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Exchange File Format

The logical records of the exchange file format look much like those of the native mode, except that a data-structure may be represented by a single LR of type 2 or 3. LR type 4 is used for bank material continuation, LR types 7 and 8 do not exist.

Exchange File Format, logical records: general format

word -1:  NWLR, the number of words in this record,
          excluding the first two (!) words, except:
          excluding the first word only for padding records
          for NWLR = 0  the LR type 5 is implied

 word 0:  logical record type LRTYP:

            LRTYP= 1: record 'start or end of run'

                   2: (start of) data-structure 'start of event'

                   3: (start of) data-structure 'event continued'

                   4: data-structure continued

              5 or 6: padding records, ignored on input,

words 1 -> NWLR:  data words of the logical record

Exchange File Format, logical records: start-of-run and end-of-run

word -1:  NWLR, the record length

      0:  LRTYP=1, the record type

      1:  NRUN, the run number, a positive integer
          NRUN = 0  signals 'end-of-run'
          NRUN =-1  signals 'Zebra end-of-file'

      2 -> NWLR:  user information, integers only

A record LRTYP=1 with NRUN positive may be used to mark the beginning of a run; this is not obligatory.

A record LRTYP=1 with NRUN=0 may be used to signal the end of a run.

Exchange File Format, logical records: (start of) data-structure

word -1:  length NWLR = 10 + NWIO + NWUH + NWSEG + NWTX + NWTAB
                           + NWBKST  (bank material in this record)

      0:  LRTYP = 2 or 3, the record type

      1:  the floating point number 12345.0 as a check word

      2:  Zebra version number, integer = 10000. * QVERSIO
           zero if written by a user routine

      3:  processing option bits
           = 0  normally
             1  Direct-access-Table record
             2  DaT forward reference record

      4:  zero (reserve word)

      5:  NWTX, number of words in the text-vector, may be zero

      6:  NWSEG, number of words in the segment table,
           = 3 * number of table entries

      7:  NWTAB, number of words in the relocation table,
                  = 2 * number of table entries,
           if = 0:  linkless data-structure

      8:  NWBK, total number of words occupied by the bank material,
           both on memory and on the file, may be zero if empty d/s

      9:  LENTRY, entry address into the d/s

word 10:  NWUHIO = NWUH + NWIO, number of words in the user header
           vector plus its I/O characteristic, zero if no header

           11: control-word for the I/O characteristic
               either: immediate, NWIO=1,
                         the whole vector is of the same type
                         = 1  all bits
                           2  all integer
                           3  all floating
                           7  self-decriptive

                    or: complex, start of the I/O characteristic
                         as delivered by MZIOCH, NWIO words in all

The 10 words of basic pilot information are followed by these data sectors:

words of the I/O characteristic for the user header vector
words of the user header vector
words of the segment table
words of the text-vector
words of the relocation table
words of bank material in this record, at most = NWBK

A decription of the contents of the segment table, the text vector, and the relocation table is found in the format decription of the native mode. The bank material is a direct copy (but normally transformed to exchange data format) of the data in the dynamic store.

Exchange File Format, logical records: data-structure continued

   word -1:  NWLR, the record length

         0:  LRTYP=4, the record type

         1 -> NWLR:  further bank material

Exchange File Format, logical records: padding records

Padding records must be used to mark unused areas of physical records.

   word  0:  NWLR, the record length (excluding the first word only!)

         1:  LRTYP = 5 or 6, the record type

         2 -> NWLR:  words to be ignored on input

The total size of a padding record is NWLR+1, including the LR length and the LR type; thus a padding record with NWRL=1 occupies two words. To pad exactly one word, NWRL=0 should be stored, in this case the LR type 5 is implied without being present in the data.

The maximum size of a padding record is the size of a physical record.

There must not be more than 4 consecutive padding records.

Exchange File Format: physical records

A file in exchange file format is supported by physical records of identical length (fixed-length records), this being the only format which can safely be read on all machines. A physical record consists of NWPHR words; the word size is 32 bits for the Exchange Data Format, for the Native Data Format it is the word size of the machine.

The physical record size NWPHR is 900 words standard, but a different size may be specified at OPEN time. For the Exchange Data format, NWPHR must be a multiple of 90 words, ie. 360 bytes = 64x5x9 bits, this being the smallest size compatible with all machines.

The following table shows, for the Exchange Data Format, some possible values of NWPHR, being multiples of 90 words. On machines with a word size of more than 32 bits the apparent record size, which may be needed in JCL, will be less; this is also shown, supposing that packing is dense.

        n  NWPHR   bytes  is words of  36    48    60    64  bits

        1     90     360               80    60    48    45
       10    900    3600              800   600   480   450
       20   1800    7200             1600  1200   960   900
       40   3600   14400             3200  2400  1920  1800
       50   4500   18000             4000  3000  2400  2250
       64   5760   23040 = 512*45    5120  3840  3072  2880
       80   7200   28800             6400  4800  3840  3600

Note: with Zebra version 3.61 the '90 word rule' has been relaxed such that the size of physical recods is required to be a multiple of 30 words only. One should not take advantage of this if one has 36-bit machines in the experiment.

There are two kinds of physical records: the steering blocks start with 8 words of control information; the fast blocks have no control information at all.

Several fast blocks in succession are called a burst; each burst of fast blocks is preceded by a steering block, whose control information indicates the number of fast blocks to be expected.

The format of a steering block is as follows:

L+0  word 1:  hex  0123CDEF
 +1  word 2:       80708070
 +2  word 3:       4321ABCD
 +3  word 4:       80618061

 +4  word 5:  bits  1 -> 24: NWPHR, the physical record length
                               (in 32-bit words)

              bits 25 -> 32: flag bits:
                               32 emergency stop block
                               31 end-of-run
                               30 start-of-run in this block

 +5  word 6:  physical record counter (fast blocks do not count)
               to permit checking for blocks lost by read errors;
               if zero: no checking

 +6  word 7:  NWTOLR, the off-set to the first logical record
               starting in this block:

               unless NWTOLR=0, the first new LR in this block starts
               at word NWTOLR+1, this word being its record size.

               if NWTOLR = 0: the whole block continues data
                               of the current logical record.

 +7  word 8:  NFAST, the number of fast blocks to follow just behind
               the current steering block

 +8  words 9 -> NWPHR:  the data body of the block

The decimal values of the steering block stamp, either as 16-bit half-words or as 32-bit words, unsigned or signed, are:

    0123CDEF =  (  291 | 52719) =     19 123 695
    80708070 =  (32880 | 32880) =  2 154 856 560  or  -2 140 110 736
    4321ABCD =  (17185 | 43981) =  1 126 280 141
    80618061 =  (32865 | 32865) =  2 153 873 505  or  -2 141 093 791

    0123CDEF =  001 1074 6757  octal
    80708070 =  200 3410 0160
    4321ABCD =  103 1032 5715
    80618061 =  200 3030 0141

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Janne Saarela
Mon May 15 08:34:47 METDST 1995