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The edit-pr driver

pr-edit does the background work for edit-pr, including error-checking and refiling newly edited Problem Reports and handling file locks. It can be called interactively, though it has no useable editing interface.

The usage for pr-edit is:

pr-edit [ -l maintainer --lock=maintainer ]
        [ -u | --unlock ] [ -c | --check ] [ -F ]
        [ -f filename | --filename=filename ]
        [ -d directory | --directory=directory ]
        [ -h | --help ] [ -V | --version ]
        [ gnats-id ]

A lock is placed on a Problem Report while the PR is being edited. The lock is simply a file in the same directory as the PR, with the name `gnats-id.lock', which contains the name of the maintainer who created the lock. maintainer then "owns" the lock, and must remove it before the PR can be locked again, even by the same maintainer(4). If a PR is already locked when you attempt to edit it, pr-edit prints an error message giving the name of the maintainer who is currently editing the PR.

If you do not specify gnats-id, pr-edit reads from standard input. You must specify gnats-id for the functions which affect PR locks, `--lock=maintainer' and `--unlock'.

-l maintainer
Locks Problem Report gnats-id, failing (and returning an error message) if gnats-id is already locked, or if gnats-id does not exist. pr-edit requires that you specify gnats-id when using this option.
Unlocks Problem Report gnats-id. pr-edit requires that you specify gnats-id when using this option. You must own a file lock to remove it.
Checks the Problem Report in gnats-id (or standard input, if gnats-id is not present) for correct information in its ENUMERATED fields. pr-edit complains about any bogus information in the Problem Report.
Forces the PR to be submitted to the database, even if there is no current index entry for it (i.e., even if the PR did not exist in the database previously). Warning: using this option may corrupt your index. If you use it, be sure you know what you are doing.
-f filename
Reads filename rather than standard input.
-d directory
Resets the operating directory (GNATS_ROOT).
Prints the usage for pr-edit.
Prints the version number for pr-edit.

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