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In Garfield input, one makes frequent use of variables. For instance, when you make a contour plot of the electrostatic potential, you type


The "V" in this statement is a local variable of the PLOT command which equals the electrostatic potential at a given point.

When using such local variables, you normally don't have to take any precaution.

There are however also cases when you wish to have some variables under your own control. Such variables exist in Garfield and are called global variables, or Globals for short. The name has been chosen to reflect the broader scope of globals, as compared to the local variables mentioned above. Local variables have a scope limited to one command, while global variables can be used across sections.

Since these variables are essentially under your own control, they are for instance not automatically evaluated. It is the purpose of this help topic to explain their correct use. Please be familiar with the contents when using globals !

Global variables can be used for a variety of things:

Additional information on:


A single operator symbol in Garfield can have a meaning which depends on the type of its operants. For instance, the plus operator divides numbers, acts as 'or' between logicals, and concatenates strings.

There are also operators for certain kinds of mixed arithmetic, such as between numbers and histograms and between numbers and matrices. Mixed arithmetic of logicals and numbers is not permitted.

Garfield recognises the following binary operators:

Operator Acts on Gives Effect
+ -N-HM same addition
+ --L-- --L-- or
+ S---- S---- commutative concatenation
- -N-HM same subtraction
- --L-- --L-- exclusive or
* -N-HM same multiplication
* --L-- --L-- and
/ -N-HM same division
/ S---- S---- concatenation
**, ^ -N-HM same exponentiation
& --L-- --L-- and
| --L-- --L-- or
= SN-HM --L-- equality
= --L-- --L-- equivalence
#, <>, >< SN-HM --L-- non-equality
#, <>, >< --L-- --L-- non-equivalence
> SN-HM --L-- greater than
>=, => SN-HM --L-- greater than or equal to
< SN-HM --L-- less than
<=, =< SN-HM --L-- less than or equal to

Unary operators are treated like functions, and therefore have higher precedence than binary operators. As a result, '-x^2' is always positive. The following unary operators are currently known:

Operator Acts on Gives Effect
+ -N-HM same assignment
- -N-HM same negative
^, ~ --L-- --L-- not


  1. The operators act element by element on variables of type Histogram and Matrix.
  2. The sorting sequence for characters in Strings depends on the computer system that is used.
  3. Mixed operations between Number and Histograms or between Numbers and Matrices result in Histograms and Matrices respectively.
  4. All operators can be applied to type Undefined, the result being Undefined.
  5. The equality and non-equality operators have a tolerance of 1E-4 on all computers except Cray where a tolerance of 1E-8 is used.


Garfield currently recognises the following intrinsic functions:

Function Acts on Gives Effect
ABS -N-HM same absolute value
ARCCOS -N-HM same arc cosine
ARCCOSH -N-HM same arc hyperbolic cosine
ARCSIN -N-HM same arc sine
ARCSINH -N-HM same arc hyperbolic sine
ARCTAN -N-HM same arc tangent
ARCTANH -N-HM same arc hyperbolic tangent
COS -N-HM same cosine
COSH -N-HM same hyperbolic cosine
ENTIER -N-HM same integer part
EXP -N-HM same exponential
GLOBAL S---- any global with name of the string
LANDAU -N-HM same Landau density function
LOG -N-HM same logarithm
MAXIMUM ---HM -N--- maximum of matrix or histogram
MEAN ---HM -N--- mean of a matrix or histogram
MINIMUM ---HM -N--- minimum of matrix or histogram
NOT --L-- --L-- negation of logical value
NUMBER S---M -N--- conversion to a number
PRODUCT ---HM -N--- product of matrix or histogram
REFERENCE S--HM -N--- reference of a given string etc
REF_HISTOGRAM -N--- ---H- histogram with given reference
REF_MATRIX -N--- ----M matrix with given reference
REF_STRING -N--- S---- string with given reference
RMS ---HM -N--- RMS of a matrix or histogram
ROW -N--- ----M row of number 1 to argument
SIN -N-HM same sine
SINH -N-HM same hyperbolic sine
SQRT -N-HM same square root
STRING SNLHM S---- conversion to string
SUM ---HM -N--- sum of matrix or histogram
TAN -N-HM same tangent
TANH -N-HM same hyperbolic tangent
TRAILING -N-HM same complement of ENTIER
TYPE SNLHM S---- type of the argument

In addition, the following random number generators are known:

Function Argument Effect
RND_EXPONENTIAL mean Exponential distribution with given mean
RND_GAUSS - Normal distribution N(0,1)
RND_LANDAU - Landau distribution
RND_POISSON mean Poisson distribution with given mean
RND_POLYA theta Polya distribution with given theta
RND_UNIFORM scaling Uniform distribution
RND_FUNCTION - Random number according to a function
RND_HISTOGRAM histogram Random number according to an histogram


  1. The functions act element by element on arguments of type Histogram and Matrix.
  2. All functions can be applied to type Undefined, the result being Undefined.
  3. Further functions and random number generators can be added on request.
  4. More elaborate operations are available as procedures Calls.

Additional information on:


When a formula is pre-processed, it is translated into a series of instructions which are placed at the end of the instruction list.

The instruction list usually contains many pieces, identified by entry_points which can be executed independently.

The instruction list consists, as the name says, of a list of instructions.

Each instruction is made up of 4 integers:

  1. either a function specification code or an index in the array R;
  2. code for the operation;
  3. an index in the array R;
  4. the index for the outcome, in R for intermediate results, in the result list for final results

Additional information on:


The instruction list consists of several sub-lists that are executed independently. The information about a sub-list (the first and last instruction, first and last constant, number of variables expected, number of results returned and a few flags) are stored in an entry point list. This list is used by the interpreting routines.

Each time you ask a function to be translated, this will be done in a new entry point. Similarly, when you enter the editor, you are assigned an entry point to store your instructions in. The entry point description for en edited entry point is updated when leaving the editor.

You can not change the description of an entry point but you can delete entry points, add new ones and see the description of one.


Performs an update of the entry point you were playing with sofar and then creates a new entry point that will become the current entry point.




Removes an entry point from the entry point list. The storage associated with it can from then on be recovered by a garbage collect, which is automatically performed by the translation routine but which can also be requested by the user.


CL-ENTRY [entry_reference]



In the first example, the current entry point (the one you are editing) is dropped. You may continue to modify it etc. and it can also be executed as long as no garbage collect is done.

In the second example, the entry point with reference number 5 is dropped. The reference number can be obtained from the MEMORY command, details about an entry point are provided by the DISPLAY-ENTRY-POINT command.


Deletes instructions from the instruction list.


DELETE [from [to|LAST]]



(Both examples delete all instructions.)


Shows full details about an entry point, such as the number of variables expected, the range of the instructions and constants. The output also shows whether the list has been dropped (but not yet been reclaimed), whether the list is executable (note that a list that has been edited is always marked executable) and which interpreter should be used for the execution (sequential or with jumps).

Note that the description of an entry point that is being edited is not always entirely up to date.


DISPLAY-ENTRY-POINT [entry_reference]



Shows details about your current entry point.


Executes one or more lines in the instruction list sequentially, ignoring goto statements. This instruction is therefore mainly useful for debugging infinite loops.


EXECUTE [from [to|LAST]]



(Execute the whole instruction list, skipping branching statements.)


Leaves the editor.




Translates the function provided in the argument into an instruction list. No need for quotes around the function, even if it contains blanks or commas etc.


FUNCTION function




Reclaims the storage in the instruction and constants buffer that is associated with sub-lists that have been cleared. The entry point list is updated to reflect the cleanup. Once the instruction list underwent a garbage collect, cleared entry points can no longer be executed.




Inserts lines in the instruction list before the line given as argument. The lines to be input must be in raw format (4 integers per line) and they are roughly checked on correct syntax.


INSERT before


Lists (part of) the instruction list in raw format.


LIST [from [to|LAST]]



(Lists line 5 only.)


Displays the memory occupation: number of registers, constants and instructions that are in use. The list of entry points is also shown, for more details about one of them, use the DISPLAY-ENTRY-POINT instruction.




The local options described below may as usual be mixed with the global options, see the top level OPTIONS command.




(avalanche, time resolution and other settings)
Global phi0=10*pi/180
opt ignore-underflow
signal ion-tail cross-induced noelectron-pulse ...
   ion-angles 20 angular-spread exp(-((phi/{phi0})**2))

Avalanches are spread around the wire with a standard deviation of 10 degrees. This would lead to many underflows in the calculation and the spread would be rejected as a result. This is why the IGNORE-UNDERFLOW option is used.


(If you are confident you won't make typing errors ...)

Additional information on:


Prints (part of) the instruction list in a legible format.


PRINT [from [to|LAST]]


PRINT 2 10

(Prints lines 2 through 10.)


Displays (one argument) or modifies (two arguments) the contents of an element of the memory/register array.

You have access to the entire storage area, constant elements included.


REGISTER array_index value


REG 5 10

(First assign the value 10 to R(5), then check the value.)


Clears the algebra buffers: all instructions, constants and entry points are removed. This instruction should be used with care since there might be sub-lists around that other instructions still need.




Displays the number of results expected by the calling section.




Simplifies the present instruction list.

During the simplification, constants are evaluated, complementary operations are cancelled, assignments are propagated and removed, equal subexpressions are identified and stored and unexecutable steps are dropped from the instruction list.

Some of these simplifications are skipped if the instruction list contains (un)conditional jumps since the jump address can not a priori be assumed to be known.




Executes the entire instruction list associated with the current entry point. The arguments of this command are used as values of the variables. There should be precisely one argument per variable declared in the entry point description.

This instruction differs from EXECUTE in that goto is executed. Loops, jumps and if's therefore work as usual.


TEST var1 var2 ...


TEST 2 3 6 10

(Execute the instruction list after substituting 2 for R(1), 3 for R(2), 6 for R(3) and 10 for R(4).)


Lists the names of the valid variables.



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Formatted on 15/01/01 at 23:07.