// @(#)root/rfio:$Name:  $:$Id: TRFIOFile.cxx,v 1.3 2000/07/24 18:21:50 rdm Exp $
// Author: Fons Rademakers   20/01/99

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TRFIOFile                                                            //
//                                                                      //
// A TRFIOFile is like a normal TFile except that it reads and writes   //
// its data via a rfiod server (for more on the rfiod daemon see        //
// http://wwwinfo.cern.ch/pdp/serv/shift.html). TRFIOFile file names    //
// are in standard URL format with protocol "rfio". The following are   //
// valid TRFIOFile URL's:                                               //
//                                                                      //
//    rfio:/afs/cern.ch/user/r/rdm/galice.root                          //
//         where galice.root is a symlink of the type /shift/.../...    //
//    rfio:na49db1:/data1/raw.root                                      //
//                                                                      //

#include "TRFIOFile.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TROOT.h"

extern "C" {
   int rfio_open(char *filepath, int flags, int mode);
   int rfio_close(int s);
   int rfio_read(int s, char *ptr, int size);
   int rfio_write(int s, char *ptr, int size);
   int rfio_lseek(int s, int offset, int how);
   int rfio_access(char *filepath, int mode);
   int rfio_unlink(char *filepath);
   int rfio_parse(char *name, char **host, char **path);


 TRFIOFile::TRFIOFile(const char *url, Option_t *option, const Text_t *ftitle, Int_t compress)
         : TFile(url, "NET", ftitle, compress), fUrl(url)
   // Create a RFIO file object. A RFIO file is the same as a TFile
   // except that it is being accessed via a rfiod server. The url
   // argument must be of the form: rfio:/path/file.root (where file.root
   // is a symlink of type /shift/aaa/bbb/ccc) or rfio:server:/path/file.root.
   // If the file specified in the URL does not exist, is not accessable
   // or can not be created the kZombie bit will be set in the TRFIOFile
   // object. Use IsZombie() to see if the file is accessable.
   // For a description of the option and other arguments see the TFile ctor.
   // The preferred interface to this constructor is via TFile::Open().

   fOption = option;
   fOffset = 0;

   Bool_t create = kFALSE;
   if (!fOption.CompareTo("NEW", TString::kIgnoreCase) ||
       !fOption.CompareTo("CREATE", TString::kIgnoreCase))
       create = kTRUE;
   Bool_t recreate = fOption.CompareTo("RECREATE", TString::kIgnoreCase)
                    ? kFALSE : kTRUE;
   Bool_t update   = fOption.CompareTo("UPDATE", TString::kIgnoreCase)
                    ? kFALSE : kTRUE;
   Bool_t read     = fOption.CompareTo("READ", TString::kIgnoreCase)
                    ? kFALSE : kTRUE;
   if (!create && !recreate && !update && !read) {
      read    = kTRUE;
      fOption = "READ";

   char *fname;
   if ((fname = gSystem->ExpandPathName(fUrl.GetFile()))) {
      if (!strstr(fname, ":/")) {
         char *host;
         char *name;
         if (::rfio_parse(fname, &host, &name))
            SetName(Form("%s:%s", host, name));
      } else
      delete [] fname;
      fname = (char *)GetName();
   } else {
      Error("TRFIOFile", "error expanding path %s", fUrl.GetFile());
      goto zombie;

   if (recreate) {
      if (::rfio_access(fname, kFileExists) == 0)
      recreate = kFALSE;
      create   = kTRUE;
      fOption  = "CREATE";
   if (create && ::rfio_access(fname, kFileExists) == 0) {
      Error("TRFIOFile", "file %s already exists", fname);
      goto zombie;
   if (update) {
      if (::rfio_access(fname, kFileExists) != 0) {
         update = kFALSE;
         create = kTRUE;
      if (update && ::rfio_access(fname, kWritePermission) != 0) {
         Error("TRFIOFile", "no write permission, could not open file %s", fname);
         goto zombie;
   if (read) {
      if (::rfio_access(fname, kFileExists) != 0) {
         Error("TRFIOFile", "file %s does not exist", fname);
         goto zombie;
      if (::rfio_access(fname, kReadPermission) != 0) {
         Error("TRFIOFile", "no read permission, could not open file %s", fname);
         goto zombie;

   if (create || update) {
#ifndef WIN32
      fD = SysOpen(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644);
      fD = SysOpen(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
      if (fD == -1) {
         SysError("TRFIOFile", "file %s can not be opened", fname);
         goto zombie;
      fWritable = kTRUE;
   } else {
#ifndef WIN32
      fD = SysOpen(fname, O_RDONLY, 0644);
      fD = SysOpen(fname, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
      if (fD == -1) {
         SysError("TRFIOFile", "file %s can not be opened for reading", fname);
         goto zombie;
      fWritable = kFALSE;



   // error in file opening occured, make this object a zombie
   gDirectory = gROOT;

   // RFIO file dtor. Close and flush directory structure.


 Int_t TRFIOFile::SysOpen(const char *pathname, Int_t flags, UInt_t mode)
   // Interface to system open. All arguments like in "man 2 open".

   return ::rfio_open((char *)pathname, flags, (Int_t) mode);

 Int_t TRFIOFile::SysClose(Int_t fd)
   // Interface to system close. All arguments like in "man 2 close".

   return ::rfio_close(fd);

 Int_t TRFIOFile::SysRead(Int_t fd, void *buf, Int_t len)
   // Interface to system read. All arguments like in "man 2 read".

   fOffset += len;
   return ::rfio_read(fd, (char *)buf, len);

 Int_t TRFIOFile::SysWrite(Int_t fd, const void *buf, Int_t len)
   // Interface to system write. All arguments like in "man 2 write".

   fOffset += len;
   return ::rfio_write(fd, (char *)buf, len);

 Seek_t TRFIOFile::SysSeek(Int_t fd, Seek_t offset, Int_t whence)
   // Interface to system lseek. All arguments like in "man 2 lseek"
   // except that the offset and return value are Long_t to be able to
   // handle 64 bit file systems.

   if (whence == SEEK_SET) {
      if (offset == fOffset)
         return 0;
         fOffset = offset;

   return ::rfio_lseek(fd, offset, whence);

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