Routine ID: CONS210 | |
Author(s): | Submitted: 11.02.86 |
Origin: R.Brun,F.Bruyant | Revised: 08.12.93 |
3|c|Default parameters | 1c|Parameter name | 1c|Default value | ||
Q(JTMN | +1) | CUTGAM | CUTGAM | 0.001Gev |
Q(JTMN | +2) | CUTELE | CUTELE | 0.001Gev |
Q(JTMN | +3) | CUTNEU | CUTNEU | 0.01Gev |
Q(JTMN | +4) | CUTHAD | CUTHAD | 0.01Gev |
Q(JTMN | +5) | CUTMUO | CUTMUO | 0.01Gev |
Q(JTMN | +8) | DCUTE | DCUTE | 10.Tev |
Q(JTMN | +9) | DCUTM | DCUTM | 10.Tev |
Q(JTMN | +10) | PPCUTM | PPCUTM | 0.01Gev |
Q(JTMN | +11) | IPAIR | PAIR | 1 |
Q(JTMN | +12) | ICOMP | COMP | 1 |
Q(JTMN | +13) | IPHOT | PHOT | 1 |
Q(JTMN | +14) | IPFIS | PFIS | 0 |
Q(JTMN | +15) | IDRAY | DRAY | 2 |
Q(JTMN | +16) | IANNI | ANNI | 1 |
Q(JTMN | +17) | IBREM | BREM | 1 |
Q(JTMN | +18) | IHADR | HADR | 1 |
Q(JTMN | +19) | IMUNU | MUNU | 0 |
Q(JTMN | +20) | IDCAY | DCAY | 1 |
Q(JTMN | +21) | ILOSS | LOSS | 2 |
Q(JTMN | +22) | IMULS | MULS | 1 |
Q(JTMN | +26) | GHEISHA | GHCOR1 | see [PHYS700] |
Q(JTMN | +27) | MODEL | BIRK1 | see [PHYS337] |
Q(JTMN | +28) | RKB | BIRK2 | see [PHYS337] |
Q(JTMN | +29) | C | BIRK3 | see [PHYS337] |
Q(JTMN | +31) | ILABS | LABS | see [PHYS260] |
Q(JTMN | +32) | ISYNC | SYNC | see [PHYS360] |
Q(JTMN | +33) | ISTRA | STRA | see [PHYS333] |
The data structure JTMED contains the standard tracking parameters ( CUTS and flags to control the physics processes) which are used by default for all tracking media. It is possible to redefine individually with GSTPAR any of these parameters for a given tracking medium. For example to change CUTGAM to 0.0001 for tracking medium ITMED: CALL GSTPAR(ITMED,'CUTGAM',0.0001)
For more information on default values for IDRAY and ILOSS see [BASE040].
The default tracking medium parameters are stored in the bank whose pointer is stored in the JTMED variable. In this case in the above table JTMN = JTMED. In the case one or more of the above parameters has been modified for a specific tracking medium, the whole parameter set is stored in the next bank of the given trackin medium. In this case JTMN = LQ(JTM) in the above table, where JTM is the pointer to the bank of the tracking medium, i.e. JTM = LQ(JTMED-ITMED).
At tracking time the parameters above are copied from JTMN into the common blocks /GCCUTS/ and /GCPHYS/. GSTPAR must be called before GPHYSI.