// @(#)root/eg:$Name:  $:$Id: TParticlePDG.cxx,v 2000/05/16 17:00:47 rdm Exp $
// Author: Pasha Murat   12/02/99

#include "TParticlePDG.h"


  fDecayList  = NULL;

 TParticlePDG::TParticlePDG(Int_t )
  // empty for the time  being

  fDecayList  = NULL;

 TParticlePDG::TParticlePDG(const char* name, const char* title, Double_t mass,
			   Bool_t stable, Double_t width, Double_t charge,
			   const char* type, Int_t MCnumber)
             : TNamed(name,title)

    // empty for the time  being

    fMass       = mass;
    fStable     = stable;
    fWidth      = width;
    fCharge     = charge;
    fType       = type;
    fPdgCode    = MCnumber;
    fDecayList  = NULL;


 void TParticlePDG::Print(Option_t *)
//  Print the entire information of this kind of particle

   printf("n%-20s  %6dt",GetName(),fPdgCode);
   if (!fStable) {
       printf("Mass:%9.4f Width (GeV):%11.4etCharge: %5.1fn",
              fMass, fWidth, fCharge);
   else {
       printf("Mass:%9.4f Width (GeV): StabletCharge: %5.1fn",
              fMass, fCharge);

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