd.DataFrame, compton_df: pd.DataFrame, pics_folder: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ if pics_folder is not None:
+ plt.ioff()
+ plt.style.use('ggplot')
+ locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=5)
+ formatter = mdates.ConciseDateFormatter(locator)
+ formatter.formats = ['%y', '%b', '%d', '%H:%M', '%H:%M', '%S.%f', ]
+ formatter.zero_formats = [''] + formatter.formats[:-1]
+ formatter.zero_formats[3] = '%d-%b'
+ formatter.offset_formats = ['', '%Y', '%b %Y', '%d %b %Y', '%d %b %Y', '%d %b %Y %H:%M', ]
+ runs_df = runs_df.rename({'luminosity': 'luminosity_full', 'energy': 'elabel'}, axis=1)
+ combined_df = pd.merge(combined_df.drop(['elabel'], axis=1), runs_df[['run', 'elabel', 'luminosity_full']], how='outer')
+ combined_df = combined_df.sort_values(by='run')
+ combined_df['luminosity'] = combined_df['luminosity'].fillna(0)
+ combined_df['point_idx'] = np.cumsum(~np.isclose(combined_df.elabel, combined_df.elabel.shift(1), atol=1e-4))
+ combined_df = combined_df.groupby(['point_idx', 'compton_start'], dropna=False).agg(
+ elabel=('elabel', 'min'), elabel_test=('elabel', 'max'),
+ run_first=('run', 'min'), run_last=('run', 'max'),
+ luminosity=('luminosity', 'sum'), luminosity_total=('luminosity_full', 'sum'),
+ compton_stop=('compton_stop', 'min'), compton_stop_test=('compton_stop', 'max'),
+ e_mean=('e_mean', 'min'), e_mean_test=('e_mean', 'max'),
+ e_std=('e_std', 'min'), e_std_test=('e_std', 'max'),
+ spread_mean=('spread_mean', 'min'), spread_mean_test=('spread_mean', 'max'),
+ spread_std=('spread_std', 'min'), spread_std_test=('spread_std', 'max'),
+ ).reset_index().set_index('point_idx')
+ # return combined_df
+ result_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['energy_point', 'first_run', 'last_run', 'mean_energy', 'mean_energy_stat_err', 'mean_energy_sys_err', 'mean_spread', 'mean_spread_stat_err', 'used_lum', 'comment'])
+ for i, table in tqdm(combined_df.groupby('point_idx', dropna=False)):
+ res_dict, good_df = calculate_point(table, runs_df, compton_df)
+ result_df = result_df.append(res_dict, ignore_index=True)
+ if pics_folder is not None:
+ plt_table = good_df.dropna()
+ if len(plt_table) == 0:
+ continue
+ total_error = np.sqrt(res_dict["mean_energy_stat_err"]**2 + res_dict["mean_energy_sys_err"]**2)
+ half_timedelta = (plt_table.compton_stop - plt_table.compton_start)/2
+ time = plt_table.compton_start + half_timedelta
+ dlt0 = timedelta(days=1)
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, dpi=120, tight_layout=True)
+ ax.errorbar(time, plt_table.e_mean, xerr=half_timedelta, yerr=plt_table.e_std, fmt='.')
+ ax.axhline(res_dict['mean_energy'], color='black', zorder=3, label='Mean')
+ ax.fill_between([plt_table.compton_stop.min(), plt_table.compton_stop.max()],
+ [res_dict['mean_energy'] - total_error]*2,
+ [res_dict['mean_energy'] + total_error]*2, color='green', zorder=1, alpha=0.4)
+ ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=45)
+ ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator)
+ ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter)
+ ax.set(title=f'{res_dict["energy_point"]}, E = {res_dict["mean_energy"]:.3f} ± {res_dict["mean_energy_stat_err"]:.3f} ± {res_dict["mean_energy_sys_err"]:.3f} MeV', xlabel='Time, UTC', ylabel='Energy, [MeV]',
+ xlim=[plt_table.compton_stop.min(), plt_table.compton_stop.max()])
+ plt.savefig(f'{pics_folder}/{res_dict["first_run"]}_{res_dict["energy_point"]}.png')
+ plt.close()
+ return result_df
+# python scripts/compton_combiner.py --season NNBAR2021 --config database.ini
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Mean compton energy measurements from clbrdb')
+ parser.add_argument('--season', help = 'Name of the season')
+ parser.add_argument('--config', help = 'Config file containing information for access to databases')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # logging.info(f"Arguments: season: {args.season}, config {args.config}")
+ parser = ConfigParser()
+ parser.read(args.config);
+ rdb = RunsDBHandler(**parser['cmdruns'])
+ idx = SEASONS['name'].index(args.season)
+ runs_range = (SEASONS['start_run'][idx], SEASONS['start_run'][idx+1])
+ res_rdb = rdb.load_tables(runs_range)
+ runs_df = pd.DataFrame(res_rdb[0], columns=res_rdb[1])
+ tdlt0 = timedelta(days=2)
+ time_range = (runs_df.starttime.min() - tdlt0, runs_df.stoptime.max() + tdlt0)
+ clbrdb = CalibrdbHandler(**parser['clbrDB'])
+ res_clbrdb = clbrdb.load_table('Misc', 'RunHeader', 'Compton_run', num_last_rows = None, timerange = time_range)
+ cb = Combiner(res_rdb, res_clbrdb)
+ comb_df = cb.combined_table()
+ compton_df = pd.DataFrame(res_clbrdb[0], columns=res_clbrdb[1])
+ cdf = process_combined(comb_df, runs_df, compton_df, './pics')
+ cdf.to_csv(f'{args.season}.csv', index=False, float_format='%g')
+ return
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()