// @(#)root/net:$Name: $:$Id: TServerSocket.cxx,v 2000/05/16 17:00:44 rdm Exp $
// Author: Fons Rademakers 18/12/96
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
// //
// TServerSocket //
// //
// This class implements server sockets. A server socket waits for //
// requests to come in over the network. It performs some operation //
// based on that request and then possibly returns a full duplex socket //
// to the requester. The actual work is done via the TSystem class //
// (either TUnixSystem, TWin32System or TMacSystem). //
// //
#include "TServerSocket.h"
#include "TSocket.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TError.h"
TServerSocket::TServerSocket(const char *service, Bool_t reuse, Int_t backlog)
// Create a server socket object for a named service. Set reuse to true
// to force reuse of the server socket (i.e. do not wait for the time
// out to pass). Using backlog one can set the desirable queue length
// for pending connections. Use IsValid() to check the validity of the
// server socket. In case server socket is not valid use GetErrorCode()
// to obtain the specific error value. These values are:
// 0 = no error (socket is valid)
// -1 = low level socket() call failed
// -2 = low level bind() call failed
// -3 = low level listen() call failed
// Every valid server socket is added to the TROOT sockets list which
// will make sure that any open sockets are properly closed on
// program termination.
int port = gSystem->GetServiceByName(service);
fService = service;
if (port != -1) {
fSocket = gSystem->AnnounceTcpService(port, reuse, backlog);
if (fSocket >= 0) gROOT->GetListOfSockets()->Add(this);
} else
fSocket = -1;
TServerSocket::TServerSocket(Int_t port, Bool_t reuse, Int_t backlog)
// Create a server socket object on a specified port. Set reuse to true
// to force reuse of the server socket (i.e. do not wait for the time
// out to pass). Using backlog one can set the desirable queue length
// for pending connections. Use IsValid() to check the validity of the
// server socket. In case server socket is not valid use GetErrorCode()
// to obtain the specific error value. These values are:
// 0 = no error (socket is valid)
// -1 = low level socket() call failed
// -2 = low level bind() call failed
// -3 = low level listen() call failed
// Every valid server socket is added to the TROOT sockets list which
// will make sure that any open sockets are properly closed on
// program termination.
fService = gSystem->GetServiceByPort(port);
fSocket = gSystem->AnnounceTcpService(port, reuse, backlog);
if (fSocket >= 0) gROOT->GetListOfSockets()->Add(this);
TSocket *TServerSocket::Accept()
// Accept a connection on a server socket. Returns a full-duplex
// communication TSocket object. If no pending connections are
// present on the queue and nonblocking mode has not been enabled
// with SetOption(kNoBlock,1) the call blocks until a connection is
// present. The returned socket must be deleted by the user. The socket
// is also added to the TROOT sockets list which will make sure that
// any open sockets are properly closed on program termination.
// In case of error 0 is returned and in case non-blocking I/O is
// enabled and no connections are available -1 is returned.
if (fSocket == -1) { return 0; }
TSocket *socket = new TSocket;
Int_t soc = gSystem->AcceptConnection(fSocket);
if (soc == -1) { delete socket; return 0; }
if (soc == -2) { delete socket; return (TSocket*) -1; }
socket->fSocket = soc;
socket->fService = fService;
socket->fAddress = gSystem->GetPeerName(socket->fSocket);
if (socket->fSocket >= 0) gROOT->GetListOfSockets()->Add(socket);
return socket;
TInetAddress TServerSocket::GetLocalInetAddress()
// Return internet address of host to which the server socket is bound,
// i.e. the local host. In case of error TInetAddress::IsValid() returns
// kFALSE.
if (fSocket != -1) {
if (fAddress.GetPort() == -1)
fAddress = gSystem->GetSockName(fSocket);
return fAddress;
return TInetAddress();
Int_t TServerSocket::GetLocalPort()
// Get port # to which server socket is bound. In case of error returns -1.
if (fSocket != -1) {
if (fAddress.GetPort() == -1)
fAddress = GetLocalInetAddress();
return fAddress.GetPort();
return -1;
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