// @(#)root/hist:$Name:  $:$Id: TF1.cxx,v 1.7 2000/08/28 17:24:42 brun Exp $
// Author: Rene Brun   18/08/95

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include <fstream.h>

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "Api.h"


// a TF1 object is a 1-Dim function defined between a lower and upper limit.
// The function may be a simple function (see TFormula) or a precompiled
// user function.
// The function may have associated parameters.
// TF1 graphics function is via the TH1/TGraph drawing functions.
//  The following types of functions can be created:
//    A- Expression using variable x and no parameters
//    B- Expression using variable x with parameters
//    C- A general C function with parameters
//      Example of a function of type A
//   TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","sin(x)/x",0,10);
//   f1->Draw();

//      Example of a function of type B
//   TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","[0]*x*sin([1]*x)",-3,3);
//    This creates a function of variable x with 2 parameters.
//    The parameters must be initialized via:
//      f1->SetParameter(0,value_first_parameter);
//      f1->SetParameter(1,value_second_parameter);
//    Parameters may be given a name:
//      f1->SetParName(0,"Constant");
//     Example of function of type C
//   Consider the macro myfunc.C below
//-------------macro myfunc.C-----------------------------
//Double_t myfunction(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
//   Float_t xx =x[0];
//   Double_t f = TMath::Abs(par[0]*sin(par[1]*xx)/xx);
//   return f;
//void myfunc()
//   TF1 *f1 = new TF1("myfunc",myfunction,0,10,2);
//   f1->SetParameters(2,1);
//   f1->SetParNames("constant","coefficient");
//   f1->Draw();
//void myfit()
//   TH1F *h1=new TH1F("h1","test",100,0,10);
//   h1->FillRandom("myfunc",20000);
//   TF1 *f1=gROOT->GetFunction("myfunc");
//   f1->SetParameters(800,1);
//   h1.Fit("myfunc");
//--------end of macro myfunc.C---------------------------------
// In an interactive session you can do:
//   Root > .L myfunc.C
//   Root > myfunc();
//   Root > myfit();

 TF1::TF1(): TFormula(), TAttLine(), TAttFill(), TAttMarker()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*F1 default constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                  ======================

   fType      = 0;
   fFunction  = 0;
   fParErrors = 0;
   fParMin    = 0;
   fParMax    = 0;
   fChisquare = 0;
   fIntegral  = 0;
   fAlpha     = 0;
   fBeta      = 0;
   fGamma     = 0;
   fParent    = 0;
   fNpfits    = 0;
   fNsave     = 0;
   fSave      = 0;
   fHistogram = 0;
   fMinimum   = -1111;
   fMaximum   = -1111;
   fMethodCall = 0;

 TF1::TF1(const char *name,const char *formula, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
      :TFormula(name,formula), TAttLine(), TAttFill(), TAttMarker()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*F1 constructor using a formula definition*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*          =========================================
//*-*  See TFormula constructor for explanation of the formula syntax.
//*-*  See tutorials: fillrandom, first, fit1, formula1, multifit
//*-*  for real examples.
//*-*  Creates a function of type A or B between xmin and xmax

   fXmin      = xmin;
   fXmax      = xmax;
   fNpx       = 100;
   fType      = 0;
   fFunction  = 0;
   if (fNpar) {
      fParErrors = new Double_t[fNpar];
      fParMin    = new Double_t[fNpar];
      fParMax    = new Double_t[fNpar];
      for (int i = 0; i < fNpar; i++) {
         fParErrors[i]  = 0;
         fParMin[i]     = 0;
         fParMax[i]     = 0;
   } else {
      fParErrors = 0;
      fParMin    = 0;
      fParMax    = 0;
   fChisquare  = 0;
   fIntegral   = 0;
   fAlpha      = 0;
   fBeta       = 0;
   fGamma      = 0;
   fParent     = 0;
   fNpfits     = 0;
   fNsave      = 0;
   fSave       = 0;
   fHistogram  = 0;
   fMinimum    = -1111;
   fMaximum    = -1111;
   fMethodCall = 0;

   if (!gStyle) return;

 TF1::TF1(const char *name, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t npar)
      :TFormula(), TAttLine(), TAttFill(), TAttMarker()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*F1 constructor using name an interpreted function*-*-*-*
//*-*          =======================================================
//*-*  Creates a function of type C between xmin and xmax.
//*-*  name is the name of an interpreted CINT cunction.
//*-*  The function is defined with npar parameters
//*-*  fcn must be a function of type:
//*-*     Double_t fcn(Double_t *x, Double_t *params)
//*-*  This constructor is called for functions of type C by CINT.

   fXmin       = xmin;
   fXmax       = xmax;
   fNpx        = 100;
   fType       = 2;
   fFunction   = 0;
   if (npar > 0 ) fNpar = npar;
   if (fNpar) {
      fNames      = new TString[fNpar];
      fParams     = new Double_t[fNpar];
      fParErrors  = new Double_t[fNpar];
      fParMin     = new Double_t[fNpar];
      fParMax     = new Double_t[fNpar];
      for (int i = 0; i < fNpar; i++) {
         fParams[i]     = 0;
         fParErrors[i]  = 0;
         fParMin[i]     = 0;
         fParMax[i]     = 0;
   } else {
      fParErrors = 0;
      fParMin    = 0;
      fParMax    = 0;
   fChisquare  = 0;
   fIntegral   = 0;
   fAlpha      = 0;
   fBeta       = 0;
   fGamma      = 0;
   fParent     = 0;
   fNpfits     = 0;
   fNsave      = 0;
   fSave       = 0;
   fHistogram  = 0;
   fMinimum    = -1111;
   fMaximum    = -1111;
   fMethodCall = 0;
   fNdim       = 1;

   TF1 *f1old = (TF1*)gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject(name);
   if (f1old) delete f1old;

   if (gStyle) {

   if (name) {
      fMethodCall = new TMethodCall();
      fNumber = -1;
   } else {
      Printf("Function:%s cannot be compiled",name);

 TF1::TF1(const char *name,void *fcn, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t npar)
      :TFormula(), TAttLine(), TAttFill(), TAttMarker()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*F1 constructor using pointer to an interpreted function*-*-*-*
//*-*          =======================================================
//*-*  See TFormula constructor for explanation of the formula syntax.
//*-*  Creates a function of type C between xmin and xmax.
//*-*  The function is defined with npar parameters
//*-*  fcn must be a function of type:
//*-*     Double_t fcn(Double_t *x, Double_t *params)
//*-*  see tutorial; myfit for an example of use
//*-*  also test/stress.cxx (see function stress1)
//*-*  This constructor is called for functions of type C by CINT.

   fXmin       = xmin;
   fXmax       = xmax;
   fNpx        = 100;
   fType       = 2;
   fFunction   = 0;
   if (npar > 0 ) fNpar = npar;
   if (fNpar) {
      fNames      = new TString[fNpar];
      fParams     = new Double_t[fNpar];
      fParErrors  = new Double_t[fNpar];
      fParMin     = new Double_t[fNpar];
      fParMax     = new Double_t[fNpar];
      for (int i = 0; i < fNpar; i++) {
         fParams[i]     = 0;
         fParErrors[i]  = 0;
         fParMin[i]     = 0;
         fParMax[i]     = 0;
   } else {
      fParErrors = 0;
      fParMin    = 0;
      fParMax    = 0;
   fChisquare  = 0;
   fIntegral   = 0;
   fAlpha      = 0;
   fBeta       = 0;
   fGamma      = 0;
   fParent     = 0;
   fNpfits     = 0;
   fNsave      = 0;
   fSave       = 0;
   fHistogram  = 0;
   fMinimum    = -1111;
   fMaximum    = -1111;
   fMethodCall = 0;
   fNdim       = 1;

   TF1 *f1old = (TF1*)gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject(name);
   if (f1old) delete f1old;

   if (gStyle) {

   if (!fcn) return;
   char *funcname = G__p2f2funcname(fcn);
   if (funcname) {
      fMethodCall = new TMethodCall();
      fNumber = -1;
   } else {
      Printf("Function:%s cannot be compiled",name);

 TF1::TF1(const char *name,Double_t (*fcn)(Double_t *, Double_t *), Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t npar)
      :TFormula(), TAttLine(), TAttFill(), TAttMarker()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*F1 constructor using a pointer to real function*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*          ===============================================
//*-*   npar is the number of free parameters used by the function
//*-*   This constructor creates a function of type C when invoked
//*-*   with the normal C++ compiler.
//*-*   see test program test/stress.cxx (function stress1) for an example.
//*-*   note the interface with an intermediate pointer.

   fXmin       = xmin;
   fXmax       = xmax;
   fNpx        = 100;
   char *funcname = G__p2f2funcname((void*)fcn);
   if (funcname) {
      fType       = 2;
      fMethodCall = new TMethodCall();
      fNumber = -1;
      fFunction   = 0;
   } else {
      fType       = 1;
      fMethodCall = 0;
      fFunction   = fcn;
   if (npar > 0 ) fNpar = npar;
   if (fNpar) {
      fNames      = new TString[fNpar];
      fParams     = new Double_t[fNpar];
      fParErrors  = new Double_t[fNpar];
      fParMin     = new Double_t[fNpar];
      fParMax     = new Double_t[fNpar];
      for (int i = 0; i < fNpar; i++) {
         fParams[i]     = 0;
         fParErrors[i]  = 0;
         fParMin[i]     = 0;
         fParMax[i]     = 0;
   } else {
      fParErrors = 0;
      fParMin    = 0;
      fParMax    = 0;
   fChisquare  = 0;
   fIntegral   = 0;
   fAlpha      = 0;
   fBeta       = 0;
   fGamma      = 0;
   fNsave      = 0;
   fSave       = 0;
   fParent     = 0;
   fNpfits     = 0;
   fHistogram  = 0;
   fMinimum    = -1111;
   fMaximum    = -1111;
   fNdim       = 1;
//*-*- Store formula in linked list of formula in ROOT

   if (gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject(name)) return;

   if (!gStyle) return;


//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*F1 default destructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                  =====================

   if (fParMin)    delete [] fParMin;
   if (fParMax)    delete [] fParMax;
   if (fParErrors) delete [] fParErrors;
   if (fIntegral)  delete [] fIntegral;
   if (fAlpha)     delete [] fAlpha;
   if (fBeta)      delete [] fBeta;
   if (fGamma)     delete [] fGamma;
   if (fSave)      delete [] fSave;
   delete fHistogram;
   delete fMethodCall;

   if (fParent) {
      if (fParent->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class())) {
      if (fParent->InheritsFrom("TGraph")) {
         gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("TGraph::RemoveFunction((TGraph *)0x%lx,"
                                 "(TObject *)0x%lx);",(Long_t)fParent,
      fParent = 0;

 TF1::TF1(const TF1 &f1)

 void TF1::Browse(TBrowser *)

 void TF1::Copy(TObject &obj)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Copy this F1 to a new F1*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                  ========================

   ((TF1&)obj).fXmin = fXmin;
   ((TF1&)obj).fXmax = fXmax;
   ((TF1&)obj).fNpx  = fNpx;
   ((TF1&)obj).fType = fType;
   ((TF1&)obj).fFunction  = fFunction;
   ((TF1&)obj).fChisquare = fChisquare;
   ((TF1&)obj).fNpfits = fNpfits;
   ((TF1&)obj).fMinimum = fMinimum;
   ((TF1&)obj).fMaximum = fMaximum;
   if (fNpar) {
      ((TF1&)obj).fParErrors = new Double_t[fNpar];
      ((TF1&)obj).fParMin    = new Double_t[fNpar];
      ((TF1&)obj).fParMax    = new Double_t[fNpar];
   Int_t i;
   for (i=0;i<fNpar;i++)   ((TF1&)obj).fParErrors[i] = fParErrors[i];
   for (i=0;i<fNpar;i++)   ((TF1&)obj).fParMin[i]    = fParMin[i];
   for (i=0;i<fNpar;i++)   ((TF1&)obj).fParMax[i]    = fParMax[i];
   if (fMethodCall) {
      TMethodCall *m = new TMethodCall();
      ((TF1&)obj).fMethodCall  = m;

 Double_t TF1::Derivative(Double_t x, Double_t *params, Double_t epsilon)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return derivative of function at point x*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//    The derivative is computed by computing the value of the function
//   at points x-epsilon*range and x+epsilon*range (range=fXmax-fXmin).
//   if params is NULL, use the current values of parameters

   Double_t xx[2];
   if (epsilon <= 0) epsilon = 0.001;
   epsilon *= fXmax-fXmin;
   xx[0] = x - epsilon;
   xx[1] = x + epsilon;
   if (xx[0] < fXmin) xx[0] = fXmin;
   if (xx[1] > fXmax) xx[1] = fXmax;

   Double_t f1,f2,deriv;
   f1    = EvalPar(&xx[0],params);
   f2    = EvalPar(&xx[1],params);
   deriv = (f2-f1)/(xx[1]-xx[0]);
   return deriv;

 Int_t TF1::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Compute distance from point px,py to a function*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                  ===============================================
//*-*  Compute the closest distance of approach from point px,py to this function.
//*-*  The distance is computed in pixels units.
//*-*  Algorithm:

   if (!fHistogram) return 9999;
   Int_t distance = fHistogram->DistancetoPrimitive(px,py);
   if (distance <= 0) return distance;

   Double_t xx[1];
   Double_t x    = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px);
   xx[0]         = gPad->PadtoX(x);
   Double_t fval = Eval(xx[0]);
   Double_t y    = gPad->YtoPad(fval);
   Int_t pybin   = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(y);
   return TMath::Abs(py - pybin);

 void TF1::Draw(Option_t *option)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw this function with its current attributes*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                  ==============================================
//*-* Possible option values are:
//*-*   "SAME"  superimpose on top of existing picture
//*-*   "L"     connect all computed points with a straight line
//*-*   "C"     connect all computed points with a smooth curve.
//*-* Note that the default value is "L". Therefore to draw on top
//*-* of an existing picture, specify option "LSAME"
//*-* NB. You must use DrawCopy if you want to draw several times the same
//*-*     function in the current canvas.

   TString opt = option;
   if (gPad && !opt.Contains("same")) gPad->Clear();


  TF1 *TF1::DrawCopy(Option_t *option)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw a copy of this function with its current attributes*-*-*
//*-*            ========================================================
//*-*  This function MUST be used instead of Draw when you want to draw
//*-*  the same function with different parameters settings in the same canvas.
//*-* Possible option values are:
//*-*   "SAME"  superimpose on top of existing picture
//*-*   "L"     connect all computed points with a straight line
//*-*   "C"     connect all computed points with a smooth curve.
//*-* Note that the default value is "L". Therefore to draw on top
//*-* of an existing picture, specify option "LSAME"

   TF1 *newf1 = new TF1();
   return newf1;

 void TF1::DrawF1(const char *formula, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Option_t *option)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw formula between xmin and xmax*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                ==================================

   if (Compile(formula)) return;

   SetRange(xmin, xmax);


 void TF1::DrawPanel()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*Display a panel with all function drawing options*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*          =================================================
//*-*   See class TDrawPanelHist for example

   if (gPad) {
   TList *lc = (TList*)gROOT->GetListOfCanvases();
   if (!lc->FindObject("R__drawpanelhist")) {
      gROOT->ProcessLine("TDrawPanelHist *R__drawpanelhist = "
                         "new TDrawPanelHist("R__drawpanelhist","Hist Draw Panel","

 Double_t TF1::Eval(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Evaluate this formula*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                  =====================
//*-*   Computes the value of this function (general case for a 3-d function)
//*-*   at point x,y,z.
//*-*   For a 1-d function give y=0 and z=0
//*-*   The current value of variables x,y,z is passed through x, y and z.
//*-*   The parameters used will be the ones in the array params if params is given
//*-*    otherwise parameters will be taken from the stored data members fParams
  Double_t xx[3];
  xx[0] = x;
  xx[1] = y;
  xx[2] = z;


  return TF1::EvalPar(xx,fParams);

 Double_t TF1::EvalPar(Double_t *x, Double_t *params)
//*-*-*-*-*-*Evaluate function with given coordinates and parameters*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*        =======================================================
//      Compute the value of this function at point defined by array x
//      and current values of parameters in array params.
//      If argument params is omitted or equal 0, the internal values
//      of parameters (array fParams) will be used instead.
//      For a 1-D function only x[0] must be given.
//      In case of a multi-dimemsional function, the arrays x must be
//      filled with the corresponding number of dimensions.
//   WARNING. In case of an interpreted function (fType=2), it is the
//   user's responsability to initialize the parameters via InitArgs
//   before calling this function.
//   InitArgs should be called at least once to specify the addresses
//   of the arguments x and params.
//   InitArgs should be called everytime these addresses change.

   if (fType == 0) return TFormula::EvalPar(x,params);
   Double_t result = 0;
   if (fType == 1)  {
      if (fFunction) {
         if (params) result = (*fFunction)(x,params);
         else        result = (*fFunction)(x,fParams);
      }else          result = GetSave(x);
   if (fType == 2) {
      if (fMethodCall) fMethodCall->Execute(result);
      else             result = GetSave(x);
   return result;

 void TF1::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Execute action corresponding to one event*-*-*-*
//*-*                  =========================================
//*-*  This member function is called when a F1 is clicked with the locator


   if (!gPad->GetView()) {
      if (event == kMouseMotion)  gPad->SetCursor(kHand);

 TH1 *TF1::GetHistogram()
// return a pointer to the histogram used to vusualize the function

   if (fHistogram) return fHistogram;

   // may be function has not yet be painted. force a pad update
   return fHistogram;

 char *TF1::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t /* py */)
//   Redefines TObject::GetObjectInfo.
//   Displays the function info (x, function value
//   corresponding to cursor position px,py
   static char info[64];
   Double_t x = gPad->PadtoX(gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px));
   sprintf(info,"(x=%g, f=%g)",x,Eval(x));
   return info;

 void TF1::GetParLimits(Int_t ipar, Double_t &parmin, Double_t &parmax)
//*-*-*-*-*-*Return limits for parameter ipar*-*-*-*
//*-*        ================================

   parmin = 0;
   parmax = 0;
   if (ipar < 0 || ipar > fNpar-1) return;
   if (fParMin) parmin = fParMin[ipar];
   if (fParMax) parmax = fParMax[ipar];

 Double_t TF1::GetRandom()
//*-*-*-*-*-*Return a random number following this function shape*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*        ====================================================
//*-*   The distribution contained in the function fname (TF1) is integrated
//*-*   over the channel contents.
//*-*   It is normalized to 1.
//*-*   For each bin the integral is approximated by a parabola.
//*-*   The parabola coefficients are stored as non persistent data members
//*-*   Getting one random number implies:
//*-*     - Generating a random number between 0 and 1 (say r1)
//*-*     - Look in which bin in the normalized integral r1 corresponds to
//*-*     - Evaluate the parabolic curve in the selected bin to find
//*-*       the corresponding X value.
//*-*   The parabolic approximation is very good as soon as the number
//*-*   of bins is greater than 50.

//  Check if integral array must be build
   Int_t i,bin;
   Double_t xx,rr;
   if (fIntegral == 0) {
      Double_t dx = (fXmax-fXmin)/fNpx;
      fIntegral = new Double_t[fNpx+1];
      fAlpha    = new Double_t[fNpx];
      fBeta     = new Double_t[fNpx];
      fGamma    = new Double_t[fNpx];
      fIntegral[0] = 0;
      Double_t integ;
      Int_t intNegative = 0;
      for (i=0;i<fNpx;i++) {
         integ = Integral(Double_t(fXmin+i*dx), Double_t(fXmin+i*dx+dx));
         if (integ < 0) {intNegative++; integ = -integ;}
         fIntegral[i+1] = fIntegral[i] + integ;
      if (intNegative > 0) {
         Warning("GetRandom","function:%s has %d negative values: abs assumed",GetName(),intNegative);
      if (fIntegral[fNpx] == 0) {
         Error("GetRandom","Integral of function is zero");
         return 0;
      Double_t total = fIntegral[fNpx];
      for (i=1;i<=fNpx;i++) {  // normalize integral to 1
         fIntegral[i] /= total;
      //the integral r for each bin is approximated by a parabola
      //  x = alpha + beta*r +gamma*r**2
      // compute the coefficients alpha, beta, gamma for each bin
      Double_t x0,r1,r2;
      for (i=0;i<fNpx;i++) {
         x0 = fXmin+i*dx;
         r2 = fIntegral[i+1] - fIntegral[i];
         r1 = Integral(x0,x0+0.5*dx)/total;
         fGamma[i] = (2*r2 - 4*r1)/(dx*dx);
         fBeta[i]  = r2/dx - fGamma[i]*dx;
         fAlpha[i] = x0;
         fGamma[i] *= 2;

// return random number
   Double_t r  = gRandom->Rndm();
   bin  = TMath::BinarySearch(fNpx,fIntegral,r);
   rr = r - fIntegral[bin];

      xx = (-fBeta[bin] + TMath::Sqrt(fBeta[bin]*fBeta[bin]+2*fGamma[bin]*rr))/fGamma[bin];
      xx = rr/fBeta[bin];
   Double_t x = fAlpha[bin] + xx;
   return x;

 void TF1::GetRange(Double_t &xmin, Double_t &xmax)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return range of a 1-D function*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                  ==============================

   xmin = fXmin;
   xmax = fXmax;

 void TF1::GetRange(Double_t &xmin, Double_t &ymin,  Double_t &xmax, Double_t &ymax)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return range of a 2-D function*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                  ==============================

   xmin = fXmin;
   xmax = fXmax;
   ymin = 0;
   ymax = 0;

 void TF1::GetRange(Double_t &xmin, Double_t &ymin, Double_t &zmin, Double_t &xmax, Double_t &ymax, Double_t &zmax)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return range of function*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                  ========================

   xmin = fXmin;
   xmax = fXmax;
   ymin = 0;
   ymax = 0;
   zmin = 0;
   zmax = 0;

 Double_t TF1::GetSave(Double_t *xx)
    // Get value corresponding to X in array of fSave values

   if (fNsave <= 0) return 0;
   if (fSave == 0) return 0;
   Double_t xmin = Double_t(fSave[fNsave+2]);
   Double_t xmax = Double_t(fSave[fNsave+3]);
   Double_t x    = Double_t(xx[0]);
   Double_t dx   = (xmax-xmin)/fNsave;
   if (x < xmin || x > xmax) return 0;
   if (dx <= 0) return 0;

   Int_t bin     = Int_t((x-xmin)/dx);
   Double_t xlow = xmin + bin*dx;
   Double_t xup  = xlow + dx;
   Double_t ylow = fSave[bin];
   Double_t yup  = fSave[bin+1];
   Double_t y    = ((xup*ylow-xlow*yup) + x*(yup-ylow))/dx;
   return y;

 void TF1::InitArgs(Double_t *x, Double_t *params)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Initialize parameters addresses*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                  ===============================

   if (fMethodCall) {
      Long_t args[2];
      args[0] = (Long_t)x;
      if (params) args[1] = (Long_t)params;
      else        args[1] = (Long_t)fParams;

 void TF1::InitStandardFunctions()
//     Create the basic function objects

   TF1 *f1;
   if (!gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("gaus")) {
      f1 = new TF1("gaus","gaus",-1,1); f1->SetParameters(1,0,1);
      f1 = new TF1("landau","landau",-1,1); f1->SetParameters(1,0,1);
      f1 = new TF1("expo","expo",-1,1); f1->SetParameters(1,1);
      for (Int_t i=0;i<10;i++) {
         f1 = new TF1(Form("pol%d",i),Form("pol%d",i),-1,1);

 Double_t TF1::Integral(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t *params, Double_t epsilon)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return Integral of function between a and b*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//   based on original CERNLIB routine DGAUSS by Sigfried Kolbig
//   converted to C++ by Rene Brun

This function computes, to an attempted specified accuracy, the value of the integral



In any arithmetic expression, this function has the approximate value of the integral I.

End-points of integration interval. Note that B may be less than A.
Array of function parameters. If 0, use current parameters.
Accuracy parameter (see Accuracy).


For any interval [a,b] we define tex2html_wrap_inline128 and tex2html_wrap_inline130 to be the 8-point and 16-point Gaussian quadrature approximations to


and define




where, starting with tex2html_wrap_inline140 and finishing with tex2html_wrap_inline142 , the subdivision points tex2html_wrap_inline144 are given by


with tex2html_wrap_inline148 equal to the first member of the sequence tex2html_wrap_inline150 for which tex2html_wrap_inline152 . If, at any stage in the process of subdivision, the ratio


is so small that 1+0.005q is indistinguishable from 1 to machine accuracy, an error exit occurs with the function value set equal to zero.


Unless there is severe cancellation of positive and negative values of f(x) over the interval [A,B], the argument EPS may be considered as specifying a bound on the relative error of I in the case |I|>1, and a bound on the absolute error in the case |I|<1. More precisely, if k is the number of sub-intervals contributing to the approximation (see Method), and if


then the relation


will nearly always be true, provided the routine terminates without printing an error message. For functions f having no singularities in the closed interval [A,B] the accuracy will usually be much higher than this.

Error handling:

The requested accuracy cannot be obtained (see Method). The function value is set equal to zero.


Values of the function f(x) at the interval end-points A and B are not required. The subprogram may therefore be used when these values are undefined.

*/ // //--------------------------------------------------------------- const Double_t Z1 = 1; const Double_t HF = Z1/2; const Double_t CST = 5*Z1/1000; Double_t x[12] = { 0.96028985649753623, 0.79666647741362674, 0.52553240991632899, 0.18343464249564980, 0.98940093499164993, 0.94457502307323258, 0.86563120238783174, 0.75540440835500303, 0.61787624440264375, 0.45801677765722739, 0.28160355077925891, 0.09501250983763744}; Double_t w[12] = { 0.10122853629037626, 0.22238103445337447, 0.31370664587788729, 0.36268378337836198, 0.02715245941175409, 0.06225352393864789, 0.09515851168249278, 0.12462897125553387, 0.14959598881657673, 0.16915651939500254, 0.18260341504492359, 0.18945061045506850}; Double_t h, aconst, bb, aa, c1, c2, u, s8, s16, f1, f2; Double_t xx[1]; Int_t i; InitArgs(xx,params); h = 0; if (b == a) return h; aconst = CST/TMath::Abs(b-a); bb = a; CASE1: aa = bb; bb = b; CASE2: c1 = HF*(bb+aa); c2 = HF*(bb-aa); s8 = 0; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { u = c2*x[i]; xx[0] = c1+u; f1 = EvalPar(xx,params); xx[0] = c1-u; f2 = EvalPar(xx,params); s8 += w[i]*(f1 + f2); } s16 = 0; for (i=4;i<12;i++) { u = c2*x[i]; xx[0] = c1+u; f1 = EvalPar(xx,params); xx[0] = c1-u; f2 = EvalPar(xx,params); s16 += w[i]*(f1 + f2); } s16 = c2*s16; if (TMath::Abs(s16-c2*s8) <= epsilon*(1. + TMath::Abs(s16))) { h += s16; if(bb != b) goto CASE1; } else { bb = c1; if(1. + aconst*TMath::Abs(c2) != 1) goto CASE2; h = s8; //this is a crude approximation (cernlib function returned 0 !) } return h; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TF1::Integral(Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t) { // Return Integral of a 2d function in range [ax,bx],[ay,by] // Error("Integral","Must be called with a TF2 only"); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TF1::Integral(Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t) { // Return Integral of a 3d function in range [ax,bx],[ay,by],[az,bz] // Error("Integral","Must be called with a TF3 only"); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TF1::IntegralMultiple(Int_t n, Double_t *a, Double_t *b, Double_t eps, Double_t &relerr) { // Adaptive Quadrature for Multiple Integrals over N-Dimensional // Rectangular Regions // // /* */ // // // Author(s): A.C. Genz, A.A. Malik // converted/adapted by R.Brun to C++ from Fortran CERNLIB routine RADMUL (D120) // The new code features many changes compared to the Fortran version. // Note that this function is currently called only by TF2::Integral (n=2) // and TF3::Integral (n=3). // // This function computes, to an attempted specified accuracy, the value of // the integral over an n-dimensional rectangular region. // // N Number of dimensions. // A,B One-dimensional arrays of length >= N . On entry A[i], and B[i], // contain the lower and upper limits of integration, respectively. // EPS Specified relative accuracy. // RELERR Contains, on exit, an estimation of the relative accuray of RESULT. // // Method: // // An integration rule of degree seven is used together with a certain // strategy of subdivision. // For a more detailed description of the method see References. // // Notes: // // 1.Multi-dimensional integration is time-consuming. For each rectangular // subregion, the routine requires function evaluations. // Careful programming of the integrand might result in substantial saving // of time. // 2.Numerical integration usually works best for smooth functions. // Some analysis or suitable transformations of the integral prior to // numerical work may contribute to numerical efficiency. // // References: // // 1.A.C. Genz and A.A. Malik, Remarks on algorithm 006: // An adaptive algorithm for numerical integration over // an N-dimensional rectangular region, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 6 (1980) 295-302. // 2.A. van Doren and L. de Ridder, An adaptive algorithm for numerical // integration over an n-dimensional cube, J.Comput. Appl. Math. 2 (1976) 207-217. // //========================================================================= Double_t ctr[15], wth[15], wthl[15], z[15]; const Double_t xl2 = 0.358568582800318073; const Double_t xl4 = 0.948683298050513796; const Double_t xl5 = 0.688247201611685289; const Double_t w2 = 980./6561; const Double_t w4 = 200./19683; const Double_t wp2 = 245./486; const Double_t wp4 = 25./729; Double_t wn1[14] = { -0.193872885230909911, -0.555606360818980835, -0.876695625666819078, -1.15714067977442459, -1.39694152314179743, -1.59609815576893754, -1.75461057765584494, -1.87247878880251983, -1.94970278920896201, -1.98628257887517146, -1.98221815780114818, -1.93750952598689219, -1.85215668343240347, -1.72615963013768225}; Double_t wn3[14] = { 0.0518213686937966768, 0.0314992633236803330, 0.0111771579535639891,-0.00914494741655235473,-0.0294670527866686986, -0.0497891581567850424,-0.0701112635269013768, -0.0904333688970177241, -0.110755474267134071, -0.131077579637250419, -0.151399685007366752, -0.171721790377483099, -0.192043895747599447, -0.212366001117715794}; Double_t wn5[14] = { 0.871183254585174982e-01, 0.435591627292587508e-01, 0.217795813646293754e-01, 0.108897906823146873e-01, 0.544489534115734364e-02, 0.272244767057867193e-02, 0.136122383528933596e-02, 0.680611917644667955e-03, 0.340305958822333977e-03, 0.170152979411166995e-03, 0.850764897055834977e-04, 0.425382448527917472e-04, 0.212691224263958736e-04, 0.106345612131979372e-04}; Double_t wpn1[14] = { -1.33196159122085045, -2.29218106995884763, -3.11522633744855959, -3.80109739368998611, -4.34979423868312742, -4.76131687242798352, -5.03566529492455417, -5.17283950617283939, -5.17283950617283939, -5.03566529492455417, -4.76131687242798352, -4.34979423868312742, -3.80109739368998611, -3.11522633744855959}; Double_t wpn3[14] = { 0.0445816186556927292, -0.0240054869684499309, -0.0925925925925925875, -0.161179698216735251, -0.229766803840877915, -0.298353909465020564, -0.366941015089163228, -0.435528120713305891, -0.504115226337448555, -0.572702331961591218, -0.641289437585733882, -0.709876543209876532, -0.778463648834019195, -0.847050754458161859}; Double_t result = 0; Double_t abserr = 0; Int_t ifail = 3; if (n < 2 || n > 15) return 0; Double_t twondm = TMath::Power(2,n); Int_t ifncls = 0; Bool_t ldv = kFALSE; Int_t irgnst = 2*n+3; Int_t irlcls = Int_t(twondm) +2*n*(n+1)+1; Int_t isbrgn = irgnst; Int_t isbrgs = irgnst; // The original algorithm expected a parameter MAXPTS // where MAXPTS = Maximum number of function evaluations to be allowed. // Here we set MAXPTS to 1000*(the lowest possible value) Int_t maxpts = 1000*irlcls; Int_t minpts = 1; // The original agorithm expected a working space array WK of length IWK // with IWK Length ( >= (2N + 3) * (1 + MAXPTS/(2**N + 2N(N + 1) + 1))/2). // Here, this array is allocated dynamically Int_t iwk = irgnst*(1 +maxpts/irlcls)/2; Double_t *wk = new Double_t[iwk+10]; Int_t j; for (j=0;j<n;j++) { ctr[j] = (b[j] + a[j])*0.5; wth[j] = (b[j] - a[j])*0.5; } Double_t rgnvol, sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4, sum5, difmax, f2, f3, dif; Double_t rgncmp=0, rgnval, rgnerr; Int_t j1, k, l, m, idvaxn=0, idvax0=0, isbtmp, isbtpp; InitArgs(z,fParams); L20: rgnvol = twondm; for (j=0;j<n;j++) { rgnvol *= wth[j]; z[j] = ctr[j]; } sum1 = EvalPar(z,fParams); //evaluate function difmax = 0; sum2 = 0; sum3 = 0; for (j=0;j<n;j++) { z[j] = ctr[j] - xl2*wth[j]; f2 = EvalPar(z,fParams); z[j] = ctr[j] + xl2*wth[j]; f2 += EvalPar(z,fParams); wthl[j] = xl4*wth[j]; z[j] = ctr[j] - wthl[j]; f3 = EvalPar(z,fParams); z[j] = ctr[j] + wthl[j]; f3 += EvalPar(z,fParams); sum2 += f2; sum3 += f3; dif = TMath::Abs(7*f2-f3-12*sum1); difmax = TMath::Max(dif, difmax); if (difmax == dif) idvaxn = j+1; z[j] = ctr[j]; } sum4 = 0; for (j=1;j<n;j++) { j1 = j-1; for (k=j;k<n;k++) { for (l=0;l<2;l++) { wthl[j1] = -wthl[j1]; z[j1] = ctr[j1] + wthl[j1]; for (m=0;m<2;m++) { wthl[k] = -wthl[k]; z[k] = ctr[k] + wthl[k]; sum4 += EvalPar(z,fParams); } } z[k] = ctr[k]; } z[j1] = ctr[j1]; } sum5 = 0; for (j=0;j<n;j++) { wthl[j] = -xl5*wth[j]; z[j] = ctr[j] + wthl[j]; } L90: sum5 += EvalPar(z,fParams); for (j=0;j<n;j++) { wthl[j] = -wthl[j]; z[j] = ctr[j] + wthl[j]; if (wthl[j] > 0) goto L90; } rgncmp = rgnvol*(wpn1[n-2]*sum1+wp2*sum2+wpn3[n-2]*sum3+wp4*sum4); rgnval = wn1[n-2]*sum1+w2*sum2+wn3[n-2]*sum3+w4*sum4+wn5[n-2]*sum5; rgnval *= rgnvol; rgnerr = TMath::Abs(rgnval-rgncmp); result += rgnval; abserr += rgnerr; ifncls += irlcls; if (ldv) { L110: isbtmp = 2*isbrgn; if (isbtmp > isbrgs) goto L160; if (isbtmp < isbrgs) { isbtpp = isbtmp + irgnst; if (wk[isbtmp-1] < wk[isbtpp-1]) isbtmp = isbtpp; } if (rgnerr >= wk[isbtmp-1]) goto L160; for (k=0;k<irgnst;k++) { wk[isbrgn-k-1] = wk[isbtmp-k-1]; } isbrgn = isbtmp; goto L110; } L140: isbtmp = (isbrgn/(2*irgnst))*irgnst; if (isbtmp >= irgnst && rgnerr > wk[isbtmp-1]) { for (k=0;k<irgnst;k++) { wk[isbrgn-k-1] = wk[isbtmp-k-1]; } isbrgn = isbtmp; goto L140; } L160: wk[isbrgn-1] = rgnerr; wk[isbrgn-2] = rgnval; wk[isbrgn-3] = Double_t(idvaxn); for (j=0;j<n;j++) { isbtmp = isbrgn-2*j-4; wk[isbtmp] = ctr[j]; wk[isbtmp-1] = wth[j]; } if (ldv) { ldv = kFALSE; ctr[idvax0-1] += 2*wth[idvax0-1]; isbrgs += irgnst; isbrgn = isbrgs; goto L20; } relerr = abserr/TMath::Abs(result); if (isbrgs+irgnst > iwk) ifail = 2; if (ifncls+2*irlcls > maxpts) ifail = 1; if (relerr < eps && ifncls >= minpts) ifail = 0; if (ifail == 3) { ldv = kTRUE; isbrgn = irgnst; abserr -= wk[isbrgn-1]; result -= wk[isbrgn-2]; idvax0 = Int_t(wk[isbrgn-3]); for (j=0;j<n;j++) { isbtmp = isbrgn-2*j-4; ctr[j] = wk[isbtmp]; wth[j] = wk[isbtmp-1]; } wth[idvax0-1] = 0.5*wth[idvax0-1]; ctr[idvax0-1] -= wth[idvax0-1]; goto L20; } // IFAIL On exit: // 0 Normal exit. . At most MAXPTS calls to the function F were performed. // 1 MAXPTS is too small for the specified accuracy EPS. RESULT and RELERR // contain the values obtainable for the specified value of MAXPTS. // delete [] wk; // Int_t nfnevl = ifncls; //number of function evaluations performed. return result; //an approximate value of the integral } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TF1::Paint(Option_t *option) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Paint this function with its current attributes*-*-*-*-* //*-* =============================================== Int_t i; Double_t xv[1]; TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); Double_t xmin, xmax, pmin, pmax; pmin = gPad->PadtoX(gPad->GetUxmin()); pmax = gPad->PadtoX(gPad->GetUxmax()); xmin = fXmin; xmax = fXmax; if (opt.Contains("same")) { if (xmax < pmin) return; // Otto: completely outside if (xmin > pmax) return; if (xmin < pmin) xmin = pmin; if (xmax > pmax) xmax = pmax; } else { gPad->Clear(); } //*-*- Create a temporary histogram and fill each channel with the function value if (fHistogram) { if (!gPad->GetLogx() && fHistogram->TestBit(TH1::kLogX)) { delete fHistogram; fHistogram = 0;} if ( gPad->GetLogx() && !fHistogram->TestBit(TH1::kLogX)) { delete fHistogram; fHistogram = 0;} } if (fHistogram) { // if (xmin != fXmin || xmax != fXmax) fHistogram->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(xmin,xmax); fHistogram->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(xmin,xmax); } else { // if logx, we must bin in logx and not in x !!! // otherwise if several decades, one gets crazy results if (xmin > 0 && gPad->GetLogx()) { Axis_t *xbins = new Axis_t[fNpx+1]; Double_t xlogmin = TMath::Log10(xmin); Double_t xlogmax = TMath::Log10(xmax); Double_t dlogx = (xlogmax-xlogmin)/((Double_t)fNpx); for (i=0;i<=fNpx;i++) { xbins[i] = gPad->PadtoX(xlogmin+ i*dlogx); } fHistogram = new TH1F("Func",GetTitle(),fNpx,xbins); fHistogram->SetBit(TH1::kLogX); delete [] xbins; } else { fHistogram = new TH1F("Func",GetTitle(),fNpx,xmin,xmax); } if (!fHistogram) return; fHistogram->SetDirectory(0); } InitArgs(xv,fParams); for (i=1;i<=fNpx;i++) { xv[0] = fHistogram->GetBinCenter(i); fHistogram->SetBinContent(i,EvalPar(xv,fParams)); } //*-*- Copy Function attributes to histogram attributes fHistogram->SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); fHistogram->SetMinimum(fMinimum); fHistogram->SetMaximum(fMaximum); fHistogram->SetLineColor(GetLineColor()); fHistogram->SetLineStyle(GetLineStyle()); fHistogram->SetLineWidth(GetLineWidth()); fHistogram->SetFillColor(GetFillColor()); fHistogram->SetFillStyle(GetFillStyle()); fHistogram->SetMarkerColor(GetMarkerColor()); fHistogram->SetMarkerStyle(GetMarkerStyle()); fHistogram->SetMarkerSize(GetMarkerSize()); //*-*- Draw the histogram if (opt.Length() == 0) fHistogram->Paint("lf"); else if (opt == "same") fHistogram->Paint("lfsame"); else fHistogram->Paint(option); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TF1::Print(Option_t *option) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Dump this function with its attributes*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ================================== TFormula::Print(option); if (fHistogram) fHistogram->Print(option); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TF1::Save(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) { // Save values of function in array fSave if (fSave != 0) {delete [] fSave; fSave = 0;} fNsave = fNpx; if (fNsave <= 0) return; fSave = new Double_t[fNsave+10]; Int_t i; Double_t dx = (xmax-xmin)/fNsave; if (dx <= 0) { dx = (fXmax-fXmin)/fNsave; fNsave--; xmin = fXmin +0.5*dx; xmax = fXmax -0.5*dx; } Double_t xv[1]; InitArgs(xv,fParams); for (i=0;i<=fNsave;i++) { xv[0] = xmin + dx*i; fSave[i] = EvalPar(xv,fParams); } fSave[fNsave+2] = xmin; fSave[fNsave+3] = xmax; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TF1::SavePrimitive(ofstream &out, Option_t *option) { // Save primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out char quote = '"'; out<<" "<<endl; if (gROOT->ClassSaved(TF1::Class())) { out<<" "; } else { out<<" TF1 *"; } if (!fMethodCall) { out<<GetName()<<" = new TF1("<<quote<<GetName()<<quote<<","<<quote<<GetTitle()<<quote<<","<<fXmin<<","<<fXmax<<");"<<endl; } else { out<<GetName()<<" = new TF1("<<quote<<GetName()<<quote<<","<<GetTitle()<<","<<fXmin<<","<<fXmax<<","<<GetNpar()<<");"<<endl; } if (GetFillColor() != 0) { out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetFillColor("<<GetFillColor()<<");"<<endl; } if (GetFillStyle() != 1001) { out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetFillStyle("<<GetFillStyle()<<");"<<endl; } if (GetMarkerColor() != 1) { out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetMarkerColor("<<GetMarkerColor()<<");"<<endl; } if (GetMarkerStyle() != 1) { out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetMarkerStyle("<<GetMarkerStyle()<<");"<<endl; } if (GetMarkerSize() != 1) { out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetMarkerSize("<<GetMarkerSize()<<");"<<endl; } if (GetLineColor() != 1) { out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetLineColor("<<GetLineColor()<<");"<<endl; } if (GetLineWidth() != 4) { out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetLineWidth("<<GetLineWidth()<<");"<<endl; } if (GetLineStyle() != 1) { out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetLineStyle("<<GetLineStyle()<<");"<<endl; } if (GetNpx() != 100) { out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetNpx("<<GetNpx()<<");"<<endl; } if (GetChisquare() != 0) { out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetChisquare("<<GetChisquare()<<");"<<endl; } Double_t parmin, parmax; for (Int_t i=0;i<fNpar;i++) { out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetParameter("<<i<<","<<GetParameter(i)<<");"<<endl; out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetParError("<<i<<","<<GetParError(i)<<");"<<endl; GetParLimits(i,parmin,parmax); out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->SetParLimits("<<i<<","<<parmin<<","<<parmax<<");"<<endl; } out<<" "<<GetName()<<"->Draw(" <<quote<<option<<quote<<");"<<endl; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TF1::SetNpx(Int_t npx) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set the number of points used to draw the function*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ================================================== if(npx > 4 && npx < 100000) fNpx = npx; Update(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TF1::SetParLimits(Int_t ipar, Double_t parmin, Double_t parmax) { //*-*-*-*-*-*Set limits for parameter ipar*-*-*-* //*-* ============================= // The specified limits will be used in a fit operation // when the option "B" is specified (Bounds). if (ipar < 0 || ipar > fNpar-1) return; Int_t i; if (!fParMin) {fParMin = new Double_t[fNpar]; for (i=0;i<fNpar;i++) fParMin[i]=0;} if (!fParMax) {fParMax = new Double_t[fNpar]; for (i=0;i<fNpar;i++) fParMax[i]=0;} fParMin[ipar] = parmin; fParMax[ipar] = parmax; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TF1::SetRange(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) { //*-*-*-*-*-*Initialize the upper and lower bounds to draw the function*-*-*-* //*-* ========================================================== // The function range is also used in an histogram fit operation // when the option "R" is specified. fXmin = xmin; fXmax = xmax; Update(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TF1::Streamer(TBuffer &b) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Stream a class object*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ========================================= UInt_t R__s, R__c; if (b.IsReading()) { Version_t v = b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); TFormula::Streamer(b); TAttLine::Streamer(b); TAttFill::Streamer(b); TAttMarker::Streamer(b); if (v < 4) { Float_t xmin,xmax; b >> xmin; fXmin = xmin; b >> xmax; fXmax = xmax; } else { b >> fXmin; b >> fXmax; } b >> fNpx; b >> fType; b >> fChisquare; b.ReadArray(fParErrors); if (v > 1) { b.ReadArray(fParMin); b.ReadArray(fParMax); } else { fParMin = new Double_t[fNpar+1]; fParMax = new Double_t[fNpar+1]; } b >> fNpfits; if (v == 1) { b >> fHistogram; delete fHistogram; fHistogram = 0; } if (v > 1) { if (v < 4) { Float_t minimum,maximum; b >> minimum; fMinimum =minimum; b >> maximum; fMaximum =maximum; } else { b >> fMinimum; b >> fMaximum; } } if (v > 2) { b >> fNsave; if (fNsave > 0) { fSave = new Double_t[fNsave+10]; b.ReadArray(fSave); } else fSave = 0; } b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TF1::IsA()); } else { R__c = b.WriteVersion(TF1::IsA(), kTRUE); TFormula::Streamer(b); TAttLine::Streamer(b); TAttFill::Streamer(b); TAttMarker::Streamer(b); b << fXmin; b << fXmax; b << fNpx; b << fType; b << fChisquare; b.WriteArray(fParErrors,fNpar); b.WriteArray(fParMin,fNpar); b.WriteArray(fParMax,fNpar); b << fNpfits; b << fMinimum; b << fMaximum; Int_t saved = 0; if (fType > 0 && fNsave <= 0) { saved = 1; Save(0,0);} b << fNsave; if (fNsave > 0) b.WriteArray(fSave, fNsave+10); if (saved) {delete [] fSave; fSave = 0; fNsave = 0;} b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TF1::Update() { // called by functions such as SetRange, SetNpx, SetParameters // to force the deletion of the associated histogram or Integral delete fHistogram; fHistogram = 0; if (fIntegral) { delete [] fIntegral; fIntegral = 0; delete [] fAlpha; fAlpha = 0; delete [] fBeta; fBeta = 0; delete [] fGamma; fGamma = 0; } }

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