// @(#)root/thread:$Name:  $:$Id: TThread.cxx,v 1.4 2000/09/13 07:58:21 brun Exp $
// Author: Fons Rademakers   02/07/97

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TThread                                                              //
//                                                                      //
// This class implements threads. A thread is an execution environment  //
// much lighter than a process. A single process can have multiple      //
// threads. The actual work is done via the TThreadImp class (either    //
// TThreadPosix, TThreadSolaris or TThreadNT).                          //
//                                                                      //

#include "config.h"

#include "TThread.h"
#include "TThreadImp.h"
#include "TThreadFactory.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "CallFunc.h"

TThreadImp     *TThread::fgThreadImp = 0;
TThread        *TThread::fgMain = 0;
TMutex         *TThread::fgMainMutex;
char  *volatile TThread::fgXAct = 0;
TMutex         *TThread::fgXActMutex;
TCondition     *TThread::fgXActCondi;
void **volatile TThread::fgXArr = 0;
volatile Int_t  TThread::fgXAnb = 0;
volatile Int_t  TThread::fgXArt = 0;

 void TThread::Debu(const char *txt)
   fprintf(stderr,"TThread::Debu %s %d n",txt,fgMain->fId);

 Int_t TThread::Exists() 
   // Check existing threads
   // return number of running Threads
  TThread *l;

  if (! fgMain) { //no threads
    return 0;}

  Int_t num=0;
  for(l=fgMain; l ; l = l->fNext) {num++;} //count threads
  return num;
 void TThread::SetPriority(EPriority pri)
   // Set thread priority.

   fPriority = pri;

 void TThread::SetJoinId(Int_t jid)
   // Set id of thread to join.

   fJoinId = jid;

 void TThread::SetJoinId(TThread *tj)
   // Set thread to join.


 TThread *TThread::GetThread(Int_t id)
   // Static method to find a thread by id.

   TThread *myth;

   for (myth = fgMain; myth && (myth->fId!= id); myth=myth->fNext){};
   return myth;

 TThread *TThread::GetThread(const Text_t *name)
   // Static method to find a thread by name.

   TThread *myth;

   for (myth = fgMain; myth && (strcmp(name,myth->GetName())); myth=myth->fNext){};
   return myth;

 TThread *TThread::Self()
   // Static method returning pointer to current thred.

   return GetThread(SelfId());

 Int_t TThread::Join(void **ret)
   // Static method to join thread. (rdm?)

   return TThread::Join(0, ret);

// Constructors for TThread - set up the thread object but don't
// start it running.

// construct a Detached thread running a given function.

 TThread::TThread(void *(*fn)(void*), void *arg, EPriority pri)
   // Create a thread. Specify the function or static class method
   // to be executed by the thread, and a pointer to the argument structure.
   // The user functions should return a void*.

   fDetached  = kFALSE;
   fFcnVoid   = 0;
   fFcnRetn   = fn;
   fPriority  = pri;
   fThreadArg = arg;
   fNamed     = kFALSE;

 TThread::TThread(void (*fn)(void*), void *arg, EPriority pri)
   // Create a thread. Specify the function or class method
   // to be executed by the thread, and a pointer to the argument structure.

   fDetached  = kTRUE;
   fFcnRetn   = 0;
   fFcnVoid   = fn;
   fPriority  = pri;
   fThreadArg = arg;
   fNamed     = kFALSE;

////////// begin changes (J.A.):
   // additional constructors with own threadname thname
   // as useful for invoking thread with name from compiled program:

 TThread::TThread(const Text_t *thname, void *(*fn)(void*), void *arg, EPriority pri)
   // Create thread with a name. For the ..... //till here
  SetName(thname); // set TNamed name to thname anyway, will be overwritten
  //if G__p2f2funcname-method recognizes true name of fn (call by interpreter)
  fDetached = kFALSE;
    fFcnVoid = 0;
    fFcnRetn = fn;
    fPriority = pri;
    fThreadArg = arg;
    fNamed = kTRUE;

    //TThread(fn,arg,pri); // use normal TThread joinable constructor


 TThread::TThread(const Text_t *thname, void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, EPriority pri){
  SetName(thname); // set TNamed name to thname anyway, will be overwritten
  //if G__p2f2funcname-method recognizes true name of fn (call by interpreter)
  fDetached = kTRUE;
  fFcnRetn = 0;
  fFcnVoid = fn;
  fPriority = pri;
  fThreadArg = arg;
  fNamed = kTRUE;

    //TThread(fn,arg,pri); // use normal TThread detached constructor


/////////////// end changes (J.A.)

 void TThread::Constructor() {
    fState = kNewState;

    fId = 0;
    if (!fgThreadImp) { // *** Only once ***
      fgThreadImp = gThreadFactory->CreateThreadImp();
      fgMainMutex = new TMutex;
      fgXActMutex = new TMutex;
      new TThreadTimer;
      fgXActCondi = new TCondition;
      gThreadTsd = &(TThread::Tsd);
      gThreadXAR  = &(TThread::XARequest);

    PutComm("Constructor: MainMutex Locking");
    PutComm("Constructor: MainMutex Locked");
    fTsd[0] = gPad;

    if (fgMain) fgMain->fPrev = this;
    fNext = fgMain; fPrev=0; fgMain = this;


    // thread is set up in initialisation routine or start().

 char cbuf[100];
 if (gDebug) {
    sprintf(cbuf,"*** Thread %s.%d is DELETED ***",GetName(),fId);
    TThread::Printf("n %sn\n",cbuf);
//      Disconnect thread instance

 PutComm("Destructor: MainMutex Locking");
 PutComm("Destructor: MainMutex Locked");
  if (fPrev) fPrev->fNext = fNext;
  if (fNext) fNext->fPrev = fPrev;
  if (fgMain == this) fgMain = fNext;
  if (fHolder) *(fHolder) = 0;

 Int_t TThread::Delete(TThread* &th)
  char cbuf[100];

  if (! th) return 0;
  th->fHolder = &(th);

  if (th->fState == kRunningState) {// Cancel if running
    th->fState = kDeletingState;
    if (gDebug) {
       sprintf(cbuf,"*** Thread %s.%d Deleting ***",th->GetName(),th->fId);
       TThread::Printf("n %sn\n",cbuf);
    th->Kill(); return -1;}

  return 0;


// Implementation dependent part of member function

  Int_t     TThread::Join(Int_t jid, void **ret)
  Int_t jd = jid;
  if (! jd) {// jd is not known
    TThread *myth = TThread::Self();
    if (! myth) return -1;
    jd = myth->fJoinId;
    if (! jd  ) return -1;
  return fgThreadImp->Join(jd,ret);

  Int_t TThread::SelfId()
 {Int_t id = fgThreadImp->SelfId();
  if (! id) id = -1; // in some implementations 0 is main thread
  return id;

 Int_t TThread::Run(void *arg)
char *fname = 0;

if (arg) fThreadArg = arg;
  PutComm("Run: MainMutex locking");
  PutComm("Run: MainMutex locked");
  if (fFcnVoid) fname=G__p2f2funcname((void*)fFcnVoid);
  if (fFcnRetn) fname=G__p2f2funcname((void*)fFcnRetn);
    if (fname) SetName(fname);

  int iret = fgThreadImp->Run (this);

  fState =  (iret) ? kInvalidState : kRunningState;
  if (gDebug) {
     fprintf(stderr,"nThread %s ID=%d requestedn\n",GetName(),fId);
  return iret;

 Int_t TThread::Kill()
  if (fState != kRunningState && fState != kDeletingState) {
    if (gDebug) {
       fprintf(stderr,"TThread::Kill. thread %d is not runningn",fId);
    return 13;
  } else {
     if (fState == kRunningState ) fState = kCancelingState;
     return fgThreadImp->Kill(this);
 Int_t TThread::Kill(Int_t id)
  TThread *th = GetThread(id);
  if (th) {return fgThreadImp->Kill(th);
  } else  {
     if (gDebug) {
        fprintf(stderr,"TThread::Kill thread %d not found ***n",id);
     return 13;

 Int_t TThread::Kill(const Text_t *name)
  TThread *th = GetThread(name);
  if (th) {return fgThreadImp->Kill(th);
  } else  {
     if (gDebug) {
        fprintf(stderr,"TThread::Kill thread %s not found ***n",name);
     return 13;

 Int_t     TThread::SetCancelOff(){return fgThreadImp-> SetCancelOff();}
 Int_t     TThread::SetCancelOn() {return fgThreadImp->SetCancelOn();}
 Int_t     TThread::SetCancelAsynchronous(){return fgThreadImp->SetCancelAsynchronous();}
 Int_t     TThread::SetCancelDeferred()    {return fgThreadImp->SetCancelDeferred();}
 Int_t     TThread::CancelPoint(){return fgThreadImp->CancelPoint();}

 Int_t TThread::CleanUpPush(void *free,void *arg)
  return fgThreadImp->CleanUpPush(&(Self()->fClean),free,arg);

 Int_t TThread::CleanUpPop(Int_t exe)
  return fgThreadImp->CleanUpPop(&(Self()->fClean),exe);

 Int_t TThread::CleanUp()
  TThread *th = Self();
  if (! th) return 13;

  if(th->fHolder) { // It was kill from delete
    delete th;
  return 0;

 void TThread::AfterCancel(TThread *th)
  th->fState = kCanceledState;
  if (gDebug) {
     char cbuf[100];
     sprintf(cbuf,"*** Thread %s.%d is KILLED ***",th->GetName(),th->fId);
     TThread::Printf("n %sn\n",cbuf);

 Int_t TThread::Exit(void *ret) 
   return fgThreadImp->Exit(ret);

 Int_t TThread::Sleep(ULong_t secs, ULong_t nanos )
  return fgThreadImp->Sleep(        secs,         nanos);

 Int_t TThread::GetTime(ULong_t *absSec, ULong_t *absNanoSec)
  return fgThreadImp->GetTime(         absSec,          absNanoSec);

 Int_t TThread::Lock()   {return fgMainMutex->Lock();  }    // lock main mutex
 Int_t TThread::TryLock(){return fgMainMutex->TryLock();}   // lock main mutex
 Int_t TThread::UnLock() {return fgMainMutex->UnLock();}    // unlock main mutex

unsigned long TThread::Call(void *p2f,void *arg) {

 char *fname;
   void *iPointer2Function;
   G__CallFunc fFunc;
   int iPointerType = G__UNKNOWNFUNC;

// reconstruct function name
  if(fname) {
    G__ClassInfo globalscope;
    G__MethodInfo method;
    long dummy;
// resolve function overloading
    if(method.IsValid()) {
// get pointer to function again after overloading resolution
// check what kind of pointer is it
      iPointerType = G__isinterpretedp2f(iPointer2Function);

      switch(iPointerType) {

        case G__COMPILEDINTERFACEMETHOD: // using interface method

        case G__BYTECODEFUNC: // bytecode version of interpreted func
        fFunc.SetBytecode((struct G__bytecodefunc*)iPointer2Function);
    else {
      ::Error("TThread:Call", "no overloading parameter matches");

// check what kind of pointer is it
  switch(iPointerType) {

    case G__INTERPRETEDFUNC: // reconstruct function call as string
      char temp[20],para[200];

      sprintf(temp,"(void*)%#lx,",(unsigned long)arg);
      strcat(para,temp); strcat(para,")");
      return G__int(G__calc(para));

    case G__COMPILEDINTERFACEMETHOD: // using interface method
    case G__BYTECODEFUNC:            // bytecode version of interpreted func
      return fFunc.ExecInt((void*)0);

    case G__COMPILEDTRUEFUNC: // using true pointer to function
    case G__UNKNOWNFUNC: // this case will never happen
      return (*(int (*)(void*))iPointer2Function)(arg);

  ::Error("TThread::Call", "*** Something very WRONG ***");

  return 0xffffffff;

 void *TThread::Fun(void *ptr) {
  TThread *th;
  void *ret,*arg;
  char cbuf[100];

  TThreadCleaner dummy;

  th = (TThread *)ptr;

//  Default cancel state is OFF
//  Default cancel type  is DEFERRED
//  User can change it by call SetCancelON & SetCancelAsynchronous()
  CleanUpPush((void *)&AfterCancel,th);  // Enable standard cancelling function

  th = (TThread *)ptr;
  th->fId = SelfId(); th->SetUniqueID(th->fId);

  sprintf(cbuf,"Thread %s.%d is running",th->GetName(),th->fId);
  TThread::Printf("n %sn\n",cbuf);

  arg = th->fThreadArg;
  th->fState = kRunningState;

  if (th->fDetached) { //Detached, non joinable thread

    ret = 0;
    th->fState = kFinishedState;
  } else             { //UnDetached, joinable thread
    ret = (void*)TThread::Call((void*)th->fFcnRetn,arg);
    th->fState = kTerminatedState;

  //CleanUpPop(0);// Disable standard cancelling function
  CleanUpPop(1);// Disable standard cancelling function

  sprintf(cbuf,"Thread %s.%d finished",th->GetName(),th->fId);
  TThread::Printf("n %sn\n",cbuf);


  return ret;

 void TThread::Ps() { // List existing threads
  TThread *l;
  int i;

  if (! fgMain) { //no threads
    printf("*** No threads, ***n"); return;}


  int num=0; for(l=fgMain; l ; l = l->fNext) {num++;};

  char cbuf[100];
  printf("     Thread         Staten");
  for (l = fgMain; l; l = l->fNext) { // loop over threads
    memset(cbuf,' ',100);
    sprintf(cbuf, "%3d  %s.%d",num--,l->GetName(),l->fId);
    i = strlen(cbuf); if (i<20) cbuf[i]=' '; cbuf[20]=0;

    switch (l->fState) {// print states

      case kNewState:        printf("Idle       "); break;
      case kRunningState:    printf("Running    "); break;
      case kTerminatedState: printf("Terminated "); break;
      case kFinishedState:   printf("Finished   "); break;
      case kCancelingState:  printf("Canceling  "); break;
      case kCanceledState:   printf("Canceled   "); break;
      case kDeletingState:   printf("Deleting   "); break;
      default:               printf("Invalid    ");
    if (l->fComm[0]) printf("  // %sn",l->fComm);
  }// end of loop


 void **TThread::Tsd(void *dflt,Int_t k) {
  TThread *th = TThread::Self();

  if (!th) {//Main thread
     return (void**)dflt;
  } else {
     return &(th->fTsd[k]);

 void TThread::Printf(const char *txt) {
 void TThread::Printf(const char *txt,Int_t in) {
  void *arr[3];

  arr[1] = (void*)txt; arr[2] = &in;
  if (XARequest("PRTF", 3, arr, 0)) return;


 Int_t TThread::XARequest(const char *xact, Int_t nb, void **ar, Int_t *iret) {
   TThread *th;
   if ((th=Self())) { // we are in the thread

     th->PutComm("XARequest: XActMutex Locking");
     fgXActMutex ->Lock();
     th->PutComm("XARequest: XActMutex Locked");
     fgXAnb = nb;
     fgXArr = ar;
     fgXArt = 0;
     fgXAct = (char*)xact;
//     while(fgXAct) {gSystem->Sleep(10);};
//     th->PutComm("XARequest: Condition Wait");

//      THis nasty tric for Linux only
//     fgXActCondi->Wait();
     while (fgXAct) {fgXActCondi->TimedWait(1);}

     if (iret) *iret = fgXArt;
     fgXActMutex ->UnLock();
     return 1997;
   } else {            //we are in the main thread

     return 0;

 void TThread::XAction()
  char const acts[] = "PRTF CUPD CANV CDEL";
  enum {kPRTF=0,kCUPD=5,kCANV=10,kCDEL=15};
  int iact = strstr(acts,fgXAct) - acts;

  switch(iact) {

    case kPRTF:

    case kCUPD:
    ((TCanvas *)fgXArr[1])->Update();

    case kCANV:

    switch(fgXAnb) { // Over TCanvas constructors

      case 2:

      case 6:

      case 8:


    case kCDEL:

    default: fprintf(stderr,"TThread::XARequest. Wrong casen");


  fgXAct = 0;


 Int_t TThread::MakeFun(char *funname)
{ int iret;
  char cbuf[100];
  sprintf(cbuf,"make -f $ROOTSYS/thread/MakeFun.mk fun=%s",funname);
  sprintf(cbuf,"make -f " ROOTDATADIR "/thread/MakeFun.mk fun=%s",funname);
  if ((iret = gSystem->Exec(cbuf))) return iret;
  return gSystem->Load(cbuf);

//                                                                      //
//  TThreadTimer                                                       //
//                                                                      //

    TThreadTimer::TThreadTimer(  Long_t ms) : TTimer( ms, kTRUE )

Bool_t TThreadTimer::Notify()

    if( TThread::fgXAct ) { TThread::XAction();}

    return( kFALSE );

//                                                                      //
//  TThreadCleaner                                                      //
//                                                                      //


  TThread::CleanUp(); // Call user clean up routines

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