Routine ID: E106 | |
Author(s): F. James | Library: KERNLIB |
Submitter: | Submitted: 18.10.1974 |
Language: Fortran | Revised: 27.11.1984 |
Integer function subprograms LOCATI and LOCATF perform a binary search in an array of non-decreasing integer or real numbers to locate a specified value t.
FUNCTION subprograms
User Entry Names: LOCATI, LOCATF
In any arithmetic expression, LOCATI(IA,N,IT) or LOCATF(A,N,T)
has the INTEGER value according to the description below.
for some with |
| |
for some with |
If the value t occurs more than once in the array a, the result L may correspond to any of the occurrences.
Repeated bisection of the subscript range.
The number of comparisons performed is approximately proportional to . Therefore, for large N the binary search is considerably faster than a sequential search using a DO loop. However, for N less than about 40 a DO loop is faster.