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SESSION_VARIABLE -- get, set or clear a session variable

  • Session variables are stored in a personal "persistent memory space" that is not lost until the web browser is closed
  • Syntax: %SESSION_VARIABLE{"name"}% - read a session variable
  • Syntax: %SESSION_VARIABLE{"name" set="value"}% - set a session variable
  • Syntax: %SESSION_VARIABLE{"name" clear=""}% - clear a session variable
  • Special read-only session variables:
    • %SESSION_VARIABLE{"AUTHUSER"}% - user ID, current value:
    • %SESSION_VARIABLE{"SESSION_REQUEST_NUMBER"}% - number of pages accessed by current user since login, current value:
  • Note: It is not possible to set/get/clear session variables starting with an underscore, such as "_NON_OF_YOUR_BUSINESS"
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, SystemInformationVariables, UsersAndAuthenticationVariables
  • Related: TWikiUserAuthentication#Sessions, AUTHREALM, GET, LOGIN, LOGOUT, SESSIONID, SESSIONVAR, SET
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Topic revision: r5 - 2014-08-14 - TWikiContributor
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