// @(#)root/matrix:$Name: $:$Id: TVectorD.cxx,v 1.1 2000/06/16 15:15:47 rdm Exp $
// Author: Fons Rademakers 03/11/97
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
// //
// Linear Algebra Package //
// //
// The present package implements all the basic algorithms dealing //
// with vectors, matrices, matrix columns, rows, diagonals, etc. //
// //
// Matrix elements are arranged in memory in a COLUMN-wise //
// fashion (in FORTRAN's spirit). In fact, it makes it very easy to //
// feed the matrices to FORTRAN procedures, which implement more //
// elaborate algorithms. //
// //
// Unless otherwise specified, matrix and vector indices always start //
// with 0, spanning up to the specified limit-1. //
// //
// The present package provides all facilities to completely AVOID //
// returning matrices. Use "TMatrixD A(TMatrixD::kTransposed,B);" and //
// other fancy constructors as much as possible. If one really needs //
// to return a matrix, return a TLazyMatrixD object instead. The //
// conversion is completely transparent to the end user, e.g. //
// "TMatrixD m = THaarMatrixD(5);" and _is_ efficient. //
// //
// For usage examples see $ROOTSYS/test/vmatrix.cxx and vvector.cxx //
// and also: //
// http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TMatrixD.html#TMatrixD:description //
// //
// The implementation is based on original code by //
// Oleg E. Kiselyov (oleg@pobox.com). //
// //
#include "TMatrixD.h"
void TVectorD::Allocate(Int_t nrows, Int_t row_lwb)
// Allocate new vector. Arguments are number of rows and row
// lowerbound (0 default).
if (nrows <= 0) {
Error("Allocate", "no of rows has to be positive");
fNrows = nrows;
fNmem = nrows;
fRowLwb = row_lwb;
fElements = new Double_t[fNrows];
if (fElements)
memset(fElements, 0, fNrows*sizeof(Double_t));
TVectorD::TVectorD(Int_t lwb, Int_t upb, Double_t va_(iv1), ...)
// Make a vector and assign initial values. Argument list should contain
// Double_t values to assign to vector elements. The list must be
// terminated by the string "END". Example:
// TVectorD foo(1,3,0.0,1.0,1.5,"END");
va_list args;
va_start(args,va_(iv1)); // Init 'args' to the beginning of
// the variable length list of args
Allocate(upb-lwb+1, lwb);
Int_t i;
(*this)(lwb) = iv1;
for (i = lwb+1; i <= upb; i++)
(*this)(i) = (Double_t)va_arg(args,Double_t);
if (strcmp((char *)va_arg(args,char *),"END"))
Error("TVectorD(Int_t, Int_t, ...)", "argument list must be terminated by "END"");
// TVectorD destructor.
if (IsValid())
delete [] fElements;
void TVectorD::ResizeTo(Int_t lwb, Int_t upb)
// Resize the vector for a specified number of elements, trying to keep
// intact as many elements of the old vector as possible. If the vector is
// expanded, the new elements will be zeroes.
if (upb-lwb+1 <= 0) {
Error("ResizeTo", "can't resize vector to a non-positive number of elems");
if (!IsValid()) {
Allocate(upb-lwb+1, lwb);
const Int_t old_nrows = fNrows;
fNrows = upb-lwb+1;
fRowLwb = lwb;
if (old_nrows == fNrows)
return; // The same number of elems
// If the vector is to grow, reallocate and clear the newly added elements
if (fNrows > old_nrows) {
fElements = (Double_t *)TStorage::ReAlloc(fElements, fNrows*sizeof(Double_t),
fNmem = fNrows;
} else if (old_nrows - fNrows < (old_nrows>>3)) {
// Vector is to shrink a lot (more than 7/8 of the original size), reallocate
fElements = (Double_t *)TStorage::ReAlloc(fElements, fNrows*sizeof(Double_t));
fNmem = fNrows;
// If the vector shrinks only a little, don't bother to reallocate
Assert(fElements != 0);
Double_t TVectorD::Norm1() const
// Compute the 1-norm of the vector SUM{ |v[i]| }.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("Norm1", "vector is not initialized");
return 0.0;
Double_t norm = 0;
Double_t *vp;
for (vp = fElements; vp < fElements + fNrows; )
norm += TMath::Abs(*vp++);
return norm;
Double_t TVectorD::Norm2Sqr() const
// Compute the square of the 2-norm SUM{ v[i]^2 }.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("Norm2Sqr", "vector is not initialized");
return 0.0;
Double_t norm = 0;
Double_t *vp;
for (vp = fElements; vp < fElements + fNrows; vp++)
norm += (*vp) * (*vp);
return norm;
Double_t TVectorD::NormInf() const
// Compute the infinity-norm of the vector MAX{ |v[i]| }.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("NormInf", "vector is not initialized");
return 0.0;
Double_t norm = 0;
Double_t *vp;
for (vp = fElements; vp < fElements + fNrows; )
norm = TMath::Max(norm, (Double_t)TMath::Abs(*vp++));
return norm;
Double_t operator*(const TVectorD &v1, const TVectorD &v2)
// Compute the scalar product.
if (!AreCompatible(v1,v2))
return 0.0;
Double_t *v1p = v1.fElements;
Double_t *v2p = v2.fElements;
Double_t sum = 0.0;
while (v1p < v1.fElements + v1.fNrows)
sum += *v1p++ * *v2p++;
return sum;
TVectorD &TVectorD::operator*=(Double_t val)
// Multiply every element of the vector with val.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator*=", "vector not initialized");
return *this;
Double_t *ep = fElements;
while (ep < fElements+fNrows)
*ep++ *= val;
return *this;
TVectorD &TVectorD::operator*=(const TMatrixD &a)
// "Inplace" multiplication target = A*target. A needn't be a square one
// (the target will be resized to fit).
if (!a.IsValid()) {
Error("operator*=(const TMatrixD&)", "matrix a is not initialized");
return *this;
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator*=(const TMatrixD&)", "vector is not initialized");
return *this;
if (a.fNcols != fNrows || a.fColLwb != fRowLwb) {
Error("operator*=(const TMatrixD&)", "matrix and vector cannot be multiplied");
return *this;
const Int_t old_nrows = fNrows;
Double_t *old_vector = fElements; // Save the old vector elem
fRowLwb = a.fRowLwb;
Assert((fNrows = a.fNrows) > 0);
Assert((fElements = new Double_t[fNrows]) != 0);
fNmem = fNrows;
Double_t *tp = fElements; // Target vector ptr
Double_t *mp = a.fElements; // Matrix row ptr
while (tp < fElements + fNrows) {
Double_t sum = 0;
for (const Double_t *sp = old_vector; sp < old_vector + old_nrows; )
sum += *sp++ * *mp, mp += a.fNrows;
*tp++ = sum;
mp -= a.fNelems - 1; // mp points to the beginning of the next row
Assert(mp == a.fElements + a.fNrows);
delete [] old_vector;
return *this;
TVectorD &TVectorD::operator=(Double_t val)
// Assign val to every element of the vector.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator=", "vector not initialized");
return *this;
Double_t *ep = fElements;
while (ep < fElements+fNrows)
*ep++ = val;
return *this;
TVectorD &TVectorD::operator=(const TMatrixDRow &mr)
// Assign a matrix row to a vector. The matrix row is implicitly transposed
// to allow the assignment in the strict sense.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixDRow&)", "vector is not initialized");
return *this;
if (!mr.fMatrix->IsValid()) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixDRow&)", "matrix is not initialized");
return *this;
if (mr.fMatrix->fColLwb != fRowLwb || mr.fMatrix->fNcols != fNrows) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixDRow&)", "can't assign the transposed row of the matrix to the vector");
return *this;
Double_t *rp = mr.fPtr; // Row ptr
Double_t *vp = fElements; // Vector ptr
for ( ; vp < fElements + fNrows; rp += mr.fInc)
*vp++ = *rp;
Assert(rp == mr.fPtr + mr.fMatrix->fNelems);
return *this;
TVectorD &TVectorD::operator=(const TMatrixDColumn &mc)
// Assign a matrix column to a vector.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixDColumn&)", "vector is not initialized");
return *this;
if (!mc.fMatrix->IsValid()) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixDColumn&)", "matrix is not initialized");
return *this;
if (mc.fMatrix->fRowLwb != fRowLwb || mc.fMatrix->fNrows != fNrows) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixDColumn&)", "can't assign a column of the matrix to the vector");
return *this;
Double_t *cp = mc.fPtr; // Column ptr
Double_t *vp = fElements; // Vector ptr
while (vp < fElements + fNrows)
*vp++ = *cp++;
Assert(cp == mc.fPtr + mc.fMatrix->fNrows);
return *this;
TVectorD &TVectorD::operator=(const TMatrixDDiag &md)
// Assign the matrix diagonal to a vector.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixDDiag&)", "vector is not initialized");
return *this;
if (!md.fMatrix->IsValid()) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixDDiag&)", "matrix is not initialized");
return *this;
if (md.fNdiag != fNrows) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixDDiag&)", "can't assign the diagonal of the matrix to the vector");
return *this;
Double_t *dp = md.fPtr; // Diag ptr
Double_t *vp = fElements; // Vector ptr
for ( ; vp < fElements + fNrows; dp += md.fInc)
*vp++ = *dp;
Assert(dp < md.fPtr + md.fMatrix->fNelems + md.fInc);
return *this;
TVectorD &TVectorD::operator+=(Double_t val)
// Add val to every element of the vector.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator+=", "vector not initialized");
return *this;
Double_t *ep = fElements;
while (ep < fElements+fNrows)
*ep++ += val;
return *this;
TVectorD &TVectorD::operator-=(Double_t val)
// Subtract val from every element of the vector.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator-=", "vector not initialized");
return *this;
Double_t *ep = fElements;
while (ep < fElements+fNrows)
*ep++ -= val;
return *this;
Bool_t TVectorD::operator==(Double_t val) const
// Are all vector elements equal to val?
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator==", "vector not initialized");
return kFALSE;
Double_t *ep = fElements;
while (ep < fElements+fNrows)
if (!(*ep++ == val))
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TVectorD::operator!=(Double_t val) const
// Are all vector elements not equal to val?
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator!=", "vector not initialized");
return kFALSE;
Double_t *ep = fElements;
while (ep < fElements+fNrows)
if (!(*ep++ != val))
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TVectorD::operator<(Double_t val) const
// Are all vector elements < val?
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator<", "vector not initialized");
return kFALSE;
Double_t *ep = fElements;
while (ep < fElements+fNrows)
if (!(*ep++ < val))
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TVectorD::operator<=(Double_t val) const
// Are all vector elements <= val?
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator<=", "vector not initialized");
return kFALSE;
Double_t *ep = fElements;
while (ep < fElements+fNrows)
if (!(*ep++ <= val))
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TVectorD::operator>(Double_t val) const
// Are all vector elements > val?
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator>", "vector not initialized");
return kFALSE;
Double_t *ep = fElements;
while (ep < fElements+fNrows)
if (!(*ep++ > val))
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TVectorD::operator>=(Double_t val) const
// Are all vector elements >= val?
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator>=", "vector not initialized");
return kFALSE;
Double_t *ep = fElements;
while (ep < fElements+fNrows)
if (!(*ep++ >= val))
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
TVectorD &TVectorD::Abs()
// Take an absolute value of a vector, i.e. apply Abs() to each element.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("Abs", "vector not initialized");
return *this;
Double_t *ep;
for (ep = fElements; ep < fElements+fNrows; ep++)
*ep = TMath::Abs(*ep);
return *this;
TVectorD &TVectorD::Sqr()
// Square each element of the vector.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("Sqr", "vector not initialized");
return *this;
Double_t *ep;
for (ep = fElements; ep < fElements+fNrows; ep++)
*ep = (*ep) * (*ep);
return *this;
TVectorD &TVectorD::Sqrt()
// Take square root of all elements.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("Sqrt", "vector not initialized");
return *this;
Double_t *ep;
for (ep = fElements; ep < fElements+fNrows; ep++)
if (*ep >= 0)
*ep = TMath::Sqrt(*ep);
Error("Sqrt", "(%d)-th element, %g, is negative, can't take the square root",
(ep-fElements) + fRowLwb, *ep);
return *this;
TVectorD &TVectorD::Apply(TElementActionD &action)
// Apply action to each element of the vector.
if (!IsValid())
Error("Apply(TElementActionD&)", "vector not initialized");
for (Double_t *ep = fElements; ep < fElements+fNrows; ep++)
return *this;
TVectorD &TVectorD::Apply(TElementPosActionD &action)
// Apply action to each element of the vector. In action the location
// of the current element is known.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("Apply(TElementPosActionD&)", "vector not initialized");
return *this;
Double_t *ep = fElements;
for (action.fI = fRowLwb; action.fI < fRowLwb+fNrows; action.fI++)
Assert(ep == fElements+fNrows);
return *this;
Bool_t operator==(const TVectorD &v1, const TVectorD &v2)
// Check to see if two vectors are identical.
if (!AreCompatible(v1, v2)) return kFALSE;
return (memcmp(v1.fElements, v2.fElements, v1.fNrows*sizeof(Double_t)) == 0);
TVectorD &operator+=(TVectorD &target, const TVectorD &source)
// Add the source vector to the target vector.
if (!AreCompatible(target, source)) {
Error("operator+=", "vectors are not compatible");
return target;
Double_t *sp = source.fElements;
Double_t *tp = target.fElements;
for ( ; tp < target.fElements+target.fNrows; )
*tp++ += *sp++;
return target;
TVectorD &operator-=(TVectorD &target, const TVectorD &source)
// Subtract the source vector from the target vector.
if (!AreCompatible(target, source)) {
Error("operator-=", "vectors are not compatible");
return target;
Double_t *sp = source.fElements;
Double_t *tp = target.fElements;
for ( ; tp < target.fElements+target.fNrows; )
*tp++ -= *sp++;
return target;
TVectorD &Add(TVectorD &target, Double_t scalar, const TVectorD &source)
// Modify addition: target += scalar * source.
if (!AreCompatible(target, source)) {
Error("Add", "vectors are not compatible");
return target;
Double_t *sp = source.fElements;
Double_t *tp = target.fElements;
for ( ; tp < target.fElements+target.fNrows; )
*tp++ += scalar * (*sp++);
return target;
TVectorD &ElementMult(TVectorD &target, const TVectorD &source)
// Multiply target by the source, element-by-element.
if (!AreCompatible(target, source)) {
Error("ElementMult", "vectors are not compatible");
return target;
Double_t *sp = source.fElements;
Double_t *tp = target.fElements;
for ( ; tp < target.fElements+target.fNrows; )
*tp++ *= *sp++;
return target;
TVectorD &ElementDiv(TVectorD &target, const TVectorD &source)
// Divide target by the source, element-by-element.
if (!AreCompatible(target, source)) {
Error("ElementDiv", "vectors are not compatible");
return target;
Double_t *sp = source.fElements;
Double_t *tp = target.fElements;
for ( ; tp < target.fElements+target.fNrows; )
*tp++ /= *sp++;
return target;
void TVectorD::Print(Option_t *)
// Print the vector as a list of elements.
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("Print", "vector not initialized");
printf("nVector %d is as follows", fNrows);
printf("n\n | %6d |", 1);
printf("n%sn", "------------------");
for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNrows; i++) {
printf("%4d |", i+fRowLwb);
printf("%11.4g n", (*this)(i+fRowLwb));
void TVectorD::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
// Stream an object of class TVectorD.
UInt_t R__s, R__c;
if (R__b.IsReading()) {
R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
R__b >> fRowLwb;
fNrows = R__b.ReadArray(fElements);
R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TVectorD::IsA());
} else {
R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(TVectorD::IsA(), kTRUE);
R__b << fRowLwb;
R__b.WriteArray(fElements, fNrows);
R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE);
void Compare(const TVectorD &v1, const TVectorD &v2)
// Compare two vectors and print out the result of the comparison.
Int_t i;
if (!AreCompatible(v1, v2)) {
Error("Compare", "vectors are not compatible");
printf("n\nComparison of two TVectorDs:n");
Double_t norm1 = 0, norm2 = 0; // Norm of the Matrices
Double_t ndiff = 0; // Norm of the difference
Int_t imax = 0; // For the elements that differ most
Double_t difmax = -1;
Double_t *mp1 = v1.fElements; // Vector element pointers
Double_t *mp2 = v2.fElements;
for (i = 0; i < v1.fNrows; i++) {
Double_t mv1 = *mp1++;
Double_t mv2 = *mp2++;
Double_t diff = TMath::Abs(mv1-mv2);
if (diff > difmax) {
difmax = diff;
imax = i;
norm1 += TMath::Abs(mv1);
norm2 += TMath::Abs(mv2);
ndiff += TMath::Abs(diff);
imax += v1.fRowLwb;
printf("nMaximal discrepancy t\t%g", difmax);
printf("n occured at the pointt\t(%d)", imax);
const Double_t mv1 = v1(imax);
const Double_t mv2 = v2(imax);
printf("n Vector 1 element is t\t%g", mv1);
printf("n Vector 2 element is t\t%g", mv2);
printf("n Absolute error v2[i]-v1[i]t\t%g", mv2-mv1);
printf("n Relative errort\tt\t%gn",
printf("n||Vector 1|| t\tt%g", norm1);
printf("n||Vector 2|| t\tt%g", norm2);
printf("n||Vector1-Vector2||t\tt\t%g", ndiff);
printf("n||Vector1-Vector2||/sqrt(||Vector1|| ||Vector2||)t%gn\n",
ndiff/TMath::Max(TMath::Sqrt(norm1*norm2), 1e-7));
void VerifyElementValue(const TVectorD &v, Double_t val)
// Validate that all elements of vector have value val (within 1.e-5).
Int_t imax = 0;
Double_t max_dev = 0;
Int_t i;
for (i = v.GetLwb(); i <= v.GetUpb(); i++) {
Double_t dev = TMath::Abs(v(i)-val);
if (dev > max_dev)
imax = i, max_dev = dev;
if (max_dev == 0)
else if(max_dev < 1e-5)
printf("Element (%d) with value %g differs the most from whatn"
"was expected, %g, though the deviation %g is smalln",
imax, v(imax), val, max_dev);
Error("VerifyElementValue", "a significant difference from the expected value %gn"
"encountered for element (%d) with value %g",
val, imax, v(imax));
void VerifyVectorIdentity(const TVectorD &v1, const TVectorD &v2)
// Verify that elements of the two vectors are equal (within 1.e-5).
Int_t imax = 0;
Double_t max_dev = 0;
Int_t i;
if (!AreCompatible(v1, v2)) {
Error("VerifyVectorIdentity", "vectors are not compatible");
for (i = v1.GetLwb(); i <= v1.GetUpb(); i++) {
Double_t dev = TMath::Abs(v1(i)-v2(i));
if (dev > max_dev)
imax = i, max_dev = dev;
if (max_dev == 0)
if (max_dev < 1e-5)
printf("Two (%d) elements of vectors with values %g and %gn"
"differ the most, though the deviation %g is smalln",
imax, v1(imax), v2(imax), max_dev);
Error("VerifyVectorIdentity", "a significant difference between the vectors encounteredn"
"at (%d) element, with values %g and %g",
imax, v1(imax), v2(imax));
#ifdef R__HPUX
// These functions should be inline
TVectorD::TVectorD(Int_t n)
TVectorD::TVectorD(Int_t lwb, Int_t upb)
Allocate(upb-lwb+1, lwb);
Bool_t TVectorD::IsValid() const
if (fNrows == -1)
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
Bool_t AreCompatible(const TVectorD &v1, const TVectorD &v2)
if (!v1.IsValid()) {
Error("AreCompatible", "vector 1 not initialized");
return kFALSE;
if (!v2.IsValid()) {
Error("AreCompatible", "vector 2 not initialized");
return kFALSE;
if (v1.fNrows != v2.fNrows || v1.fRowLwb != v2.fRowLwb)
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
TVectorD &TVectorD::operator=(const TVectorD &source)
if (this != &source && AreCompatible(*this, source)) {
memcpy(fElements, source.fElements, fNrows*sizeof(Double_t));
return *this;
TVectorD::TVectorD(const TVectorD &another)
if (another.IsValid()) {
Allocate(another.GetUpb()-another.GetLwb()+1, another.GetLwb());
*this = another;
} else
Error("TVectorD(const TVectorD&)", "other vector is not valid");
void TVectorD::ResizeTo(Int_t n)
void TVectorD::ResizeTo(const TVectorD &v)
TVectorD::ResizeTo(v.GetLwb(), v.GetUpb());
Double_t &TVectorD::operator()(Int_t ind) const
static Double_t err;
err = 0.0;
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("operator()", "vector is not initialized");
return err;
Int_t aind = ind - fRowLwb;
if (aind >= fNrows || aind < 0) {
Error("operator()", "requested element %d is out of vector boundaries [%d,%d]",
ind, fRowLwb, fNrows+fRowLwb-1);
return err;
return fElements[aind];
Double_t &TVectorD::operator()(Int_t index)
return (Double_t&)((*(const TVectorD *)this)(index));
TVectorD &TVectorD::Zero()
if (!IsValid())
Error("Zero", "vector not initialized");
memset(fElements, 0, fNrows*sizeof(Double_t));
return *this;
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