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E105 Function Interpolation

Routine ID: E105
Author(s): F. JamesLibrary: KERNLIB
Submitter: G.A. ErskineSubmitted: 19.07.1973
Language: FortranRevised: 27.11.1984

Function subprogram DIVDIF interpolates in a table of arguments aj and function values fj= f(aj) , using an interpolating polynomial of specified degree which passes through tabular points which are symmetrically-positioned around the interpolation argument. The table arguments aj need not be equidistant.


FUNCTION subprogram
User Entry Names: DIVDIF
Files Referenced: Printer
External References: KERMTR (N001), ABEND (Z035)


In any arithmetic expression, DIVDIF(F,A,N,X,M)

has an approximate value of f(X) .

( REAL) One-dimensional array. F(j) must be equal to the value at A(j) of the function to be interpolated, (j=1,2,...,N) .
( REAL) One-dimensional array. A(j) must be equal to the table argument aj,(j=1,2,...,N) .
( INTEGER) Number of values in arrays F and A.
( REAL) Argument at which the interpolating polynomial is to be evaluated.
( INTEGER) Requested degree of the interpolating polynomial. If M exceeds Mmax=min(10,N-1) the interpolation is carried out using a polynomial of degree Mmax

instead of M. The original value of M is unchanged on exit.


Newton's divided difference formula is used. Except when X lies near one end of the table (in which case unsymmetrically-situated interpolation points are used), the interpolation procedure is as follows:
M odd:
An interpolating polynomial passing through M+1 successive points (aj,fj) symmetrically placed with respect to X is used.
M even:
The mean of two interpolating polynomials is used, each passing through M+1 successive points (aj,fj) , one polynomial having an extra point to the left of X, the other having an extra point to the right of X.
If X lies too close to either end of the table for symmetrically-positioned tabular values to be used, the M+1

values at the end of the table are used. If X lies outside the range of the table, the interpolation becomes an extrapolation, with corresponding loss of accuracy.


The argument values A(1),A(2),... must be in either strictly increasing order or strictly decreasing order. No error message is printed if this is not true.

Error handling:

Error E105.1: N<2 or M<1 . DIVDIF is set equal to zero and a message is printed unless subroutine KERSET (N001) has been called.


See also the write-up for POLINT (E100).


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Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:06:23 METDST 1995