- TApplication ............ GUI application singleton
- TApplicationImp ......... ABC describing application implementation protocol
- TArc .................... Arc of a circle
- TArray .................. Abstract array base class
- TArrayC ................. Array of chars
- TArrayD ................. Array of doubles
- TArrayF ................. Array of floats
- TArrayI ................. Array of ints
- TArrayL ................. Array of longs
- TArrayS ................. Array of shorts
- TArrow .................. one arrow --->
- TAtt3D .................. 3D attributes
- TAttAxis ................ Axis attributes
- TAttCanvas .............. Canvas attributes
- TAttFill ................ Fill area attributes
- TAttFillCanvas .......... A specialized dialog canvas to set fill attributes.
- TAttLine ................ Line attributes
- TAttLineCanvas .......... A specialized dialog canvas to set line attributes.
- TAttMarker .............. Marker attributes
- TAttMarkerCanvas ........ A specialized dialog canvas to set marker attributes.
- TAttPad ................. Pad attributes
- TAttParticle ............ Particle definition
- TAttText ................ Text attributes
- TAttTextCanvas .......... A specialized dialog canvas to set text attributes.
- TAuthenticate ........... Class providing remote authentication service
- TAxis ................... Axis class
- TAxis3D ................. 3-D ruler painting class
- TBaseClass .............. Description of a base class
- TBasket ................. the TBranch buffers
- TBenchmark .............. ROOT utility to help benchmarking applications
- TBox .................... Box class
- TBranch ................. Branch descriptor
- TBranchClones ........... Branch in case of an array of clone objects
- TBranchObject ........... Branch in case of an object
- TBRIK ................... TBRIK shape
- TBrowser ................ ROOT Object Browser
- TBrowserImp ............. ABC describing browser implementation protocol
- TBtree .................. A B-tree
- TBtreeIter .............. B-tree iterator
- TBuffer ................. Buffer base class used for serializing objects
- TButton ................. A user interface button.
- TCanvas ................. Graphics canvas
- TCanvasImp .............. ABC describing main window protocol
- TChain .................. A chain of TTrees
- TChainElement ........... A chain element
- TChair .................. A base class to provide a user custom interface to TTable class objects
- TCint ................... Interface to CINT C/C++ interpreter
- TCL ..................... C++ replacement for CERNLIB matrix / triangle matrix packages: F110 and F112
- TClass .................. Dictionary containing class information
- TClassTable ............. Table of known classes
- TClassTree .............. Manager class to draw classes inheritance tree and relations
- TClonesArray ............ An array of clone objects
- TCollection ............. Collection abstract base class
- TColor .................. Color defined by RGB or HLS
- TColumnView ............. Helper to represent one TTable column
- TCondition .............. Condition variable class
- TConditionImp ........... Condition variable implementation ABC
- TCONE ................... CONE shape
- TCONS ................... CONS shape
- TContextMenu ............ Context sensitive popup menu
- TContextMenuImp ......... Context sensitive popup menu implementation
- TControlBar ............. Control bar
- TControlBarButton ....... The Control bar button
- TControlBarImp .......... GUI independent controlbar abc
- TCTUB ................... The Cut Tube shape
- TCurlyArc ............... a curly arc
- TCurlyLine .............. A curly polyline
- TCut .................... A specialized string object used for TTree selections
- TCutG ................... A Graphical cut.
- TDatabasePDG ............ PDG particle database
- TDataMember ............. Dictionary for a class data member
- TDataSet ................ The base class to create the hierarchical data structures
- TDataSetIter ............ class-iterator to navigate TDataSet structure
- TDataType ............... Basic data type descriptor
- TDatime ................. Date and time 950130 124559
- TDialogCanvas ........... A specialized canvas to set attributes.
- TDiamond ................ Diamond class
- TDictionary ............. ABC defining interface to dictionary
- TDirectory .............. Describe directory structure in memory
- TDrawPanelHist .......... Class used to control histogram drawing options
- TEllipse ................ An ellipse
- TELTU ................... ELTU shape
- TEnv .................... Handle ROOT configuration resources
- TEventList .............. A list of selected entries in a TTree.
- TExec ................... To execute a CINT command
- TExMap .................. Map with external hash
- TF1 ..................... The Parametric 1-D function
- TF2 ..................... The Parametric 2-D function
- TF3 ..................... The Parametric 3-D function
- TFile ................... ROOT file
- TFileHandler ............ Handles events on file descriptors
- TFileSet ................
- TFitPanel ............... Class used to control histograms fit panel
- TFitPanelGraph .......... Class used to control graphs fit panel
- TFitter ................. The ROOT standard fitter based on TMinuit
- TFolder ................. Describe a folder: a list of objects and folders
- TFormula ................ The formula base class f(x,y,z,par)
- TFrame .................. Pad graphics frame
- TFree ................... Description of free segments on a file
- TFunction ............... Dictionary for global function
- TGaxis .................. Graphics axis
- TGButton ................ Button widget abstract base class
- TGButtonGroup ........... Organizes TGButtons in a group
- TGCanvas ................ A canvas with two scrollbars and a viewport
- TGCheckButton ........... A check button widget
- TGClient ................ Class making connection to display server
- TGColumnLayout .......... Column layout manager
- TGComboBox .............. Combo box widget
- TGComboBoxPopup ......... Combobox popup window
- TGCompositeFrame ........ Base class for composite widgets (menubars, etc.)
- TGDimension ............. Dimension object (width, height)
- TGDoubleHSlider ......... Horizontal double slider widget
- TGDoubleSlider .......... Double slider widget abstract base class
- TGDoubleVSlider ......... Vertical double slider widget
- TGenerator .............. Event generator interface abstract baseclass
- TGenPhaseSpace .......... Simple Phase Space Generator
- TGeometry ............... Structure for Matrices, Shapes and Nodes
- TGFileContainer ......... Container containing file system objects
- TGFileDialog ............ File selection dialog
- TGFrame ................. Base class for simple widgets (button, etc.)
- TGFSComboBox ............ Combo box widget for file system path
- TGGC .................... Graphics context
- TGGCPool ................ Graphics context pool
- TGGotoDialog ............ Goto line dialig used by TGTextEdit widget
- TGGroupFrame ............ A composite frame with border and title
- TGHButtonGroup .......... A button group with one horizontal row
- TGHorizontal3DLine ...... A horizontal 3D separator line
- TGHorizontalFrame ....... Composite frame with horizontal child layout
- TGHorizontalLayout ...... Horizontal layout manager
- TGHotString ............. Graphics string with hot character
- TGHProgressBar .......... Horizontal progress bar widget
- TGHScrollBar ............ Horizontal scrollbar widget
- TGHSlider ............... Horizontal slider widget
- TGHSplitter ............. A horizontal frame splitter
- TGIcon .................. Icon GUI class
- TGImageMap .............. Clickable image (like MAP in HTML)
- TGLabel ................. A label GUI element
- TGLayoutHints ........... Class describing GUI layout hints
- TGLayoutManager ......... Layout manager abstract base class
- TGLBContainer ........... Listbox container
- TGLBEntry ............... Basic listbox entry
- TGListBox ............... Listbox widget
- TGListDetailsLayout ..... Layout manager for TGListView details
- TGListLayout ............ Layout manager for TGListView widget
- TGListTree .............. Show items in a tree structured list
- TGListTreeItem .......... Item that goes into a TGListTree container
- TGListView .............. List view widget (iconbox, small icons or tabular view)
- TGlobal ................. Global variable class
- TGLongPosition .......... Position object (x and y are Long_t)
- TGLVContainer ........... Listview container
- TGLVEntry ............... Item that goes into a TGListView container
- TGLViewerImp ............ ROOT OpenGL viewer implementation
- TGLVTreeEntry ........... Item that goes into the tree list view widget
- TGMainFrame ............. Top level window frame
- TGMatrixLayout .......... Matrix layout manager
- TGMenuBar ............... Menu bar class
- TGMenuTitle ............. Menu title class
- TGMimeTypes ............. Pool of mime type objects
- TGMsgBox ................ A message dialog box
- TGObject ................ ROOT GUI base class
- TGPicture ............... Pictures and icons used by the GUI classes
- TGPictureButton ......... A picture button widget
- TGPicturePool ........... Picture and icon cache
- TGPopupMenu ............. Popup menu
- TGPosition .............. Position object (x and y are Int_t)
- TGPrintDialog ........... Print dialog used by TGTextEdit widget
- TGProgressBar ........... Progress bar abstract base class
- TGRadioButton ........... A radio button widget
- TGraph .................. Graph graphics class
- TGraphAsymmErrors ....... a Graph with asymmetric error bars
- TGraphErrors ............ a Graph with error bars
- TGRegion ................ Describes a region
- TGRegionWithId .......... Region with id, tooltip text and popup menu
- TGroupButton ............ A user interface button in a group of buttons.
- TGRowLayout ............. Row layout manager
- TGScrollBar ............. Scrollbar widget
- TGScrollBarElement ...... Scrollbar element (head, tail, slider)
- TGSearchDialog .......... Text search dialog used by TGTextEdit widget
- TGSelectBox ............. TreeView dialog widget
- TGSelectedPicture ....... Selected looking picture
- TGShutter ............... Shutter widget
- TGShutterItem ........... Shutter widget item
- TGSlider ................ Slider widget abstract base class
- TGSplitter .............. A frame splitter abstract base class
- TGStatusBar ............. Status bar widget
- TGString ................ Graphics string
- TGTab ................... Tab widget
- TGTabElement ............ Little tab on tab widget
- TGTabLayout ............. Layout manager for TGTab widget
- TGText .................. Text used by TGTextEdit
- TGTextBuffer ............ Text buffer used by widgets like TGTextEntry, etc.
- TGTextButton ............ A text button widget
- TGTextEdit .............. Text edit widget
- TGTextEntry ............. The TGTextEntry widget is a simple line editor for inputting text
- TGTextLBEntry ........... Text listbox entry
- TGTextLine .............. Line in TGText
- TGTextView .............. Editable text widget base class (links TGText to TGEditView)
- TGTileLayout ............ Tile layout manager
- TGToolBar ............... A bar containing picture buttons
- TGToolTip ............... One line help text
- TGTRA ................... GTRA shape
- TGTransientFrame ........ Frame for dialog (transient) windows
- TGTreeLBEntry ........... TGFSComboBox entry
- TGTreeLVC ............... a dragging-capable LVContainer
- TGuiFactory ............. Abstract factory for GUI components
- TGVButtonGroup .......... A button group with one vertical column
- TGVertical3DLine ........ A vertical 3D separator line
- TGVerticalFrame ......... Composite frame with vertical child layout
- TGVerticalLayout ........ Vertical layout manager
- TGView .................. Text view widget base class
- TGViewFrame ............. Frame containing the actual text
- TGViewPort .............. Viewport through which to look at a frame
- TGVProgressBar .......... Vertical progress bar widget
- TGVScrollBar ............ Vertical scrollbar widget
- TGVSlider ............... Vertical slider widget
- TGVSplitter ............. A vertical frame splitter
- TGWidget ................ Widget base class
- TGWindow ................ GUI Window base class
- TGX11 ................... Interface to X11
- TGX11TTF ................ Interface to X11 + TTF font handling
- TH1 ..................... 1-Dim histogram base class
- TH1C .................... 1-Dim histograms (one char per channel)
- TH1D .................... 1-Dim histograms (one double per channel)
- TH1F .................... 1-Dim histograms (one float per channel)
- TH1S .................... 1-Dim histograms (one short per channel)
- TH2 ..................... 2-Dim histogram base class
- TH2C .................... 2-Dim histograms (one char per channel)
- TH2D .................... 2-Dim histograms (one double per channel)
- TH2F .................... 2-Dim histograms (one float per channel)
- TH2S .................... 2-Dim histograms (one short per channel)
- TH3 ..................... 3-Dim histogram base class
- TH3C .................... 3-Dim histograms (one char per channel)
- TH3D .................... 3-Dim histograms (one double per channel)
- TH3F .................... 3-Dim histograms (one float per channel)
- TH3S .................... 3-Dim histograms (one short per channel)
- THashList ............... Doubly linked list with hashtable for lookup
- THashTable .............. A hash table
- THashTableIter .......... Hash table iterator
- THelix .................. A Helix drawn as a PolyLine3D
- THistPainter ............ helper class to draw histograms
- THtml ................... Convert class(es) into HTML file(s)
- THYPE ................... HYPE shape
- TInetAddress ............ Represents an Internet Protocol (IP) address
- TInspectCanvas .......... The canvas Inspector
- TInspectorImp ........... GUI independent inspector abc
- TInterpreter ............ ABC defining interface to generic interpreter
- TIter ................... Iterator wrapper
- TIterator ............... Iterator abstract base class
- TKey .................... Header description of a logical record on file
- TKeyMapFile ............. Utility class for browsing TMapFile objects.
- TLatex .................. The Latex-style text processor class
- TLazyMatrix ............. Lazy matrix
- TLazyMatrixD ............ Lazy matrix with double precision
- TLeaf ................... Leaf: description of a Branch data type
- TLeafB .................. A TLeaf for an 8 bit Integer data type.
- TLeafC .................. A TLeaf for a variable length string.
- TLeafD .................. A TLeaf for a 64 bit floating point data type.
- TLeafF .................. A TLeaf for a 32 bit floating point data type.
- TLeafI .................. A TLeaf for an Integer data type.
- TLeafObject ............. A TLeaf for a general object derived from TObject.
- TLeafS .................. A TLeaf for a 16 bit Integer data type.
- TLegend ................. Legend of markers/lines/boxes to represent obj's
- TLegendEntry ............ Storage class for one entry of a TLegend
- TLego ................... Hidden line removal package
- TLine ................... A line segment
- TLink ................... Link: hypertext link to an object
- TList ................... Doubly linked list
- TListIter ............... Linked list iterator
- TLockGuard .............. Exception safe locking/unlocking of TMutex
- TLorentzRotation ........ Lorentz transformations including boosts and rotations
- TLorentzVector .......... A four vector with (-,-,-,+) metric
- TMap .................... A map
- TMapFile ................ Memory mapped directory structure
- TMapIter ................ Map iterator
- TMarker ................. Marker
- TMarker3DBox ............ a special 3-D marker designed for event display
- TMaterial ............... Materials used in the Geometry Shapes
- TMath ................... Interface to math routines
- TMatrix ................. Matrix class
- TMatrixColumn ........... One column of a matrix
- TMatrixD ................ Matrix class (double precision)
- TMatrixDColumn .......... One column of a matrix (double precision)
- TMatrixDDiag ............ Diagonal of a matrix (double precision)
- TMatrixDiag ............. Diagonal of a matrix
- TMatrixDRow ............. One row of a matrix (double precision)
- TMatrixRow .............. One row of a matrix
- TMCParticle ............. LUJETS particles data record.
- TMemberInspector ........ ABC for inspecting class data members
- TMessage ................ Message buffer class
- TMessageHandler ......... Generic message handler
- TMethod ................. Dictionary for a class member function (method)
- TMethodArg .............. Dictionary for a method argument
- TMethodCall ............. Method calling interface
- TMinuit ................. The MINUIT minimisation package
- TMixture ................ Mixtures used in the Geometry Shapes
- TMonitor ................ Monitor activity on a set of TSocket objects
- TMultiDimFit ............ Multi dimensional fit class
- TMultiGraph ............. A collection of TGraph objects
- TMutex .................. Mutex lock class
- TMutexImp ............... Mutex lock implementation ABC
- TNamed .................. The basis for a named object (name, title)
- TNetFile ................ A ROOT file that reads/writes via a rootd server
- TNode ................... Description of parameters to position a 3-D geometry object
- TNodeDiv ................ Description of parameters to divide a 3-D geometry object
- TNtuple ................. A simple tree with branches of floats.
- TObjArray ............... An array of objects
- TObjArrayIter ........... Object array iterator
- TObject ................. Basic ROOT object
- TObjectSet ..............
- TObjectTable ............ Table of active objects
- TObjString .............. Collectable string class
- TOrdCollection .......... An ordered collection
- TOrdCollectionIter ...... Ordered collection iterator
- TPacketGenerator ........ Generate packets of entries for parallel processing
- TPad .................... A Graphics pad
- TPARA ................... PARA shape
- TParticle ............... TParticle vertex particle information
- TParticlePDG ............ PDG static particle definition
- TPave ................... Pave. A box with shadowing
- TPaveClass .............. A TPaveLabel specialized for TClassTree objects
- TPaveLabel .............. PaveLabel. A Pave with a label
- TPaveStats .............. a special TPaveText to draw histogram statistics.
- TPavesText .............. Stacked Paves with text strings
- TPaveText ............... PaveText. A Pave with several lines of text.
- TPCON ................... PCON shape
- TPGON ................... PGON shape
- TPoints ................. 2-D graphics point
- TPoints3D ............... Defines the abstract array of 3D points
- TPoints3DABC ............ A 3-D Points
- TPointsArray3D .......... A 3-D PolyLine
- TPolyLine ............... A PolyLine
- TPolyLine3D ............. A 3-D PolyLine
- TPolyLineShape .......... the base class to define an abstract 3D shape of STAR "event" geometry
- TPolyMarker ............. An array of points with the same marker
- TPolyMarker3D ........... An array of 3-D points with the same marker
- TPosixCondition ......... Posix condition variable
- TPosixMutex ............. Posix mutex lock
- TPosixThread ............ TPosixThread class
- TPosixThreadFactory ..... Posix thread factory
- TPostScript ............. PostScript driver
- TPrimary ................ TPrimary vertex particle information
- TPrincipal .............. Principal Components Analysis
- TProcessEventTimer ...... Process pending events at fixed time intervals
- TProfile ................ Profile histogram class
- TProfile2D .............. Profile2D histogram class
- TProof .................. PROOF control class
- TProofServ .............. PROOF Server Application Interface
- TPythia ................. Interface to Pythia Event Generator
- TQClass ................. Class with connections
- TQConnection ............ Internal class used in the object communication mechanism
- TQObject ................ Base class for object communication mechanism
- TQObjSender ............. Used to "delegate" TQObject functionality
- TRandom ................. Random number generators
- TRandom2 ................ Random number generators with periodicity > 10**14
- TRandom3 ................ Random number generator: Mersenne Twistor
- TRealData ............... Description of persistent data members
- TRegexp ................. Regular expression class
- TRFIOFile ............... A ROOT file that reads/writes via a rfiod server
- TRint ................... ROOT Interactive Application Interface
- TROOT ................... Top level (or root) structure for all classes
- TRootApplication ........ ROOT native GUI application environment
- TRootBrowser ............ ROOT native GUI version of browser
- TRootCanvas ............. ROOT native GUI version of main window with menubar and drawing area
- TRootContextMenu ........ ROOT native GUI context sensitive popup menu
- TRootControlBar ......... ROOT native GUI implementation of TControlBar
- TRootDialog ............. Native GUI method argument prompt dialog box
- TRootEmbeddedCanvas ..... A ROOT TCanvas that can be embedded in a TGFrame
- TRootGuiFactory ......... Factory for ROOT GUI components
- TRootHelpDialog ......... Dialog to display help text
- TRotation ............... Rotations of TVector3 objects
- TRotMatrix .............. Rotation Matrix for 3-D geometry objects
- TRWLock ................. Reader/writer lock
- TSelector ............... A utility class for Trees selections.
- TSelectorCint ........... A utility class for Trees selections. (interpreted)
- TSemaphore .............. Counting semaphore class
- TSeqCollection .......... Sequenceable collection ABC
- TServerSocket ........... This class implements server sockets
- TShape .................. Basic shape
- TSignalHandler .......... Signal event handler
- TSlave .................. PROOF slave server
- TSlider ................. A user interface slider.
- TSliderBox .............. The moving box of a TSlider
- TSocket ................. This class implements client sockets
- TSortedList ............. A sorted list
- TSpectrum ............... Peak Finder, background estimator, Deconvolution
- TSPHE ................... SPHE shape
- TSpline .................
- TSpline3 ................
- TSpline5 ................
- TSplinePoly .............
- TSplinePoly3 ............
- TSplinePoly5 ............
- TSQLResult .............. SQL query result
- TSQLRow ................. One row of an SQL query result
- TSQLServer .............. Connection to SQL server
- TStopwatch .............. A stopwatch which times real and cpu time
- TStorage ................ Storage manager class
- TStreamerBase ........... Streamer element of type base class
- TStreamerBasicPointer ... Streamer element for a pointer to a basic type
- TStreamerBasicType ...... Streamer element for a basic type
- TStreamerElement ........ base class for one element (data member) to be Streamed
- TStreamerInfo ........... Streamer information for one class version
- TStreamerLoop ........... Streamer element for a pointer to an array of objects
- TStreamerObject ......... Streamer element of type object
- TStreamerObjectAny ...... Streamer element of type object other than TObject
- TStreamerObjectPointer .. Streamer element of type pointer to a TObject
- TStreamerSTL ............ Streamer element of type STL container
- TStreamerSTLstring ...... Streamer element of type C++ string
- TStreamerString ......... Streamer element of type TString
- TString ................. Basic string class
- TStringLong ............. Long string class (more than 255 chars)
- TStyle .................. A collection of all graphics attributes
- TSysEvtHandler .......... ABC for handling system events
- TSystem ................. ABC defining a generic interface to the OS
- TSystemDirectory ........ A system directory
- TSystemFile ............. A system file
- TTabCom ................. Perform comand line completion when hitting <TAB>
- TTable .................. Array of the C structures
- TTable3Points ........... A 3-D Points
- TTableDescriptor ........
- TTableIter .............. Iterator over "sorted" TTable objects
- TTablePoints ............ Defines the TTable as an element of "event" geometry
- TTableSorter ............ Is an "observer" class to sort the TTable objects
- TTask ................... Base class for tasks
- TText ................... Text
- TThread ................. Thread class
- TThreadFactory .......... Thread factory ABC
- TThreadImp .............. ThreadImp class
- TTime ................... Basic time type with milli second precision
- TTimer .................. Handle timer event
- TToggle ................. Facility for toggling datamembers on/off
- TToggleGroup ............ Group of contex-menu toggle objects
- TTRAP ................... TRAP shape
- TTRD1 ................... TRD1 shape
- TTRD2 ................... TRD2 shape
- TTree ................... Tree descriptor (the main ROOT I/O class)
- TTreeFormula ............ The Tree formula
- TTreePlayer ............. manager class to play with TTrees
- TTreeResult ............. TTree query result
- TTreeRow ................ One row of an TTree query result
- TTreeViewer ............. A GUI oriented tree viewer
- TTUBE ................... TUBE shape
- TTUBS ................... TUBS shape
- TUnixSystem ............. Interface to Unix OS services
- TUrl .................... Represents an URL
- TVector ................. Vector class
- TVector2 ................ a two dim physics vector
- TVector3 ................ A three vector
- TVectorD ................ Vector class with double precision
- TVenus .................. Venus event generator interface class
- TView ................... 3-D View
- TViewerX3D .............. C++ interface to the X3D viewer
- TVirtualFitter .......... Abstract interface for fitting
- TVirtualHistPainter ..... Abstract interface for histogram painters
- TVirtualPad ............. Abstract base class for Pads and Canvases
- TVirtualPS .............. Abstract interface to a PostScript driver
- TVirtualTreePlayer ...... Abstract interface for Tree players
- TVirtualX ............... ABC defining a generic interface to graphics system
- TVolume ................. Description of parameters to position a 3-D geometry object
- TVolumePosition ......... Description of parameters to position a 3-D geometry object
- TVolumeView .............
- TVolumeViewIter .........
- TWbox ................... A window box (box with 3-D effects)
- TWebFile ................ A ROOT file that reads via a http server
- TXTRU ................... TXTRU shape
Last update: Fri Dec 22 14:17:21 2000
ROOT page - Class index - Top of the page
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