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The type of annihilation is sampled from the total cross-sections for the annihilation into two photons and into one photon (see section [PHYS350]).

Annihilation into two photons

The differential cross-section of the two-photon positron-electron annihilation can be written as [,]: {d σ(Z, &.gifi;)d &.gifi;}= m &sp;a [S(a &.gifi;) + S (a(1- &.gifi;))]

where m is the electron mass Z is the atomic number of the material. If we indicate with E the initial energy of the positron, with r0 the classical electron radius and with k the energy of the less energetic photon generated, we have:

γ = {Em} a = γ+1

&.gifi; = {kE+m} S(x) = C1[ -1 + {C2x}-{1x2}]

C1 = {Z πr02a(E-m)} C2 = a + {e γa}

The kinematical limits for the variable &.gifi; are:

&.gifi;0= {1a+ γ2-1}≤&.gifi;≤{12}

Due to the symmetry of the formula (gif) in &.gifi; , the range of &.gifi; can be expanded from (&.gifi;0,1/2 ) to (&.gifi;0,1-&.gifi;0 ) and the second function S can be eliminated from the formula. Having done this, the differential cross-section can be decomposed (apart from the normalisation) as: {d σd &.gifi;}={1ln{1 - &.gifi;0&.gifi;0}}{1&.gifi;}f(&.gifi;){(a2+2a-2)-a2&.gifi;-{1&.gifi;}a2-2ln{1 - &.gifi;0&.gifi;0}}g(&.gifi;)



Figure: Comparison between the K-shell binding energies given by the expression in the text and the tabulated values.

Using the expression (gif) with random numbers ri∈]0,1[, i=1,2 , the secondary photon energy is sampled by the following st.gif:

  1. sample &.gifi; from f(&.gifi;) : &.gifi;=&.gifi;0exp[ ln({1- &.gifi;0&.gifi;0}) r1]

  2. compute the rejection function g(&.gifi;) and
    1. if r2≤g(&.gifi;) accept &.gifi;

    2. if r1> g(&.gifi;) go back to 1.
After the successful sampling of &.gifi; , the photon energy is computed as k = (E+m)&.gifi;

and then GANNI generates the polar angles of the photon with respect to an axis defined by the momentum of the positron. The azimuthal angle Φ is generated isotropically and Θ is computed from the energy-momentum conservation. With this information, the momentum vector of both photons can be calculated and transformed into the GEANT coordinate system.

The routine GANNIR treates the special case when a positron falls below the cut-off energy ( CUTELE in common block /GCCUTS/) before annihilating. In this case, it is assumed that the positron comes to rest before annihilating. GANNIR generates two photons with energy k=m. The angular distribution is isotropic.

Annihilation into one photon

The generated photon is assumed to be collinear with the positron. Its energy will be k = E + me- Ebind

where Ebind is the binding energy of the K-shell electron. It can be estimated as follows Ebind= 0.5 (Z  α)2 me

where α is the fine stucture constant. The comparison of this expression with the experimental data from [] is shown in figure gif.

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Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 12:46:29 METDST 1995