Routine ID: DRAW120 | |
Author(s): | Submitted: 15.05.84 |
Origin: P.Zanarini | Revised: 10.12.93 |
Draws a cut view of the volume CHNAME with all its visible descendants, i.e. draws their intersection with the cut plane normal to the axis given by the angles CUTTHE, CUTPHI at the distance CUTVAL from the origin. The view point is defined by the angles THETA, PHI. U0, V0, SU, SV have the same meaning as in GDRAW. These view parameters, as well as zoom parameters set by GDZOOM are copied in /GCDRAW/.
Attributes like colour, surface fill, line width, line style, visibility, etc. can be set by the GSATT routine for CHNAME and its descendants [GEOM500].
This routine is a special case of the previous GDRAWX. Here the cut plane is normal to one of the main axes ( IAX) and placed at a distance CUTVAL from the origin. The view-point is along the same axis.
Fig. gives an example of utilisation of GDAXIS, GDRAW and GDRAWX. Fig. gives an example of use of GDRAWC.
CALL GDOPT('HIDE','ON') CALL GSATT('NBOX','COLO',2.) CALL GSATT('NTUB','COLO',4.) CALL GDRAW('NBOX',50.,150.,0.,10.,10.,0.01,0.01) CALL GDRAW('NTUB',50.,150.,0.,10.,10.,0.01,0.01) CALL GDOPT('HIDE','OFF') CALL GSATT('*','COLO',1.) CALL GDRAWX('NBOX',30.,40.,0.,50.,150.,10.,10.,0.01,0.01) CALL GDAXIS(0.,0.,0.,200.)
Figure: Example of utilisation of
CALL GDRAWC('OPAL',2,0.,10.,10.,0.01,0.01)
Figure: Example of utilisation of GDRAWC