// @(#)root/star:$Name:  $:$Id: TTableIter.cxx,v 2000/05/16 17:00:49 rdm Exp $
// Author: Valery Fine(fine@bnl.gov)   03/12/99
// Copyright(c) 1997~1999  [BNL] Brookhaven National Laboratory, STAR, All rights reserved
// Author                  Valerie Fine  (fine@bnl.gov)
// Copyright(c) 1997~1999  Valerie Fine  (fine@bnl.gov)
// $Id: TTableIter.cxx,v 2000/05/16 17:00:49 rdm Exp $
//                                                                      //
// TTableIter - class iterator to loop over sorted TTable's             //
//                                                                      //

#include "TTableIter.h"
#include "TTableSorter.h"


 TTableIter::TTableIter(const TTableSorter *table, Float_t &keyvalue)
           : fTableSorter(table), fIndx(0), fFirstIndx(0)

 TTableIter::TTableIter(const TTableSorter *table, Long_t &keyvalue)
           : fTableSorter(table), fIndx(0), fFirstIndx(0)

 TTableIter::TTableIter(const TTableSorter *table, Int_t &keyvalue)
           : fTableSorter(table), fIndx(0), fFirstIndx(0)

 TTableIter::TTableIter(const TTableSorter *table, Short_t &keyvalue)
           : fTableSorter(table), fIndx(0), fFirstIndx(0)

 TTableIter::TTableIter(const TTableSorter *table, Double_t &keyvalue)
           : fTableSorter(table), fIndx(0), fFirstIndx(0)

 Int_t TTableIter::CountKey(Float_t &keyvalue)
   fTotalKeys = fTableSorter->CountKey(&keyvalue,0,kTRUE,&fFirstIndx);
   return GetNRows();
 Int_t TTableIter::CountKey(Long_t &keyvalue)
   fTotalKeys = fTableSorter->CountKey(&keyvalue,0,kTRUE,&fFirstIndx);
   return GetNRows();

 Int_t TTableIter::CountKey(Int_t &keyvalue)
   fTotalKeys = fTableSorter->CountKey(&keyvalue,0,kTRUE,&fFirstIndx);
   return GetNRows();

 Int_t TTableIter::CountKey(Short_t &keyvalue)
   fTotalKeys = fTableSorter->CountKey(&keyvalue,0,kTRUE,&fFirstIndx);
   return GetNRows();

 Int_t TTableIter::CountKey(Double_t &keyvalue)
   fTotalKeys = fTableSorter->CountKey(&keyvalue,0,kTRUE,&fFirstIndx);
   return GetNRows();

 Int_t TTableIter::Next()
   Int_t rowIndx = -1;
   if (fIndx < fTotalKeys) {
     rowIndx = fTableSorter->GetIndex(UInt_t(fFirstIndx+fIndx));
   return rowIndx;

 Int_t TTableIter::Next(Int_t idx)
   Int_t rowIndx = -1;
   if (idx < fTotalKeys)
     rowIndx = fTableSorter->GetIndex(UInt_t(fFirstIndx+idx));
   return rowIndx;

 Int_t TTableIter::Reset(Int_t indx)
   Int_t oldIdx = fIndx;
   fIndx = TMath::Min(indx,fTotalKeys);
   return oldIdx;

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