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Rendering Shortcuts

Easy ways to save some typing

Some TWiki preferences variables are just shortcuts for convenience, to either save typing or to easily allow line breaks in format strings and the like. These variables are not intended to be customized, though it is not forbidden to do so.

The following variables are classified as rendering shortcuts:

  • %BB% - bullet with line break
  • %BB2% - level 2 bullet with line break
  • %BB3% - level 3 bullet with line break
  • %BB4% - level 4 bullet with line break
  • %BR% - line break
  • %BULLET% - bullet sign
  • %CARET% - caret symbol
  • %COPY% - Copyright symbol
  • %ENDCOLUMNS% - end a responsive multi-column page layout
  • %FOURCOLUMNS% - responsive four-column page layout
  • %H% - help icon
  • %I% - idea icon
  • %LAQUO% - left double angle quote
  • %M% - moved to... icon
  • %N% - "new" icon
  • %NBSP% - non-breaking space
  • %P% - pencil icon
  • %PARENTBC% - parent breadcrumbs for headings
  • %Q% - question icon
  • %RAQUO% - right double angle quote
  • %REG% - Registered Trademark symbol
  • %S% - red star icon
  • %T% - tip icon
  • %THREECOLUMNS% - responsive three-column page layout
  • %TM% - Trademark symbol
  • %TOPICURL% - shortcut to viewing the current topic
  • %TWOCOLUMNS% - responsive two-column page layout
  • %U% - "updated" icon
  • %VBAR% - vertical bar
  • %WIP% - work in progress icon
  • %X% - warning icon
  • %Y% - "yes" icon

See also:

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Topic revision: r2 - 2006-10-15 - TWikiContributor
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiRenderingShortcut.