It replaces the normal dialog window; it contains a Transcript Pad, where the
text output of the executed commands is displayed, and an Input Pad, where the
user can still type the desired commands in the old style.
The Geant++ Main File Browser
On the left side it displays a list of the GEANT data structures, of the
available commands, file, macros and Zebra divisions used. Selecting one of
them, the full list of /icons representing the objects of that class is shown
in the main area of the browser. Proceeding as described before, it is
possible to perform actions on the classes (like create a new object) or on
the objects belonging to them. It is possible to create menus of commands
just clicking on the string `commands' at the top line of the browser.
The Geant++ Graphics Window
Any object to be drawn in the graphics window can be stored in the current
picture file (automatically opened after each NEXT command) via a call to
IGPID (see Higz manual). It can be afterwards `picked' as described before.
In the case of commands executed via the use of Motif panels, some input values
can be set with a slider ranging in the specifed range for the relative
variable; moving the slider (after having clicked on the right-hand `activating
box') the relative action is performed in the graphics
window when releasing the button of the mouse; when in `drag mode', the
action is performed while moving the slider (keeping the left button
pressed): especially when double buffering has been selected, this can be
useful for real time manipulations.