
class description - source file - inheritance tree

class TPythia : public TGenerator

virtual TPrimary* GetPrimary(Int_t) virtual void ShowNeutrons(Bool_t) void Unsupported(const char* name) public:
TPythia TPythia() TPythia TPythia(TPythia&) virtual void ~TPythia() static TClass* Class() virtual void Draw(Option_t* option) virtual void GenerateEvent() virtual Float_t GetBRAT(Int_t idc) const virtual char* GetCHAF(Int_t kc) const virtual Float_t GetCKIN(Int_t key) const virtual Float_t GetCOEF(Int_t isub, Int_t j) const virtual Int_t GetICOL(Int_t kf, Int_t i, Int_t j) const virtual Int_t GetISET(Int_t isub) const virtual Int_t GetISIG(Int_t ichn, Int_t isig) const virtual Int_t GetKCHG(Int_t kc, Int_t key) const virtual Int_t GetKFDP(Int_t idc, Int_t j) const virtual Bool_t GetKFIN(Int_t i, Int_t j) const virtual Int_t GetKFPR(Int_t isub, Int_t j) const virtual Int_t GetMDCY(Int_t kc, Int_t key) const virtual Int_t GetMDME(Int_t idc, Int_t key) const virtual Int_t GetMINT(Int_t key) const virtual Int_t GetMRLU(Int_t key) const virtual Int_t GetMSEL() const virtual Int_t GetMSTI(Int_t key) const virtual Int_t GetMSTJ(Int_t key) const virtual Int_t GetMSTP(Int_t key) const virtual Int_t GetMSTU(Int_t key) const virtual Bool_t GetMSUB(Int_t isub) const virtual Int_t GetNGEN(Int_t isub, Int_t key) const virtual Float_t GetPARF(Int_t key) const virtual Float_t GetPARI(Int_t key) const virtual Float_t GetPARJ(Int_t key) const virtual Float_t GetPARP(Int_t key) const virtual Float_t GetPARU(Int_t key) const virtual Float_t GetPMAS(Int_t kc, Int_t key) const virtual Float_t GetRRLU(Int_t key) const virtual Float_t GetSIGH(Int_t ichn) const virtual Float_t GetVCKM(Int_t i, Int_t j) const virtual Float_t GetVINT(Int_t key) const virtual Float_t GetWIDE(Int_t kf, Int_t j) const virtual Float_t GetWIDP(Int_t kf, Int_t j) const virtual Float_t GetWIDS(Int_t kf, Int_t j) const virtual Float_t GetXSEC(Int_t isub, Int_t key) const virtual Float_t GetXSFX(Int_t side, Int_t kf) const virtual Int_t ImportParticles(TClonesArray* particles, Option_t* option) virtual TObjArray* ImportParticles(Option_t* option) virtual void Initialize(const char* frame, const char* beam, const char* target, float win) virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Int_t Lucomp(Int_t kf) virtual void Luexec() virtual void Lulist(Int_t mlist = 1) virtual void Pyevnt() virtual void Pyinit(char* frame, char* beam, char* target, float win) virtual void Pystat(Int_t mstat = 1) virtual void Pytest(Int_t key = 1) virtual void SetBRAT(Int_t idc, Float_t value) virtual void SetCHAF(Int_t kc, char* value) virtual void SetCKIN(Int_t key, Float_t value) virtual void SetCOEF(Int_t isub, Int_t j, Float_t coef) virtual void SetICOL(Int_t kf, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t value) virtual void SetISET(Int_t isub, Int_t iset) virtual void SetKCHG(Int_t kc, Int_t key, Int_t value) virtual void SetKFDP(Int_t idc, Int_t j, Int_t value) virtual void SetKFIN(Int_t i, Int_t j, Bool_t kfin = 1) virtual void SetKFPR(Int_t isub, Int_t j, Int_t kfpr) virtual void SetMDCY(Int_t kc, Int_t key, Int_t value) virtual void SetMDME(Int_t idc, Int_t key, Int_t value) virtual void SetMINT(Int_t key, Int_t value) virtual void SetMRLU(Int_t key, Int_t seed) virtual void SetMSEL(Int_t sel) virtual void SetMSTI(Int_t key, Int_t value) virtual void SetMSTJ(Int_t key, Int_t value) virtual void SetMSTP(Int_t key, Int_t value) virtual void SetMSTU(Int_t key, Int_t value) virtual void SetMSUB(Int_t isub, Bool_t msub = 1) virtual void SetPARF(Int_t key, Float_t value) virtual void SetPARI(Int_t key, Float_t value) virtual void SetPARJ(Int_t key, Float_t value) virtual void SetPARP(Int_t key, Float_t value) virtual void SetPARU(Int_t key, Float_t value) virtual void SetPMAS(Int_t kc, Int_t key, Float_t value) virtual void SetRRLU(Int_t key, Float_t value) virtual void SetupTest() virtual void SetVCKM(Int_t i, Int_t j, Float_t value) virtual void SetVINT(Int_t key, Float_t value) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Class Description

 TPythia is an interface class to F77 version of Pythia 5.7 and Jetset 7.4  
 CERNLIB event generators, written by T.Sjostrand.                          
 For details about these generators look at Pythia/Jetset manual:           
**                                                                          **
**                                                                          **
**  P  P  Y Y    T   H   H  I   A A          J E      T   S     E      T    **
**  PPP    Y     T   HHHHH  I  AAAAA         J EEE    T    SSS  EEE    T    **
**  P      Y     T   H   H  I  A   A      J  J E      T       S E      T    **
**  P      Y     T   H   H III A   A       JJ  EEEE   T    SSS  EEEE   T    **
**                                                                          **
**                                                                          **
**              *......*                  Welcome to the Lund Monte Carlo!  **
**         *:::!!:::::::::::*                                               **
**      *::::::!!::::::::::::::*            This is PYTHIA version 5.720    **
**    *::::::::!!::::::::::::::::*        Last date of change: 29 Nov 1995  **
**   *:::::::::!!:::::::::::::::::*                                         **
**   *:::::::::!!:::::::::::::::::*         This is JETSET version 7.408    **
**    *::::::::!!::::::::::::::::*!       Last date of change: 23 Aug 1995  **
**      *::::::!!::::::::::::::* !!                                         **
**      !! *:::!!:::::::::::*    !!                 Main author:            **
**      !!     !* -><- *         !!              Torbjorn Sjostrand         **
**      !!     !!                !!        Dept. of theoretical physics 2   **
**      !!     !!                !!              University of Lund         **
**      !!                       !!                Solvegatan 14A           **
**      !!        ep             !!             S-223 62 Lund, Sweden       **
**      !!                       !!          phone: +46 - 46 - 222 48 16    **
**      !!                 pp    !!          E-mail:    **
**      !!   e+e-                !!                                         **
**      !!                       !!                                         **
**      !!                                                                  **
**                                                                          **
**                                                                          **
** The latest program versions and documentation is found on WWW address    **
**                        **
**                                                                          **
** When you cite these programs, priority should always be given to the     **
** latest published description. Currently this is                          **
** T. Sjostrand, Computer Physics Commun. 82 (1994) 74.                     **
** The most recent long description (unpublished) is                        **
** T. Sjostrand, LU TP 95-20 and CERN-TH.7112/93 (revised August 1995).     **
** Also remember that the programs, to a large extent, represent original   **
** physics research. Other publications of special relevance to your        **
** studies may therefore deserve separate mention.                          **
**                                                                          **
**                                                                          **

TPythia() : TGenerator("Pythia","Pythia")
 TPythia constructor: creates a TClonesArray in which it will store all
 particles. Note that there may be only one functional TPythia object
 at a time, so it's not use to create more than one instance of it.

 Destroys the object, deletes and disposes all TMCParticles currently on list.

void Draw(Option_t *option)
 Event display - not supported for TPythia yet.

TObjArray* ImportParticles(Option_t *)
 Fills TClonesArray fParticles list with particles from common LUJETS.
 Old contents of a list are cleared. This function should be called after
 any change in common LUJETS, however GetParticles() method  calls it
 automatically - user don't need to care about it. In case you make a call
 to LuExec() you must call this method yourself to transfer new data from
 common LUJETS to the fParticles list.

Int_t ImportParticles(TClonesArray *particles, Option_t *option)
  Default primary creation method. It reads the /HEPEVT/ common block which
  has been filled by the GenerateEvent method. If the event generator does
  not use the HEPEVT common block, This routine has to be overloaded by
  the subclasses.
  The function loops on the generated particles and store them in
  the TClonesArray pointed by the argument particles.
  The default action is to store only the stable particles (ISTHEP = 1)
  This can be demanded explicitly by setting the option = "Final"
  If the option = "All", all the particles are stored.

void SetMSEL(Int_t sel)
 Sets a value of MSEL in common PYSUBS.
 (D=1) a switch to select between full user control and some preprogrammed
       0 = full user control , desired subprocesses have to be switched on
           using SetMSUB()
 (see documentation for further details).
 This setting should be done before a call to Initialize() or Pyinit().

Int_t GetMSEL() const
 returns a current value of MSEL in common PYSUBS.

void SetMSUB(Int_t isub, Bool_t msub)

Bool_t GetMSUB(Int_t isub) const

void SetKFIN(Int_t i, Int_t j, Bool_t kfin)

Bool_t GetKFIN(Int_t i, Int_t j) const

void SetCKIN(Int_t key, Float_t value)

Float_t GetCKIN(Int_t key) const

void SetMSTP(Int_t key,Int_t value)

Int_t GetMSTP(Int_t key) const

void SetPARP(Int_t key,Float_t value)

Float_t GetPARP(Int_t key) const

void SetMSTI(Int_t key,Int_t value)

Int_t GetMSTI(Int_t key) const

void SetPARI(Int_t key,Float_t value)

Float_t GetPARI(Int_t key) const

void SetMINT(Int_t key, Int_t value)

Int_t GetMINT(Int_t key) const

void SetVINT(Int_t key, Float_t value)

Float_t GetVINT(Int_t key) const

void SetISET(Int_t isub,Int_t iset )

Int_t GetISET(Int_t isub) const

void SetKFPR(Int_t isub, Int_t j, Int_t kfpr)

Int_t GetKFPR(Int_t isub, Int_t j) const

void SetCOEF(Int_t isub, Int_t j, Float_t coef)

Float_t GetCOEF(Int_t isub, Int_t j) const

void SetICOL(Int_t kf,Int_t i, Int_t j,Int_t value)

Int_t GetICOL(Int_t kf,Int_t i, Int_t j) const

Float_t GetXSFX(Int_t side, Int_t kf) const

Int_t GetISIG(Int_t ichn, Int_t isig) const

Float_t GetSIGH(Int_t ichn) const

Float_t GetWIDP(Int_t kf, Int_t j) const

Float_t GetWIDE(Int_t kf, Int_t j) const

Float_t GetWIDS(Int_t kf, Int_t j) const

Int_t GetNGEN(Int_t isub, Int_t key) const

Float_t GetXSEC(Int_t isub, Int_t key) const

Int_t GetMRLU(Int_t key) const

void SetMRLU(Int_t key, Int_t seed)

Float_t GetRRLU(Int_t key) const

void SetRRLU(Int_t key, Float_t value)

Int_t GetMSTU(Int_t key) const

void SetMSTU(Int_t key, Int_t value)

Float_t GetPARU(Int_t key) const

void SetPARU(Int_t key, Float_t value)

Int_t GetMSTJ(Int_t key) const

void SetMSTJ(Int_t key, Int_t value)

Float_t GetPARJ(Int_t key) const

void SetPARJ(Int_t key, Float_t value)

Int_t GetKCHG(Int_t kc,Int_t key) const

void SetKCHG(Int_t kc,Int_t key, Int_t value)

Float_t GetPMAS(Int_t kc,Int_t key) const

void SetPMAS(Int_t kc,Int_t key, Float_t value)

Float_t GetPARF(Int_t key) const

void SetPARF(Int_t key, Float_t value)

Float_t GetVCKM(Int_t i,Int_t j) const

void SetVCKM(Int_t i,Int_t j,Float_t value)

Int_t GetMDCY(Int_t kc,Int_t key) const

void SetMDCY(Int_t kc,Int_t key, Int_t value)

Int_t GetMDME(Int_t idc,Int_t key) const

void SetMDME(Int_t idc,Int_t key,Int_t value)

Float_t GetBRAT(Int_t idc) const

void SetBRAT(Int_t idc,Float_t value)

Int_t GetKFDP(Int_t idc,Int_t j) const

void SetKFDP(Int_t idc,Int_t j,Int_t value)

char* GetCHAF(Int_t kc) const

void SetCHAF(Int_t kc,char *name)

void Initialize(const char *frame, const char *beam, const char *target, float win)
 Calls Pyinit with the same parameters after performing some checking,
 sets correct title. This method should preferably be called instead of Pyinit.
 PURPOSE: to initialize the generation procedure.
 ARGUMENTS: See documentation for details.
    frame:  - specifies the frame of the experiment:
    target: - beam and target particles (with additionaly cahrges, tildes or "bar":
    win:    - related to energy system:
              for frame=="CMS" - total energy of system
              for frame=="FIXT" - momentum of beam particle
              for frame=="USER" - dummy - see documentation.

void GenerateEvent()
 Generates one event nd automatically fills the fParticles list with new particles.
 This function should rathe be used instead of pyevnt();

void Pyinit(char *frame, char *beam, char *target, float win)
 Calls Pythia's PYINIT subroutine passing these parameters in a way accepted
 by FORTRAN routines. Yo should rather use Initialize() method instead of this

void Pyevnt()
 Calls Pythia's PYEVNT. You'd better use GenerateEvent() method instead.

void Pystat(Int_t mstat)
 Calls Pythia's PYSTAT: prints out some statistics depending on value of key:
 see documentation for details...

void Pytest(Int_t key)
 Calls Pythia's PYTEST routine - runs a set of tests to detect possible errors.

void Lulist(Int_t mlist)
 Calls JetSet's LULUST routine - lists an event.

void Luexec()
 Calls JetSet's LuExec routine - administrates the fragmentation and decay chain.

Int_t Lucomp(Int_t kf)

void SetupTest()
 Exemplary setup of Pythia parameters:
 Switches on processes 102,123,124 (Higgs generation) and switches off
 interactions, fragmentation, ISR, FSR...

Inline Functions

               void Unsupported(const char* name)
          TPrimary* GetPrimary(Int_t)
               void ShowNeutrons(Bool_t)
            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
            TPythia TPythia(TPythia&)

Author: Piotr Golonka 10/09/97
Last update: root/pythia:$Name: $:$Id: TPythia.cxx,v 1.2 2000/07/11 17:11:14 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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