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Example for coding dedicated on-line output

To see the implications of this format, let us sketch what an output routine would have to do which has NWD words in a vector MDATA in a common /DATA/ already in exchange data format, say they are all integers, to be written out as a Zebra file in exchange file format.

It has to preceed this vector by four kinds of control information, going backward in this order:

Most of this information can be set up once by initialization, and only a few holes must be filled in for each data-structure. In particular, the user header vector which identifies the structure must be filled, in the example we chose a header of 4 words. Remember that all numbers must be in exchange representation; but most numbers are positive integers, and hence are no problem. Numbers where one has to be careful are flagged by !!, numbers which must be re-filled are marked by *.

   COMMON /DATA/MPR(8),MLR(2),MPILI(15),MBK(10),MDATA(100000)
   DIMENSION     MREC(100035)



Physical record control words

      MPR(1) = hex 0123CDEF  (markers)
      MPR(2) =     80708070
      MPR(3) =     4321ABCD
      MPR(4) =     80618061
      MPR(5) = NWPHR         (block size)
    * MPR(6) = 0             (block number)
      MPR(7) = 8             (8 words before start of LR)
    * MPR(8) no init         (no. of fast blocks to follow)

Logical record control words

    * MLR(1) no init         (record size)
      MLR(2)   = 3           (record type, d/s)

Pilot information

   !! MPILI(1) = 12345.0     (check word, floating point)
                              IEEE:  hex 4640E400
      MPILI(2) = 0           (Zebra version, user origin)
      MPILI(3) = 0           (processing option)
      MPILI(4) = 0           (reserve)
      MPILI(5) = 0           (no text vector)
      MPILI(6) = 0           (no segment table)
      MPILI(7) = 0           (no relocation table, linkless d/s)
    * MPILI(8) no init       (total bank space)
      MPILI(9) = 0           (no entry link)
      MPILI(10)= 5           (length of the user header, =NWIO+NWUH)
      MPILI(11)= 2           (I/O characteristic: all integer)
    * MPILI(12->15)          (user header vector)

Bank system words

      MBK(1) bits 17-32:  2      (I/O char., all integer, say,
                                              cf book MZ, para 1.15)
                   1-16: 12      (= NIO + NL + 12)
      MBK(2) = 0             (next pointer)
      MBK(3) = 0             (  up pointer)
      MBK(4) = 0             (orig pointer)
      MBK(5) = 0             (Numeric   bank ID)
   !! MBK(6) = 4HDATA        (Hollerith bank ID)
      MBK(7) = 0             (number of links)
      MBK(8) = 0             (number of structural links)
    * MBK(9) no init         (number of data words)
      MBK(10)= 0             (status word)

Event by event

Suppose now NWD words are received into the vector MDATA, just behind MBK(10), in exchange data format, and the lot is to be written out. We first have to fill the variable part in the control information for this data structure:

      MBK(9)   = NWD         (size of the data part of the bank)
      MPILI(8) = NWD+10      (amount of bank space required)
      MLR(1)   = NWD+25      (logical record size)
      MPILI(12)= run number         (user header vector)
      MPILI(13)= event number
      MPILI(14)= date
      MPILI(15)= time

      NWT  = NWD + 35           (total number of words to be written)
      NREC = (NWT-1)/NWPHR + 1  (number of physical records)
      MPR(8) = NREC -1          (number of fast blocks)

      NWPAD = NWPHR*NREC - NWT  (no. of unused words in last block)
      MDATA(NWD+1) = NWPAD-1    (logical record length)
      MDATA(NWD+2) = 5          (padding record)

and now we can dump the lot with

      JD = 0
      DO  19  JREC=1,NREC
      write physical record, words (MREC(J+JD),J=1,NWPHR)
   19 JD = JD + NWPHR
      MPR(6) = MPR(6) + 1      (bump the block number)

Janne Saarela
Mon May 15 08:34:47 METDST 1995