// @(#)root/star:$Name:  $:$Id: TTableSorter.cxx,v 2000/05/16 17:00:49 rdm Exp $
// Author: Valery Fine   26/01/99  (E-mail: fine@bnl.gov)
// $Id: TTableSorter.cxx,v 2000/05/16 17:00:49 rdm Exp $

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "TTableSorter.h"
#include "TTable.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
#include "TDataType.h"
#include "TMemberInspector.h"

//  TTableSorter  - Is an "observer" class to sort the TTable objects
//                    The class provides an interface to the standard "C/C++"
// qsort and bsearch subroutines (for further information see your local C/C++ docs)
// =====     =======
//  - This class DOESN'T change / touch the "host" table  itself
//    For any TTable object one can create as many different "sorter"
//    as he/she finds useful for his/her code
//  - Any instance of this class is meaningful as long as the "host" object
//    "TTable" does exist and is not changed
//  - Any attempt to access this TTableSorter after the "host" object deleted
//    causes the program abnormal termination
//  - Any attempt to access this TTableSorter after the "host" object been changed
//    causes an unpredictable result
//  - Any instance (object) of this class is NOT deleted "by automatic" just
//    the "host object "TTable" deleted. It is the responsibility of the user's code
//    keeping TTableSorter and the the "host" TTable objects consistent.
// "To do" list
//  1. A separate method to provide lexicographical sort if the "sorted" column is a kind of array
//  Usage:
//    1. Create an instance of the sorter for the selected column of your table
//        new TTableSorter(TTable &table, TString &colName,Int_t firstRow,Int_t numberRows)
//        All sort actions are performed within TTableSorter ctor.
//        This means one needs no extra effort to SORT table. "Sorter" contains
//        the "sorted index array" as soon as you create the sorter
//        TTableSorter sorter(MyTable,"id",20, 34);
//          - Creates a sorter for MyTable column "id" ordering
//            its 34 rows from 20 row with standard "C" qsort subroutine
//    2.  You may use this instance to search any "id" value with operator []
//          to get the table row index as follows:
//          Int_t id = 5;
//          Int_t index =  sorter[id]; // Look for the row index with id = 5
//                                     // using the standard "C"  "bsearch" binary search
//                                     // subroutine
//          Int_t index =  sorter(id); // Look for the row index with id "nearest" to 5
//                                     // using the internal "BinarySearch" method
//    3. Some useful methods of this class:
//        3.1. CountKeys()
//        3.2  CountKey(const void *key, Int_t firstIndx=0,Bool_t bSearch=kTRUE,Int_t *firstRow=0)
//        3.3. FindFirstKey(const void *key)
//        3.4. GetIndex(UInt_t sortedIndex)

static const TTable *dummy= 0;
static const TTable &dummyTable = *dummy;


//TTableSorter::TTableSorter() : fsimpleArray(0),fParentTable(*((const TTable *)0))
 TTableSorter::TTableSorter() : fsimpleArray(0),fParentTable(0)
  // default ctor for RootCint dictionary
  fLastFound    = -1;
  fSortIndex    = 0;
  fSearchMethod = 0;
  fNumberOfRows = 0;
  fColType = TTable::kNAN;

 TTableSorter::TTableSorter(const TTable &table, TString &colName,Int_t firstRow
                               ,Int_t numberRows):fsimpleArray(0),fParentTable(&table)
  // TTableSorter ctor sort the input table along its column defined with colName
  //    - colName    - may be followed by the square brackets with integer number inside,
  //                   if that columm is an array (for example "phys[3]").
  //                   NO expression inside of [], only a single integer number allowed !
  //    - firstRow   - the first table row to sort from (=0 by default)
  //    - numberRows - the number of the table rows to sort (=0 by default)
  //                   = 0 means sort all rows from the "firstRow" by the end of table
 BuildSorter(colName, firstRow, numberRows);

 TTableSorter::TTableSorter(const TTable *table, TString &colName,Int_t firstRow
                               ,Int_t numberRows):fsimpleArray(0),fParentTable(table)
  // TTableSorter ctor sort the input table along its column defined with colName
  //    - colName    - may be followed by the square brackets with integer number inside,
  //                   if that columm is an array (for example "phys[3]").
  //                   NO expression inside of [], only a single integer number allowed !
  //    - firstRow   - the first table row to sort from (=0 by default)
  //    - numberRows - the number of the table rows to sort (=0 by default)
  //                   = 0 means sort all rows from the "firstRow" by the end of table
 BuildSorter(colName, firstRow, numberRows);

 void TTableSorter::BuildSorter(TString &colName, Int_t firstRow, Int_t numberRows)
  // BuildSorter backs TTableSorter ctor
  //    - colName    - may be followed by the square brackets with integer number inside,
  //                   if that columm is an array (for example "phys[3]").
  //                   NO expression inside of [], only a single integer number allowed !
  //    - firstRow   - the first table row to sort from (=0 by default)
  //    - numberRows - the number of the table rows to sort (=0 by default)
  //                   = 0 means sort all rows from the "firstRow" by the end of table


  fLastFound    = -1;
  fNumberOfRows = 0;
  fColType      = TTable::kNAN;
  fsimpleArray  = 0;

  TString n = fParentTable->GetName();
  n += ".";
  n += colName;

  fSortIndex    = 0;
  fSearchMethod = 0;
  fColType      = TTable::kNAN;

  Char_t *name = (Char_t *) colName.Data();
  if (!(name || strlen(colName.Data()))) { MakeZombie(); return; }
  name = StrDup(colName.Data());

  // check bounds:
  if (firstRow > fParentTable->GetNRows()) { MakeZombie(); return; }
  fFirstRow = firstRow;

  fNumberOfRows = fParentTable->GetNRows()- fFirstRow;
  if (numberRows > 0)  fNumberOfRows = TMath::Min(numberRows,fNumberOfRows);

  // Allocate index array
  if (fNumberOfRows <=0 ) { MakeZombie(); return; }
  fSortIndex = new void*[fNumberOfRows];

  // define dimensions if any;
  // count the open "["
  fColDimensions = 0;
  Char_t *br = name - 1;
  while((br = strchr(br+1,'['))) {
    if (!fColDimensions) *br = 0;

  // Define the column name
  fColName = name;
  delete [] name;

  fIndexArray = 0;
  if (fColDimensions) {
     fIndexArray = new Int_t[fColDimensions];
     // Define the index
     const char *openBracket  = colName.Data()-1;
     const char *closeBracket = colName.Data()-1;
     for (Int_t i=0; i< fColDimensions; i++)
          openBracket  = strchr(openBracket+1, '[');
          closeBracket = strchr(closeBracket+1,']');
          if (closeBracket > openBracket)
             fIndexArray[i] = atoi(openBracket+1);
          else {
            Error("TTable ctor", "Wrong parethethis <%s>",colName.Data());

 TTableSorter::TTableSorter(const Float_t *simpleArray, Int_t arraySize, Int_t firstRow
                               ,Int_t numberRows)
                               :fsimpleArray((const Char_t*)simpleArray)
  // TTableSorter ctor sort the input "simpleArray"
  //    - arraySize  - the size of the full array
  //    - firstRow   - the first table row to sort from (=0 by default)
  //    - numberRows - the number of the table rows to sort (=0 by default)
  //                   = 0 means sort all rows from the "firstRow" by the end of table

  fLastFound    = -1;

  if (!fsimpleArray) { MakeZombie(); return; }

 //  LearnTable();

      fColName = "Float";
      fColType   = TTable::kFloat;
      fColSize   = sizeof(Float_t);

  // FillIndexArray();

    Float_t *p = ((Float_t *)fsimpleArray) + fFirstRow;
    for (Int_t i=0; i < fNumberOfRows;i++,p++) fSortIndex[i-fFirstRow] = p;



 TTableSorter::TTableSorter(const Double_t *simpleArray, Int_t arraySize, Int_t firstRow
                               ,Int_t numberRows)
                               :fsimpleArray((const Char_t*)simpleArray)
  // TTableSorter ctor sort the input "simpleArray"
  //    - arraySize  - the sie of the full array
  //    - firstRow   - the first table row to sort from (=0 by default)
  //    - numberRows - the number of the table rows to sort (=0 by default)
  //                   = 0 means sort all rows from the "firstRow" by the end of table

  fLastFound    = -1;

  if (!fsimpleArray)  {MakeZombie(); return; }

 //  LearnTable();

      fColName = "Double";
      fColType = TTable::kDouble;
      fColSize = sizeof(Double_t);

  // FillIndexArray();

    Double_t *p = ((Double_t *)simpleArray) + fFirstRow;
    for (Int_t i=0; i < fNumberOfRows;i++,p++) fSortIndex[i-fFirstRow] = p;



 TTableSorter::TTableSorter(const Long_t *simpleArray, Int_t arraySize, Int_t firstRow
                               ,Int_t numberRows)
                               :fsimpleArray((const Char_t*)simpleArray)
  // TTableSorter ctor sort the input "simpleArray"
  //    - arraySize  - the sie of the full array
  //    - firstRow   - the first table row to sort from (=0 by default)
  //    - numberRows - the number of the table rows to sort (=0 by default)
  //                   = 0 means sort all rows from the "firstRow" by the end of table

  fLastFound    = -1;

  if (!simpleArray) { MakeZombie(); return; }

 //  LearnTable();

      fColName = "Long";
      fColType = TTable::kLong;
      fColSize = sizeof(Long_t);

  // FillIndexArray();

    Long_t *p = ((Long_t *)simpleArray) + fFirstRow;
    for (Int_t i=0; i < fNumberOfRows;i++,p++) fSortIndex[i-fFirstRow] = p;



 void TTableSorter::SetSimpleArray(Int_t arraySize, Int_t firstRow,Int_t numberRows)
  // Set some common parameteres for the "simple" arrays

  fSortIndex     = 0;
  fSearchMethod  = 0;
  fColDimensions = 0;
  fIndexArray    = 0;
  fColOffset     = 0;

  // check bounds:
  if (firstRow > arraySize) return;
  fFirstRow = firstRow;

  fNumberOfRows = arraySize - fFirstRow;
  if (numberRows > 0)  fNumberOfRows = TMath::Min(numberRows,fNumberOfRows);

  // Allocate index array
  if (fNumberOfRows > 0) fSortIndex = new void*[fNumberOfRows];

   if (fSortIndex) delete [] fSortIndex; fSortIndex = 0; fNumberOfRows=0;

//*-*-*-*-*-*-*Binary search in an array of n values to locate value*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*          ==================================================
//*-*  If match is found, function returns position of element.
//*-*  If no match found, function gives nearest element smaller than value.
//*-* This method is based on TMath::BinarySearch

#define BINARYSEARCH(valuetype) Int_t TTableSorter::BinarySearch(valuetype value) const {\
   switch (fColType) {                               \
         case  TTable::kFloat:                                \
           return SelectSearch(Float_t(value));       \
         case  TTable::kInt :                                 \
           return SelectSearch(Int_t(value));         \
         case  TTable::kLong :                                \
           return SelectSearch(Long_t(value));        \
         case  TTable::kShort :                               \
           return SelectSearch(Short_t(value));       \
         case  TTable::kDouble :                              \
           return SelectSearch(Double_t(value));      \
         case  TTable::kUInt:                                 \
           return SelectSearch(UInt_t(value));        \
         case  TTable::kULong :                               \
           return SelectSearch(ULong_t(value));       \
         case  TTable::kUShort:                               \
           return SelectSearch(UShort_t(value));      \
         case  TTable::kUChar:                                \
           return SelectSearch(UChar_t(value));       \
         case  TTable::kChar:                                 \
           return SelectSearch(Char_t(value));        \
         default:                                     \
           return -1;                                 \
           break;                                     \
      };                                              \
}                                                     \
 Int_t TTableSorter::BSearch(valuetype value) const{ \
  union {  Char_t   Char;                             \
           UChar_t  UChar;                            \
           Short_t  Short;                            \
           UShort_t UShort;                           \
           Int_t    Int;                              \
           UInt_t   UInt;                             \
           Long_t   Long;                             \
           ULong_t  ULong;                            \
           Float_t  Float;                            \
           Double_t Double;                           \
         } Value;                                     \
   switch (fColType) {                               \
         case  TTable::kFloat:                                \
           Value.Float = Float_t(value); break;       \
         case  TTable::kInt :                                 \
           Value.Int   = Int_t(value); break;         \
         case  TTable::kLong :                                \
           Value.Long  = Long_t(value); break;        \
         case  TTable::kShort :                               \
           Value.Short = Short_t(value); break;       \
         case  TTable::kDouble :                              \
           Value.Double=  Double_t(value); break;     \
         case  TTable::kUInt:                                 \
           Value.UInt  = UInt_t(value); break;        \
         case  TTable::kULong :                               \
           Value.ULong = ULong_t(value); break;       \
         case  TTable::kUShort:                               \
           Value.UShort= UShort_t(value); break;      \
         case  TTable::kUChar:                                \
           Value.UChar = UChar_t(value); break;       \
         case  TTable::kChar:                                 \
           Value.Char  = Char_t(value); break;        \
         default:                                     \
           return -1;                                 \
           break;                                     \
   };                                                 \
   return BSearch(&Value);                            \
}                                                     \
 Int_t TTableSorter::SelectSearch(valuetype value) const {         \
   valuetype **array = (valuetype **)fSortIndex;                   \
   Int_t nabove, nbelow, middle;                                    \
   nabove = fNumberOfRows+1;                                       \
   nbelow = 0;                                                      \
   while(nabove-nbelow > 1) {                                       \
      middle = (nabove+nbelow)/2;                                   \
      if (value == *array[middle-1]) { nbelow = middle; break; }    \
      if (value  < *array[middle-1]) nabove = middle;               \
      else                           nbelow = middle;               \
   }                                                                \
   nbelow--;                                                        \
   ((TTableSorter *)this)->fLastFound    = nbelow;                                         \
   if (nbelow < 0) return nbelow;                                   \
   return GetIndex(nbelow);                                         \

#define COMPAREFLOATVALUES(valuetype)  \
int TTableSorter::Search##valuetype  (const void *elem1, const void **elem2) { \
         valuetype *value1 = (valuetype *)(elem1);    \
         valuetype *value2 = (valuetype *)(*elem2);   \
         valuetype diff = *value1-*value2;            \
         Int_t res = 0;                               \
         if (diff > 0)      res =  1;                 \
         else if (diff < 0) res = -1;                 \
         return res;                                  \
}                                                     \
int TTableSorter::Compare##valuetype  (const void **elem1, const void **elem2) { \
         valuetype *value1 = (valuetype *)(*elem1);   \
         valuetype *value2 = (valuetype *)(*elem2);   \
         valuetype diff = *value1-*value2;            \
         Int_t res = 0;                               \
         if (diff > 0  )    res =  1;                 \
         else if (diff < 0) res = -1;                 \
         if (res) return res;                         \
         return value1-value2;                        \
}                                                     \

#define COMPAREVALUES(valuetype)  \
int TTableSorter::Search##valuetype  (const void *elem1, const void **elem2) { \
         valuetype *value1 = (valuetype *)(elem1);    \
         valuetype *value2 = (valuetype *)(*elem2);   \
         return    *value1-*value2;                   \
}                                                     \
int TTableSorter::Compare##valuetype  (const void **elem1, const void **elem2) { \
         valuetype *value1 = (valuetype *)(*elem1);   \
         valuetype *value2 = (valuetype *)(*elem2);   \
         valuetype diff = *value1-*value2;            \
         if (diff ) return diff;                      \
         return value1-value2;                        \
}                                                     \


#define COMPAREORDER(valuetype) Compare##valuetype
#define SEARCHORDER(valuetype) Search##valuetype

 Int_t TTableSorter::BSearch(const void *value) const {
  Int_t index = -1;
  if (fSearchMethod) {
    void **p = (void **)bsearch( value,  // Object to search for
                   fSortIndex,          // Pointer to base of search data
                   fNumberOfRows,       // Number of elements
                   sizeof(void *),       // Width of elements
    ((TTableSorter *)this)->fLastFound = -1;
    if (p) {
       const Char_t *res = (const Char_t *)(*p);
       ((TTableSorter *)this)->fLastFound = ((Char_t *)p - (Char_t *)fSortIndex)/sizeof(void *);
        // calculate index:
       if (!fsimpleArray)
          index =  fFirstRow +
                   (res - (((const Char_t *)fParentTable->At(fFirstRow))+ fColOffset))
         index = ULong_t(res) - ULong_t(fsimpleArray)/fColSize;
  return index;

 Int_t TTableSorter::GetIndex(UInt_t sortedIndex) const
  // returns the original index of the row by its sorted index
   Int_t indx = -1;
   if (sortedIndex < UInt_t(fNumberOfRows) )  {
     void *p = fSortIndex[sortedIndex];
     if (p) {
         const Char_t *res = (const Char_t *)p;
         // calculate index:
       if (!fsimpleArray)
         indx = fFirstRow + (res - (((const Char_t *)fParentTable->At(fFirstRow)) + fColOffset))/fParentTable->GetRowSize();
         indx = (ULong_t(res) - ULong_t(fsimpleArray))/fColSize;
  return indx;

#if 0
int TTableSorter::CompareUChar  (const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
  UChar_t *value1 = (UChar_t *)(*elem1);
  UChar_t *value2 = (UChar_t *)(*elem2);

int TTableSorter::CompareChar   (const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
  Char_t *value1 = (Char_t *)(*elem1);
  Char_t *value2 = (Char_t *)(*elem2);

 Int_t TTableSorter::CountKey(const void *key, Int_t firstIndx, Bool_t bSearch, Int_t *firstRow) const
 //  CountKey counts the number of rows with the key value equal "key"
 //  key      - it is a POINTER to the key value
 //  fistIndx - the first index within sorted array to star search
 //              = 0 by default
 //  bSearch  = kTRUE - binary search (by default) is used otherwise linear one

  Int_t count = 0;
  if (firstRow) *firstRow = -1;
  if (fSearchMethod) {
    Int_t indx = firstIndx;
    Int_t nRows = GetNRows();
    if (!bSearch) {
       while ( indx < nRows && fSearchMethod(key,(const void **)&fSortIndex[indx])){indx++;}
       // Remember the first row been asked:
    } else {
       indx = FindFirstKey(key);
       if (indx >= 0 ) {  // Key was found let's count it
         count = TMath::Max(0,GetLastFound() - indx + 1);
         indx  = TMath::Max(GetLastFound()+1,firstIndx);
         // Forward pass
    if (indx >= 0) {
       while ( indx < nRows &&!fSearchMethod(key,(const void **)&fSortIndex[indx])){indx++; count++;}
       if (firstRow && count) *firstRow = indx-count;
  return count;

 Int_t TTableSorter::CountKeys() const
 // Counts the number of different key values
  Int_t count = 0;
  if (fSortIndex && fSortIndex[0]) {
    void *key = fSortIndex[0];
    Int_t indx = 0;
    while (indx < GetNRows()){
      indx += CountKey(key,indx,kFALSE);
      key = fSortIndex[indx];
  return count;

 void TTableSorter::FillIndexArray(){
  if (!fSortIndex) return;
  for (Int_t i=fFirstRow; i < fFirstRow+fNumberOfRows;i++)
           fSortIndex[i-fFirstRow] = ((Char_t *)(fParentTable->At(i))) + fColOffset;


 Int_t TTableSorter::FindFirstKey(const void *key) const
 // Looks for the first index of the "key"
 // within SORTED table AFTER sorting
 // Returns: = -1 if the "key" was not found
 // Note: This method has no sense for
 // ====  the float and double key
 //       To get the index within the original
 //       unsorted table the GetIndex() method
 //       may be used like this:
 //       GetIndex(FindFirstKey(key))
  Int_t indx = -1;
  if (BSearch(key)>=0)
    indx = GetLastFound();
    if (indx >=0)
        while (indx > 0 && !fSearchMethod(key,(const void **)&fSortIndex[indx-1])) indx--;
  return indx;

 const Text_t * TTableSorter::GetTableName() const
  return fParentTable ? fParentTable->GetName():"";

 const Text_t * TTableSorter::GetTableTitle() const
 return fParentTable ? fParentTable->GetTitle():"";

 const Text_t * TTableSorter::GetTableType() const
 return fParentTable ? fParentTable->GetType():"";

 TTable *TTableSorter::GetTable() const
   return (TTable *)fParentTable;

 void  TTableSorter::SetSearchMethod()
  // Select search function at once
  if (!fSearchMethod) {
     switch (fColType) {
         case  TTable::kFloat:
           fSearchMethod = SEARCHORDER(Float_t);
         case  TTable::kInt :
           fSearchMethod = SEARCHORDER(Int_t);
         case  TTable::kLong :
           fSearchMethod = SEARCHORDER(Long_t);
         case  TTable::kShort :
           fSearchMethod = SEARCHORDER(Short_t);
         case  TTable::kDouble :
           fSearchMethod = SEARCHORDER(Double_t);
         case  TTable::kUInt:
           fSearchMethod = SEARCHORDER(UInt_t);
         case  TTable::kULong :
           fSearchMethod= SEARCHORDER(ULong_t);
         case  TTable::kUShort:
           fSearchMethod = SEARCHORDER(UShort_t);
         case  TTable::kUChar:
           fSearchMethod = SEARCHORDER(UChar_t);
         case  TTable::kChar:
           fSearchMethod = SEARCHORDER(Char_t);


 void  TTableSorter::SortArray(){
   COMPAREMETHOD compare=0;
   switch (fColType) {
       case  TTable::kFloat:
         compare = COMPAREORDER(Float_t);
       case  TTable::kInt :
         compare = COMPAREORDER(Int_t);
       case  TTable::kLong :
         compare = COMPAREORDER(Long_t);
       case  TTable::kShort :
         compare = COMPAREORDER(Short_t);
       case  TTable::kDouble:
         compare = COMPAREORDER(Double_t);
       case  TTable::kUInt:
         compare = COMPAREORDER(UInt_t);
       case  TTable::kULong:
         compare = COMPAREORDER(ULong_t);
       case  TTable::kUShort:
         compare = COMPAREORDER(UShort_t);
       case  TTable::kUChar:
         compare = COMPAREORDER(UChar_t);
       case  TTable::kChar:
         compare = COMPAREORDER(Char_t);

   if (compare)
           qsort(fSortIndex,  //Start of target array
                fNumberOfRows,       //Array size in elements
                sizeof(void *),       //Element size in bytes

 void TTableSorter::LearnTable()
//  LearnTable() allows the TTableSorter to learn the structure of the
//  tables used to fill the ntuple.
//  table     - the name of the table
//  buildTree - if kTRUE, then add TBranches to the TTree for each table
//              column (default=kFALSE)
  TClass *classPtr = fParentTable->GetRowClass();
  if (!classPtr) return;

  if (!classPtr->GetListOfRealData()) classPtr->BuildRealData();
  if (!(classPtr->GetNdata())) return;

  const Char_t *types;
  Char_t *varname;

  TIter next(classPtr->GetListOfDataMembers());
  TDataMember *member = 0;
  while ( (member = (TDataMember *) next()) ) {
    varname = (Char_t *) member->GetName();

    if (strcmp(varname,fColName.Data())) continue;

    TDataType *memberType = member->GetDataType();
    types = memberType->GetTypeName();
    if (!strcmp("float", types))
      fColType = TTable::kFloat ;
    else if (!strcmp("int", types))
      fColType = TTable::kInt   ;
    else if (!strcmp("long", types))
      fColType = TTable::kLong  ;
    else if (!strcmp("short", types))
      fColType = TTable::kShort ;
    else if (!strcmp("double", types))
      fColType = TTable::kDouble;
    else if (!strcmp("unsigned int", types))
      fColType = TTable::kUInt  ;
    else if (!strcmp("unsigned long", types))
      fColType = TTable::kULong ;
    else if (!strcmp("unsigned short", types))
      fColType = TTable::kUShort;
    else if (!strcmp("unsigned char", types))
      fColType = TTable::kUChar;
    else if (!strcmp("char", types))
      fColType= TTable::kChar;

    if (fColType != TTable::kNAN) {
      Int_t dim = 0;
      Int_t globalIndex = 0;
      if ( (dim = member->GetArrayDim()) ) {
      // Check dimensions
        if (dim != fColDimensions) {
           Error("LearnTable","Wrong dimension");
           TTable *t = (TTable *)fParentTable;
        // Calculate the global index
        for( Int_t indx=0; indx < fColDimensions; indx++ ){
           globalIndex *= member->GetMaxIndex(indx);
           globalIndex += fIndexArray[indx];
      fColSize   = memberType->Size();
      fColOffset = member->GetOffset() + memberType->Size() * globalIndex;


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