// @(#)root/pythia:$Name: $:$Id: TPythia.cxx,v 1.2 2000/07/11 17:11:14 brun Exp $
// Author: Piotr Golonka 10/09/97
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
// //
// TPythia //
// //
// TPythia is an interface class to F77 version of Pythia 5.7 and Jetset 7.4 //
// CERNLIB event generators, written by T.Sjostrand. //
// For details about these generators look at Pythia/Jetset manual: //
// //
//** **
//** **
//** P P Y Y T H H I A A J E T S E T **
//** P Y T H H I A A J J E T S E T **
//** **
//** **
//** *......* Welcome to the Lund Monte Carlo! **
//** *:::!!:::::::::::* **
//** *::::::!!::::::::::::::* This is PYTHIA version 5.720 **
//** *::::::::!!::::::::::::::::* Last date of change: 29 Nov 1995 **
//** *:::::::::!!:::::::::::::::::* **
//** *:::::::::!!:::::::::::::::::* This is JETSET version 7.408 **
//** *::::::::!!::::::::::::::::*! Last date of change: 23 Aug 1995 **
//** *::::::!!::::::::::::::* !! **
//** !! *:::!!:::::::::::* !! Main author: **
//** !! !* -><- * !! Torbjorn Sjostrand **
//** !! !! !! Dept. of theoretical physics 2 **
//** !! !! !! University of Lund **
//** !! !! Solvegatan 14A **
//** !! ep !! S-223 62 Lund, Sweden **
//** !! !! phone: +46 - 46 - 222 48 16 **
//** !! pp !! E-mail: torbjorn@thep.lu.se **
//** !! e+e- !! **
//** !! !! **
//** !! **
//** **
//** **
//** The latest program versions and documentation is found on WWW address **
//** http://thep.lu.se/tf2/staff/torbjorn/Welcome.html **
//** **
//** When you cite these programs, priority should always be given to the **
//** latest published description. Currently this is **
//** T. Sjostrand, Computer Physics Commun. 82 (1994) 74. **
//** The most recent long description (unpublished) is **
//** T. Sjostrand, LU TP 95-20 and CERN-TH.7112/93 (revised August 1995). **
//** Also remember that the programs, to a large extent, represent original **
//** physics research. Other publications of special relevance to your **
//** studies may therefore deserve separate mention. **
//** **
//** **
#include "TPythia.h"
#include "Pcommon.h"
#include "TMCParticle.h"
#include "TParticle.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TView.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TPaveText.h"
#ifndef WIN32
# define pytest pytest_
# define pyinit pyinit_
# define pyevnt pyevnt_
# define pystat pystat_
# define lulist lulist_
# define luexec luexec_
# define lucomp lucomp_
# define type_of_call
# define pytest PYTEST
# define pyinit PYINIT
# define pyevnt PYEVNT
# define pystat PYSTAT
# define lulist LULIST
# define luexec LUEXEC
# define lucomp LUCOMP
# define type_of_call _stdcall
extern "C" void type_of_call pytest(Long_t &key);
#ifndef WIN32
extern "C" void type_of_call pyinit(char *frame, char *beam, char *target,
float &win, Long_t l_frame, Long_t l_beam,
Long_t l_target);
extern "C" void type_of_call pyinit(char *frame, Long_t l_frame,
char *beam, Long_t l_beam,
char *target, Long_t l_target,
float &win
extern "C" void type_of_call pyevnt();
extern "C" void type_of_call pystat(Long_t &key);
extern "C" void type_of_call lulist(Long_t &key);
extern "C" void type_of_call luexec();
extern "C" int type_of_call lucomp(Long_t &kf);
TPythia::TPythia() : TGenerator("Pythia","Pythia")
// TPythia constructor: creates a TClonesArray in which it will store all
// particles. Note that there may be only one functional TPythia object
// at a time, so it's not use to create more than one instance of it.
delete fParticles; // was allocated as TObjArray in TGenerator
fParticles = new TClonesArray("TMCParticle",50);
// Destroys the object, deletes and disposes all TMCParticles currently on list.
if (fParticles) {
delete fParticles;
fParticles = 0;
void TPythia::Draw(Option_t *option)
// Event display - not supported for TPythia yet.
if (!gPad) {
if (!gROOT->GetMakeDefCanvas()) return;
static Float_t rbox = 1000;
Float_t rmin[3],rmax[3];
TView *view = gPad->GetView();
if (!strstr(option,"same")) {
if (view) { view->GetRange(rmin,rmax); rbox = rmax[2];}
view = gPad->GetView();
// compute 3D view
if (view) {
rbox = rmax[2];
} else {
view = new TView(1);
view->SetRange(-rbox,-rbox,-rbox, rbox,rbox,rbox );
TPaveText *pt = new TPaveText(-0.94,0.85,-0.25,0.98,"br");
TObjArray *TPythia::ImportParticles(Option_t *)
// Fills TClonesArray fParticles list with particles from common LUJETS.
// Old contents of a list are cleared. This function should be called after
// any change in common LUJETS, however GetParticles() method calls it
// automatically - user don't need to care about it. In case you make a call
// to LuExec() you must call this method yourself to transfer new data from
// common LUJETS to the fParticles list.
Int_t numpart = LUJETS.n;
TClonesArray &a = *((TClonesArray*)fParticles);
for (Int_t i = 0; i < numpart; i++) {
new(a[i]) TMCParticle(LUJETS.k[0][i] ,
LUJETS.k[1][i] ,
LUJETS.k[2][i] ,
LUJETS.k[3][i] ,
LUJETS.k[4][i] ,
LUJETS.p[0][i] ,
LUJETS.p[1][i] ,
LUJETS.p[2][i] ,
LUJETS.p[3][i] ,
LUJETS.p[4][i] ,
LUJETS.v[0][i] ,
LUJETS.v[1][i] ,
LUJETS.v[2][i] ,
LUJETS.v[3][i] ,
return fParticles;
Int_t TPythia::ImportParticles(TClonesArray *particles, Option_t *option)
// Default primary creation method. It reads the /HEPEVT/ common block which
// has been filled by the GenerateEvent method. If the event generator does
// not use the HEPEVT common block, This routine has to be overloaded by
// the subclasses.
// The function loops on the generated particles and store them in
// the TClonesArray pointed by the argument particles.
// The default action is to store only the stable particles (ISTHEP = 1)
// This can be demanded explicitly by setting the option = "Final"
// If the option = "All", all the particles are stored.
if (particles == 0) return 0;
TClonesArray &Particles = *particles;
Int_t numpart = LUJETS.n;
if (!strcmp(option,"") || !strcmp(option,"Final")) {
for (Int_t i = 0; i<numpart; i++) {
if (LUJETS.k[1][i] == 1) {
// Use the common block values for the TParticle constructor
new(Particles[i]) TParticle(
LUJETS.k[1][i] ,
LUJETS.k[0][i] ,
LUJETS.k[2][i] ,
LUJETS.k[3][i] ,
LUJETS.k[4][i] ,
LUJETS.p[0][i] ,
LUJETS.p[1][i] ,
LUJETS.p[2][i] ,
LUJETS.p[3][i] ,
LUJETS.v[0][i] ,
LUJETS.v[1][i] ,
LUJETS.v[2][i] ,
else if (!strcmp(option,"All")) {
for (Int_t i = 0; i<numpart; i++) {
new(Particles[i]) TParticle(
LUJETS.k[1][i] ,
LUJETS.k[0][i] ,
LUJETS.k[2][i] ,
LUJETS.k[3][i] ,
LUJETS.k[4][i] ,
LUJETS.p[0][i] ,
LUJETS.p[1][i] ,
LUJETS.p[2][i] ,
LUJETS.p[3][i] ,
LUJETS.v[0][i] ,
LUJETS.v[1][i] ,
LUJETS.v[2][i] ,
return numpart;
//====================== access to common PYSUBS ===============================
void TPythia::SetMSEL(Int_t sel)
// Sets a value of MSEL in common PYSUBS.
// (D=1) a switch to select between full user control and some preprogrammed
// alternatives:
// 0 = full user control , desired subprocesses have to be switched on
// using SetMSUB()
// (see documentation for further details).
// This setting should be done before a call to Initialize() or Pyinit().
Int_t TPythia::GetMSEL() const
// returns a current value of MSEL in common PYSUBS.
return PYSUBS.msel;
void TPythia::SetMSUB(Int_t isub, Bool_t msub)
if ( isub<1 || isub>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetMSUB(isub,msub):n ");
printf (" isub=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",isub);
Int_t value = (msub != 0);
PYSUBS.msub[isub-1] = value;
Bool_t TPythia::GetMSUB(Int_t isub) const
if ( isub<1 || isub>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetMSUB(isub): n ");
printf (" isub=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",isub);
return 0;
return PYSUBS.msub[isub-1];
void TPythia::SetKFIN(Int_t i, Int_t j, Bool_t kfin)
if ( i!=1 && i!=2 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetKFIN(i,j,kfin):n");
printf(" side: i=%i is neither 1(=beam) nor 2(=target)n",i);
if ( j<-40 || j>40) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetKFIN(side,flavour,kfin):n");
printf(" flavour: j=%i is not in range [-40..40]",j);
Int_t value = (kfin!=0);
PYSUBS.kfin[j+40][i-1] = value;
Bool_t TPythia::GetKFIN(Int_t i, Int_t j) const
if ( i!=1 && i!=2 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetKFIN(i,j):n");
printf(" side: i=%i is neither 1(=beam) nor 2(=target)n",i);
return 0;
if ( j<-40|| j>40) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetKFIN(i,j):n");
printf(" flavour: j=%i is not in range [-40..40]",j);
return 0;
return PYSUBS.kfin[j+40][i-1];
void TPythia::SetCKIN(Int_t key, Float_t value)
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetCKIN(key,value): n ");
printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",key);
Float_t TPythia::GetCKIN(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetCKIN(key): n ");
printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",key);
return 0.0;
return PYSUBS.ckin[key-1];
//====================== access to common PYPARS ===============================
void TPythia::SetMSTP(Int_t key,Int_t value)
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetMSTP(key,value): n ");
printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",key);
Int_t TPythia::GetMSTP(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetMSTP(key): n ");
printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",key);
return 0;
return PYPARS.mstp[key-1];
void TPythia::SetPARP(Int_t key,Float_t value)
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetPARP(key,value): n ");
printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",key);
Float_t TPythia::GetPARP(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetPARP(key): n ");
printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",key);
return 0;
return PYPARS.parp[key-1];
void TPythia::SetMSTI(Int_t key,Int_t value)
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetMSTI(key,value): n ");
printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",key);
Int_t TPythia::GetMSTI(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetMSTI(key): n ");
printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",key);
return 0;
return PYPARS.msti[key-1];
void TPythia::SetPARI(Int_t key,Float_t value)
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetPARI(key,value): n ");
printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",key);
Float_t TPythia::GetPARI(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetPARI(key): n ");
printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",key);
return 0;
return PYPARS.pari[key-1];
//====================== access to common PYINT1 ===============================
void TPythia::SetMINT(Int_t key, Int_t value)
if (key<1 || key>400) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetMINT(key,value): n ");
printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..400]!n",key);
Int_t TPythia::GetMINT(Int_t key) const
if (key<1 || key>400) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetMINT(key): n ");
printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..400]!n",key);
return 0;
return PYINT1.mint[key-1];
void TPythia::SetVINT(Int_t key, Float_t value)
if ( key<1 || key>400 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetVINT(key,value): n ");
printf (" array index: key=%i is out of range [1..400]!n",key);
Float_t TPythia::GetVINT(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>400 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetVINT(key): n ");
printf (" array index: key=%i is out of range [0..400]!n",key);
return 0.0;
return PYINT1.vint[key-1];
//====================== access to common PYINT2 ===============================
void TPythia::SetISET(Int_t isub,Int_t iset )
if ( isub<1 || isub>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetVSET(isub,iset): n ");
printf (" isub=%i - out of range [1..200]!n",isub);
if ( iset<-2 || iset>11 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetVSET(isub,iset): n ");
printf (" unsuported value of iset=%i - out of range [-2..11]!n",iset);
Int_t TPythia::GetISET(Int_t isub) const
if ( isub<1 || isub>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetVSET(isub): n ");
printf (" isub=%i - out of range [1..200]!n",isub);
return 0;
return PYINT2.iset[isub-1];
void TPythia::SetKFPR(Int_t isub, Int_t j, Int_t kfpr)
if ( isub<1 || isub>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetKFPR(isub,j,kf): n ");
printf (" isub=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",isub);
if ( j!=1 && j!=2 ){
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetKFPR(isub,j,kf): n ");
printf (" j=%i is neither 1 nor 2 n",j);
Int_t TPythia::GetKFPR(Int_t isub, Int_t j) const
if ( isub<1 || isub>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetKFPR(isub,j): n ");
printf (" isub=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",isub);
return 0;
if ( j!=1 && j!=2 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetKFPR(isub,j): n ");
printf (" j=%i is neither 1 nor 2 n",j);
return 0;
return PYINT2.kfpr[j-1][isub-1];
void TPythia::SetCOEF(Int_t isub, Int_t j, Float_t coef)
if ( isub<1 || isub>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetCOEF(isub,j,coef): n ");
printf (" isub=%i is out of range [1..200]!n",isub);
if ( j<1 || j>20 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetCOEF(isub,j,coef): n ");
printf (" j=%i is out of range [1..20]",j);
Float_t TPythia::GetCOEF(Int_t isub, Int_t j) const
if ( isub<1 || isub>200 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetCOEF(isub,j): n ");
printf (" isub=%i is out of range [0..200]!n",isub);
return 0.0;
if ( j<1 && j>20 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetCOEF(isub,j): n ");
printf (" array index: j=%i is out of range [1..20] n",j);
return 0.0;
return PYINT2.coef[j-1][isub-1];
void TPythia::SetICOL(Int_t kf,Int_t i, Int_t j,Int_t value)
if ( kf<1 || kf>40 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetICOL(kf,i,j,value): n ");
printf (" kf=%i is out of range [1..40]!n",kf);
if ( i<1 || i>4 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetICOL(kf,i,j,value): n ");
printf (" array index: i=%i is out of range [1..4]!n",i);
if ( j!=1 && j!=2 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:SetICOL(kf,i,j,value): n ");
printf (" j=%i is neither 1 nor 2 !n",j);
Int_t TPythia::GetICOL(Int_t kf,Int_t i, Int_t j) const
if ( kf<1 || kf>40 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetICOL(kf,i,j): n ");
printf (" kf=%i is out of range [1..40]!n",kf);
return 0;
if ( i<1 || i>4 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetICOL(kf,i,j): n ");
printf (" i=%i is out of range [1..4]!n",i);
return 0;
if ( j!=1 && j!=2 ) {
printf ("ERROR in TPythia:GetICOL(kf,i,j): n ");
printf (" j=%i is neither 1 nor 2 !n",kf);
return 0;
return PYINT2.icol[j-1][i-1][kf-1];
//====================== access to common PYINT3 ===============================
Float_t TPythia::GetXSFX(Int_t side, Int_t kf) const
if (side!=1 && side !=2) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetXSFX(side,kf):n");
printf(" side=%i is neither 1(=beam) nor 2(=target)n",side);
return 0.0;
if ( kf<-40 || kf >40 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetXSFX(side,kf):n");
printf(" kf=%i is out of range [-40..40]n",kf);
return 0.0;
return PYINT3.xsfx[kf+40][side-1];
Int_t TPythia::GetISIG(Int_t ichn, Int_t isig) const
if ( ichn<1 || ichn>1000 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetISIG(ichn,isig):n");
printf(" ichn=%i is out of range [1..1000]n",ichn);
return 0;
if ( isig<1 || isig >3 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetISIG(ichn,isig):n");
printf(" isig=%i is out of range [1..3]n",isig);
return 0;
return PYINT3.isig[ichn-1][isig-1];
Float_t TPythia::GetSIGH(Int_t ichn) const
if (ichn<1 || ichn >1000) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetSIGH(ichn):n");
printf(" ichn=%i is out of range [1..1000]n",ichn);
return 0.0;
return PYINT3.sigh[ichn-1];
//====================== access to common PYINT4 ===============================
Float_t TPythia::GetWIDP(Int_t kf, Int_t j) const
if ( kf<21 || kf >40 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetWIDP(kf,j):n");
printf(" kf=%i is out of range [21..40]n",kf);
return 0.0;
if ( j<0 || j >40 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetWIDP(kf,j):n");
printf(" j=%i is out of range [0..40]n",j);
return 0.0;
return PYINT4.widp[j][kf-21];
Float_t TPythia::GetWIDE(Int_t kf, Int_t j) const
if ( kf<21 || kf >40 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetWIDE(kf,j):n");
printf(" kf=%i is out of range [21..40]n",kf);
return 0.0;
if ( j<0 || j >40 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetWIDE(kf,j):n");
printf(" j=%i is out of range [0..40]n",j);
return 0.0;
return PYINT4.wide[j][kf-21];
Float_t TPythia::GetWIDS(Int_t kf, Int_t j) const
if ( kf<21 || kf >40 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetWIDP(kf,j):n");
printf(" kf=%i is out of range [21..40]n",kf);
return 0.0;
if ( j<1 || j >3 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetWIDP(kf,j):n");
printf(" j=%i is out of range [1..3]n",j);
return 0.0;
return PYINT4.wids[j-1][kf-21];
//====================== access to common PYINT5 ===============================
Int_t TPythia::GetNGEN(Int_t isub, Int_t key) const
if ( isub<0 || isub>200 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetNGEN(isub.key):n");
printf(" isub=%i is out of range [0..200]n",isub);
return 0;
if ( key<1 || key>3 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetNGEN(isub.key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..3]n",key);
return 0;
return PYINT5.ngen[key-1][isub];
Float_t TPythia::GetXSEC(Int_t isub, Int_t key) const
if ( isub<0 || isub >200 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetXSEC(isub.key):n");
printf(" isub=%i is out of range [0..200]n",isub);
return 0.0;
if ( key<1 || key>3 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetXSEC(isub.key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..3]n",key);
return 0.0;
return PYINT5.xsec[key-1][isub];
//====================== access to common LUDATR ===============================
Int_t TPythia::GetMRLU(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>6 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetMRLU(key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..6]n",key);
return 0;
return LUDATR.mrlu[key-1];
void TPythia::SetMRLU(Int_t key, Int_t seed)
if ( key<1 || key>6 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetMRLU(key,seed):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..6]n",key);
LUDATR.mrlu[key-1] = seed;
Float_t TPythia::GetRRLU(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>100 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetRRLU(key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..100]n",key);
return 0.0;
return LUDATR.rrlu[key-1];
void TPythia::SetRRLU(Int_t key, Float_t value)
if ( key<1 || key>100 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetRRLU(key,seed):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..100]n",key);
LUDATR.rrlu[key-1] = value;
//====================== access to common LUDAT1 ===============================
Int_t TPythia::GetMSTU(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetMSTU(key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..200]n",key);
return 0;
return LUDAT1.mstu[key-1];
void TPythia::SetMSTU(Int_t key, Int_t value)
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetMSTU(key,value):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..200]n",key);
LUDAT1.mstu[key-1] = value;
Float_t TPythia::GetPARU(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetPARU(key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..200]n",key);
return 0.0;
return LUDAT1.paru[key-1];
void TPythia::SetPARU(Int_t key, Float_t value)
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetPARU(key,value):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..200]n",key);
LUDAT1.paru[key-1] = value;
Int_t TPythia::GetMSTJ(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetMSTJ(key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..200]n",key);
return 0;
return LUDAT1.mstj[key-1];
void TPythia::SetMSTJ(Int_t key, Int_t value)
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetMSTJ(key,value):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..200]n",key);
LUDAT1.mstj[key-1] = value;
Float_t TPythia::GetPARJ(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetPARJ(key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..200]n",key);
return 0.0;
return LUDAT1.parj[key-1];
void TPythia::SetPARJ(Int_t key, Float_t value)
if ( key<1 || key>200 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetPARJ(key,value):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..200]n",key);
LUDAT1.parj[key-1] = value;
//====================== access to common LUDAT2 ===============================
Int_t TPythia::GetKCHG(Int_t kc,Int_t key) const
if ( kc<1 || kc>500 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetKCHG(kc,key):n");
printf(" kc=%i is out of range [1..500]n",kc);
return 0;
if ( key<1 || key>3 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetKCHG(kc,key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..3]n",key);
return 0;
return LUDAT2.kchg[key-1][kc-1];
void TPythia::SetKCHG(Int_t kc,Int_t key, Int_t value)
if ( kc<1 || kc>500 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetKCHG(kc,key,value):n");
printf(" kc=%i is out of range [1..500]n",kc);
if ( key<1 || key>3 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetKCHG(kc,key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..3]n",key);
LUDAT2.kchg[key-1][kc-1] = value;
Float_t TPythia::GetPMAS(Int_t kc,Int_t key) const
if ( kc<1 || kc>500 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetPMAS(kc,key):n");
printf(" kc=%i is out of range [1..500]n",kc);
return 0.0;
if ( key<1 || key>4 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetPMAS(kc,key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..4]n",key);
return 0.0;
return LUDAT2.pmas[key-1][kc-1];
void TPythia::SetPMAS(Int_t kc,Int_t key, Float_t value)
if ( kc<1 || kc>500 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetPMAS(kc,key,value):n");
printf(" kc=%i is out of range [1..500]n",kc);
if ( key<1 || key>4 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetPMAS(kc,key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..4]n",key);
LUDAT2.pmas[key-1][kc-1] = value;
Float_t TPythia::GetPARF(Int_t key) const
if ( key<1 || key>2000 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetPARF(key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..2000]n",key);
return 0.0;
return LUDAT2.parf[key-1];
void TPythia::SetPARF(Int_t key, Float_t value)
if ( key<1 || key>2000 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetPARF(key,value):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..2000]n",key);
LUDAT2.parf[key-1] = value;
Float_t TPythia::GetVCKM(Int_t i,Int_t j) const
if ( i<1 || i>4 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetVCKM(i,j):n");
printf(" up generation index i=%i is out of range [1..4]n",i);
return 0;
if ( j<1 || j>4 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetVCKM(i,j):n");
printf(" down generation index j=%i is out of range [1..4]n",j);
return 0;
return LUDAT2.vckm[j-1][i-1];
void TPythia::SetVCKM(Int_t i,Int_t j,Float_t value)
if ( i<1 || i>4 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetVCKM(i,j):n");
printf(" up generation index i=%i is out of range [1..4]n",i);
if ( j<1 || j>4 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetVCKM(i,j):n");
printf(" down generation index j=%i is out of range [1..4]n",j);
//====================== access to common LUDAT3 ===============================
Int_t TPythia::GetMDCY(Int_t kc,Int_t key) const
if ( kc<1 || kc>500 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetMDCY(kc,key):n");
printf(" kc=%i is out of range [1..500]n",kc);
return 0;
if ( key<1 || key>3 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetMDCY(kc,key):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..3]n",key);
return 0;
return LUDAT3.mdcy[key-1][kc-1];
void TPythia::SetMDCY(Int_t kc,Int_t key, Int_t value)
if ( kc<1 || kc>500 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetMDCY(kc,key,value):n");
printf(" kc=%i is out of range [1..500]n",kc);
if ( key<1 || key>3 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetMDCY(kc,key,value):n");
printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..3]n",key);
Int_t TPythia::GetMDME(Int_t idc,Int_t key) const
if ( idc<1 || idc>2000 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetMDME(idc,key):n");
printf(" idc=%i is out of range [1..2000]n",idc);
return 0;
if ( key<1 || key>2 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetMDME(idc,key):n");
printf(" key=%i is neither 1 nor 2 !n",key);
return 0;
return LUDAT3.mdme[key-1][idc-1];
void TPythia::SetMDME(Int_t idc,Int_t key,Int_t value)
if ( idc<1 || idc>2000 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetMDME(idc,key,value):n");
printf(" idc=%i is out of range [1..2000]n",idc);
if ( key<1 || key>2 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetMDME(idc,key,value):n");
printf(" key=%i is neither 1 nor 2 !n",key);
Float_t TPythia::GetBRAT(Int_t idc) const
if ( idc<1 || idc>2000 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetBRAT(idc):n");
printf(" idc=%i is out of range [1..2000]n",idc);
return 0.0;
return LUDAT3.brat[idc-1];
void TPythia::SetBRAT(Int_t idc,Float_t value)
if ( idc<1 || idc>2000 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetBRAT(idc,value):n");
printf(" idc=%i is out of range [1..2000]n",idc);
LUDAT3.brat[idc-1] = value;
Int_t TPythia::GetKFDP(Int_t idc,Int_t j) const
if ( idc<1 || idc>2000 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetKFDP(idc,j):n");
printf(" idc=%i is out of range [1..2000]n",idc);
return 0;
if ( j<1 || j>5 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetKFDP(idc,j):n");
printf(" j=%i is out of range [1..5] !n",j);
return 0;
return LUDAT3.kfdp[j-1][idc-1];
void TPythia::SetKFDP(Int_t idc,Int_t j,Int_t value)
if ( idc<1 || idc>2000 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetKFDP(idc,j,value):n");
printf(" idc=%i is out of range [1..2000]n",idc);
if ( j<1 || j>5 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetKFDP(idc,j,value):n");
printf(" j=%i is out of range [1..5] !n",j);
//====================== access to common LUDAT4 ===============================
char *TPythia::GetCHAF(Int_t kc) const
static char buf[9]="";
if ( kc<1 || kc>500 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::GetCHAF(kc):n");
printf(" kc=%i is out of range [1..500]n",kc);
return 0;
return buf;
void TPythia::SetCHAF(Int_t kc,char *name)
if ( kc<1 || kc>500 ) {
printf("ERROR in TPythia::SetCHAF(kc,name):n");
printf(" kc=%i is out of range [1..500]n",kc);
//====================== access to Pythia subroutines ===+======================
void TPythia::Initialize(const char *frame, const char *beam, const char *target, float win)
// Calls Pyinit with the same parameters after performing some checking,
// sets correct title. This method should preferably be called instead of Pyinit.
// PURPOSE: to initialize the generation procedure.
// ARGUMENTS: See documentation for details.
// frame: - specifies the frame of the experiment:
// beam,
// target: - beam and target particles (with additionaly cahrges, tildes or "bar":
// e,nu_e,mu,nu_mu,tau,nu_tau,gamma,pi,n,p,Lambda,Sigma,Xi,Omega,
// pomeron,reggeon
// win: - related to energy system:
// for frame=="CMS" - total energy of system
// for frame=="FIXT" - momentum of beam particle
// for frame=="USER" - dummy - see documentation.
char cframe[4];
char cbeam[8];
char ctarget[8];
if ( (!strncmp(frame, "CMS" ,3)) &&
(!strncmp(frame, "FIXT" ,4)) &&
(!strncmp(frame, "USER" ,4)) &&
(!strncmp(frame, "FOUR" ,4)) &&
(!strncmp(frame, "FIVE" ,4)) &&
(!strncmp(frame, "NONE" ,4)) ) {
printf("WARNING! In TPythia:Initialize():n");
printf(" specified frame=%s is neither of CMS,FIXT,USER,FOUR,FIVE,NONEn",frame);
printf(" resetting to "CMS" .");
if ( (!strncmp(beam, "e" ,1)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "nu_e" ,4)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "mu" ,2)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "nu_mu" ,5)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "tau" ,3)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "nu_tau" ,6)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "gamma" ,5)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "pi" ,2)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "n" ,1)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "p" ,1)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "Lambda" ,6)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "Sigma" ,5)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "Xi" ,2)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "Omega" ,5)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "pomeron" ,7)) &&
(!strncmp(beam, "reggeon" ,7)) ) {
printf("WARNING! In TPythia:Initialize():n");
printf(" specified beam=%s is unrecognized .n",beam);
printf(" resetting to "p+" .");
if ( (!strncmp(target, "e" ,1)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "nu_e" ,4)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "mu" ,2)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "nu_mu" ,5)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "tau" ,3)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "nu_tau" ,6)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "gamma" ,5)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "pi" ,2)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "n" ,1)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "p" ,1)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "Lambda" ,6)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "Sigma" ,5)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "Xi" ,2)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "Omega" ,5)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "pomeron" ,7)) &&
(!strncmp(target, "reggeon" ,7)) ){
printf("WARNING! In TPythia:Initialize():n");
printf(" specified target=%s is unrecognized.n",target);
printf(" resetting to "p+" .");
Pyinit(cframe, cbeam ,ctarget, win);
char atitle[32];
sprintf(atitle," %s-%s at %g GeV",cbeam,ctarget,win);
void TPythia::GenerateEvent()
// Generates one event nd automatically fills the fParticles list with new particles.
// This function should rathe be used instead of pyevnt();
void TPythia::Pyinit(char *frame, char *beam, char *target, float win)
// Calls Pythia's PYINIT subroutine passing these parameters in a way accepted
// by FORTRAN routines. Yo should rather use Initialize() method instead of this
// one.
Float_t lwin = win;
Long_t s1 = strlen(frame);
Long_t s2 = strlen(beam);
Long_t s3 = strlen(target);
#ifndef WIN32
pyinit(frame, beam ,target, lwin, s1, s2, s3);
pyinit(frame, s1, beam , s2, target, s3, lwin);
void TPythia::Pyevnt()
// Calls Pythia's PYEVNT. You'd better use GenerateEvent() method instead.
void TPythia::Pystat(Int_t mstat)
// Calls Pythia's PYSTAT: prints out some statistics depending on value of key:
// see documentation for details...
Long_t lkey = mstat;
void TPythia::Pytest(Int_t key)
// Calls Pythia's PYTEST routine - runs a set of tests to detect possible errors.
Long_t lkey = key;
void TPythia::Lulist(Int_t mlist)
// Calls JetSet's LULUST routine - lists an event.
Long_t lkey = mlist;
void TPythia::Luexec()
// Calls JetSet's LuExec routine - administrates the fragmentation and decay chain.
Int_t TPythia::Lucomp(Int_t kf)
Long_t lkey = kf;
return lucomp(lkey);
void TPythia::SetupTest()
// Exemplary setup of Pythia parameters:
// Switches on processes 102,123,124 (Higgs generation) and switches off
// interactions, fragmentation, ISR, FSR...
SetMSEL(0); // full user controll;
SetMSUB(102,1); // g + g -> H0
SetMSUB(123,1); // f + f' -> f + f' + H0
SetMSUB(124,1); // f + f' -> f" + f"' + H0
SetPMAS(6,1,175.0); // mass of TOP
SetPMAS(25,1,300); // mass of Higgs
SetCKIN(1,290.0); // range of allowed mass
SetMSTP(61, 0); // switch off ISR
SetMSTP(71, 0); // switch off FSR
SetMSTP(81, 0); // switch off multiple interactions
SetMSTP(111, 0); // switch off fragmentation/decay
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